Archive of CF discussions from 2002 to 2019 on the cf-metadata mailing list by subject
- [CF-metadata]
- [CF-metadata] "Andrew Clegg": udunits 1 or 2 for CF?
- [CF-metadata] "Compression by gathering" example file
- [CF-metadata] "Conventions" attribute confusion
- [CF-metadata] "Empty" Units attribute for dimensioned variables
- [CF-metadata] "grid relative" vector components revisited
- [CF-metadata] "High cloud amount"
- [CF-metadata] "local" time?
- [CF-metadata] "one to many" relationships between data variables
- [CF-metadata] "positive" attribute
- [CF-metadata] "T" in time string?
- [CF-metadata] "threshold" variable in the coordinates attribute
- [CF-metadata] #94: Proposal for a CF String Syntax (CFSS)
- [CF-metadata] 'Mini' standard name table update: software testing
- [CF-metadata] 'months since' and 'years since' time units
- [CF-metadata] (new) standard names: concerning "heat_flux_in_sea_water_due_to_advection"
- [CF-metadata] (no subject)
- [CF-metadata] ... wind speed
- [CF-metadata] 2018 netCDF-CF Workshop, 19-20 June 2018, Reading, UK
- [CF-metadata] 2D latitude, longitude coordinates detection
- [CF-metadata] 6. CF: surface flux versus emissions (Jonathan Gregory)
- [CF-metadata] : netcdf-fortran example for Example H.3 out of - problem solved
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #107: CF Data Model 1.7
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #113: Review of CF feature types
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #154: Machine Readable Standardised Region List
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #160: Proposal to use GitHub instead of trac
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #37: Conventions for Point Observation Data
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #68: CF data model and reference implementation in Python
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #68: CF data model and referenceimplementation in Python
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #74: Allow sharing of ancillary variables among multiple data variables
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #76: More than one name in Conventions attribute, NERC CF Checker
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #89: standard names for vector components
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #8: Identifying horizontal coordinate variables using the axis attribute
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #90: Collection of CF enhancements for interoperable applications
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #94: Proposal for a CF String Syntax (CFSS)
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] #99: Taxon Names and Identifiers
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] CF trac ticket summary update
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] Clarify the interpretation of scalar coordinate variables
- [CF-metadata] [CF Metadata] Question about ancillary variables/formula terms variables
- [CF-metadata] [cf-convention/cf-conventions] Add calendars gregorian_tai and gregorian_utc (#148)
- [CF-metadata] [cf-convention/cf-conventions] GitHub Contribution Guidelines (#130)
- [CF-metadata] [cf-convention/cf-conventions] Incorporating the CF data model into the conventions (#159)
- [CF-metadata] [CF-metadar ata] [EXTERNAL] 'months since' and 'years since' time units
- [CF-metadata] [CF-NetCDF-1.0.swg] Fwd: CF point observationConventions ready for review
- [CF-metadata] [CF-NetCDF-1.0.swg] Questionnaire on CF-netCDF enhancements for EO (ESA Prod-trees project)
- [CF-metadata] [cf-pointobsconvention] [CF Metadata] #37: Conventions for Point Observation Data
- [CF-metadata] [cf-satellite] Ang.: Making a proposal for the addition of the geos projection
- [CF-metadata] [cf-satellite] applicability of CF conventions
- [CF-metadata] [cf-satellite] cf-satellite Digest, Vol 29, Issue 1
- [CF-metadata] [cf-satellite] Consistent standard_names for satellite derived radiance quantities
- [CF-metadata] [cf-satellite] making GOES-R level 1b space weather products CF compliant
- [CF-metadata] [cf-satellite] New CoordinateType: Spectral?
- [CF-metadata] [cf-satellite] normalized_radar_backscatter_coefficient
- [CF-metadata] [cf-satellite] Sharing quality flags among multiple variables
- [CF-metadata] [cf-satellite] Sharing quality flags amongmultiple variables
- [CF-metadata] [cf-satellite] standard name question - "toa_bidirectional_reflectance"
- [CF-metadata] [ CF standard_name --> reference]
- [CF-metadata] [EXTERNAL] 'months since' and 'years since' time units
- [CF-metadata] [EXTERNAL] SV: 'months since' and 'years since' time units
- [CF-metadata] [FRANCE] Question about CF Convention
- [CF-metadata] [Fwd: [Spg-announce] Request for Comments, Operational WMS 1.1.1]
- [CF-metadata] [Fwd: Are There Best Practices for Developing New NetCDF Conventions?]
- [CF-metadata] [Fwd: CF Governance at AGU Fall Meeting]
- [CF-metadata] [Fwd: Multiple altitude axes in one NetCDF file]
- [CF-metadata] [Fwd: representing multiple nests]
- [CF-metadata] [Glimmer-cism-devel] Standard names for Glaciology and ice-sheet modeling
- [CF-metadata] [Hdf-forum] Detecting netCDF versus HDF5 -- PROPOSED SOLUTIONS --REQUEST FOR COMMENTS
- [CF-metadata] [lc-cci] proposal for new CF standard names for land cover observation and classification
- [CF-metadata] [netcdf-java] problem with times in PSD dataset
- [CF-metadata] [NetCDF.swg] Meeting invite: Advancing netCDF-CF, 24-26 May 2016, Boulder, CO, USA
- [CF-metadata] [NetCDF.swg] OGC NetCDF SWG DIscussions
- [CF-metadata] [netcdfgroup] [Hdf-forum] Detecting netCDF versus HDF5 -- PROPOSED SOLUTIONS --REQUEST FOR COMMENTS
- [CF-metadata] [netcdfgroup] Introducing netCDF Explorer
- [CF-metadata] [Nexus] [netcdfgroup] [Hdf-forum] Detecting netCDF versus HDF5 -- PROPOSED SOLUTIONS --REQUEST FOR COMMENTS
- [CF-metadata] [Standard name request] property changes over time
- [CF-metadata] [thredds] Compression by Gathering working with Thredds?
- [CF-metadata] [UDUNITS #UVU-592022]: information
- [CF-metadata] [Use GitHub instead Trac proposal] CF Conventions 1.7 is released
- [CF-metadata] [WCS.swg] [gdal-dev] NetCDF and datum handling suggestion
- [CF-metadata] a "cell measures" questions
- [CF-metadata] a CF proposal: a convention to provide a general data variable association capability
- [CF-metadata] a conceptual question about "area_types"
- [CF-metadata] a different (but perhaps unoriginal) approach to standard name construction
- [CF-metadata] A few descriptions seem 'off'
- [CF-metadata] A few new standard names for cloudmask and cloudtype
- [CF-metadata] a flag variable questions
- [CF-metadata] A grammar for Standard Names
- [CF-metadata] A new forum for CF-metadata discussions
- [CF-metadata] A new forum for CF-metadata discussions - Now is the time to switch.
- [CF-metadata] A Pre-Proposal for Additional standard_names for String Variables
- [CF-metadata] a question on standard_name "atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_cloud"
- [CF-metadata] A question regarding standard names
- [CF-metadata] A typo in cf-conventions.pdf?
- [CF-metadata] Accept geostationary projection
- [CF-metadata] access to trac?
- [CF-metadata] Accessing netcdf-JAVA from Python...
- [CF-metadata] accessory parameters
- [CF-metadata] Accumulation since timestep 0, cell-method
- [CF-metadata] Add new integer types to CF?
- [CF-metadata] Add support for attributes of type string
- [CF-metadata] add_offset for time dimension
- [CF-metadata] Added table mapping between CF and proposed data discovery attributes
- [CF-metadata] Addictional area types needed for CMIP6
- [CF-metadata] adding domain information to Cell methods when there are no coordinates
- [CF-metadata] adding more map projections
- [CF-metadata] Adding new standard names for satellite altimetry
- [CF-metadata] Adding palettes to the data
- [CF-metadata] Adding sensor_elevation_angle to standard_name
- [CF-metadata] Adding tags to CF-1.x
- [CF-metadata] Addition of HFC standard names
- [CF-metadata] Additional projections for CF
- [CF-metadata] additional standard name for ISMIP6
- [CF-metadata] additions to CF-1.0
- [CF-metadata] Advancing netCDF-CF workshop on 6-8 Sept 2017 in Boulder, CO USA
- [CF-metadata] Advancing netCDF-CF workshop: agenda and hotel block rate deadline
- [CF-metadata] Advancing netCDF-CF Workshop: next week
- [CF-metadata] aerosol and chemistry names - continuation
- [CF-metadata] aerosol standard names (mass and optical depth)
- [CF-metadata] aerosol water
- [CF-metadata] agreed standard names
- [CF-metadata] AGU Fall Meeting H65: Integrated Modeling in Hydrology: Advances in Model Interoperability, Architectures, and Cyberinfrastructure
- [CF-metadata] AGU Session IN11: Challenges in Achieving Earth System Model Interoperability
- [CF-metadata] airspeed
- [CF-metadata] albedo, air pressure definitions
- [CF-metadata] albedo, air pressure definitions [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [CF-metadata] aliases
- [CF-metadata] all versus group
- [CF-metadata] altitude_above_surface?
- [CF-metadata] Ambient light [Sec=Unclassified]
- [CF-metadata] Ambiguous standard_name representation?: surface_carbon_dioxide_partial_pressure_difference_between_sea_water_and_air
- [CF-metadata] AMIP + PCMDI status
- [CF-metadata] An area type for non-ocean water surfaces
- [CF-metadata] analysis and forecast data
- [CF-metadata] Ancillary Data
- [CF-metadata] ancillary variables and coordinates
- [CF-metadata] Ancillary variables in coordinate variables (latitude, longitude, ...)
- [CF-metadata] Ang.: Making a proposal for the addition of the geosprojection
- [CF-metadata] angular areas
- [CF-metadata] annotating vector quantities (e.g., (u,v) winds)
- [CF-metadata] Announce: CDM Validator improvements
- [CF-metadata] Announce: Common Data Model Coordinate System validation
- [CF-metadata] Another CF complaince checker -- from IOOS --- with some issues
- [CF-metadata] Another potentially useful extension to the standard_name table
- Simon.Cox at (Tue Sep 25 2012 - 01:33:13 BST)
- Cameron-smith, Philip (Mon Sep 24 2012 - 20:11:01 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon Sep 24 2012 - 19:33:18 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon Sep 24 2012 - 19:30:29 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Mon Sep 24 2012 - 17:53:48 BST)
- Simon.Cox at (Mon Sep 24 2012 - 04:33:23 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Sun Sep 23 2012 - 11:01:37 BST)
- John Graybeal (Sat Sep 22 2012 - 23:26:52 BST)
- Cameron-smith, Philip (Sat Sep 22 2012 - 19:41:38 BST)
- Schultz, Martin (Sat Sep 22 2012 - 17:37:01 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Sat Sep 22 2012 - 17:24:12 BST)
- Schultz, Martin (Sat Sep 22 2012 - 16:26:03 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Sat Sep 22 2012 - 09:27:29 BST)
- Cameron-smith, Philip (Sat Sep 22 2012 - 00:24:56 BST)
- John Graybeal (Sat Sep 22 2012 - 00:09:45 BST)
- Cameron-smith, Philip (Fri Sep 21 2012 - 23:52:33 BST)
- Bryan Lawrence (Mon Sep 17 2012 - 10:34:19 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Mon Sep 17 2012 - 17:20:01 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon Sep 17 2012 - 15:37:08 BST)
- Robert Muetzelfeldt (Fri Sep 14 2012 - 10:18:43 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Sep 14 2012 - 08:23:43 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Sep 14 2012 - 11:03:42 BST)
- Robert Muetzelfeldt (Thu Sep 13 2012 - 10:21:13 BST)
- Schultz, Martin (Thu Sep 13 2012 - 08:09:21 BST)
- [CF-metadata] Another potentially useful extension to the standard_name table: OFFLINE RESPONSE
- [CF-metadata] another source for CF pages?
- [CF-metadata] Antwort: Proposal to introduce three new standard names for nitrogen deposition
- [CF-metadata] any convention for variables abbreviation ?
- [CF-metadata] Anyone have any real CF files to lend?
- [CF-metadata] Anyone manning the Trac desk?
- [CF-metadata] Apologies
- [CF-metadata] applicability of CF conventions
- [CF-metadata] Applying multiple conventions
- [CF-metadata] approval of standard_names for aerosols and chemistry for HTAP
- [CF-metadata] approval of standard_names for aerosols and chemistryfor HTAP
- [CF-metadata] approval of standard_names for aerosols and?chemistry for HTAP
- [CF-metadata] Are cell_methods attributes OK for coordinate variables?
- [CF-metadata] Are ensembles a compelling use case for "group-aware" metadata?
- [CF-metadata] Are ensembles a compelling use case for "group-aware" metadata? (CZ)
- [CF-metadata] Are There Best Practices for Developing New NetCDF Conventions?
- [CF-metadata] area types table
- [CF-metadata] area_fraction
- [CF-metadata] area_type: convention and usage: bringing the checker and convention into line
- [CF-metadata] Array Subscript Convention
- [CF-metadata] associating nc files
- [CF-metadata] atmosphere absorption of shortwave energy
- [CF-metadata] atmosphere stability indices
- [CF-metadata] atmosphere_optical_thickness at 550 nm
- [CF-metadata] atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_cloud definition amendment
- [CF-metadata] Atmospheric electrical measurements
- [CF-metadata] Atmospheric Physics Discovery
- [CF-metadata] Attachment
- [CF-metadata] attentuation and radiance
- [CF-metadata] attributes for min/max data values for visualization
- [CF-metadata] attributes for min/max data values for?visualization
- [CF-metadata] attributes for min/max data valuesfor visualization
- [CF-metadata] Attributes on bounds variables
- [CF-metadata] Attributes to describe precision resulting from lossy compression?
- [CF-metadata] Auxiliary coordinates without associated data variables
- [CF-metadata] Avoiding link rot
- [CF-metadata] axis attribute
- [CF-metadata] axis attribute - curvilinear cartesian coordinates case
- [CF-metadata] axis attribute on aux coord variables
- [CF-metadata] Azimuthal Equidistant Projection
- [CF-metadata] Bad reference to example in CF 6.1 "Labels"
- [CF-metadata] batch compliance checking of CF netcdf files
- [CF-metadata] Beate Geyer ist außer Haus.
- [CF-metadata] Best practice to include spatial resolution for projected data
- [CF-metadata] Best representation of wire-crawling profiler
- [CF-metadata] BGC output for CMIP5 simulations
- [CF-metadata] BGC output for CMIP5 simulations (fwd)
- [CF-metadata] bounds
- [CF-metadata] bounds for "reduced grids"
- [CF-metadata] bounds not allowed for scalar coordinate variables
- [CF-metadata] bounds variable & closed-open intervals
- [CF-metadata] bounds/precision for time axis
- [CF-metadata] Branching "history"
- [CF-metadata] brand new user
- [CF-metadata] Broken links
- [CF-metadata] Broken links to NUG in conventions document
- [CF-metadata] Burned area standard names
- [CF-metadata] C4MIP: final two terms for CMIP6
- [CF-metadata] Calendar string clarification
- [CF-metadata] calendar-based units of time
- [CF-metadata] Calendars labels and temporal notation. Was: CF-metadata Digest, Vol 144, Issue 14
- [CF-metadata] can a cell method be an attribute of an auxiliary coordinate variable ?
- [CF-metadata] can a coordinate variable have a coordinate variable ?
- [CF-metadata] Can coordinate variable have a comment attribute?
- [CF-metadata] Can trajectory data without data variables be CF-compliant?
- [CF-metadata] Can we please close ticket 93 and modify the latest CF document accordingly?
- [CF-metadata] cartesian_x_coordinate
- [CF-metadata] CDM calendar date handling
- [CF-metadata] Cell bounds associated with coordinate ... (in situ data)
- [CF-metadata] Cell bounds associated with coordinate variable rather than data variable
- [CF-metadata] cell measures for non-horizontal planes
- [CF-metadata] Cell methods - depth mean
- [CF-metadata] Cell methods for any combinations of dimensions
- [CF-metadata] Cell methods when there are no coordinates
- [CF-metadata] cell methods: interval differs from interval given by time bounds
- [CF-metadata] cell metrics
- [CF-metadata] cell_methods
- [CF-metadata] cell_methods for climatology?
- [CF-metadata] cell_methods for monthly climatologies
- [CF-metadata] cell_methods question
- [CF-metadata] cellmethods="lat: lon: mean over land"
- [CF-metadata] cells with different numbers of vertices
- [CF-metadata] centralized vs. community-owned name spaces
- [CF-metadata] CEOP table
- [CF-metadata] CF
- [CF-metadata] CF "datasets"
- [CF-metadata] CF #24 (common_concept proposal)
- [CF-metadata] CF 1.5 and discrete Sampling Geometries
- [CF-metadata] CF Action Groups
- [CF-metadata] CF Addition Proposal: bitmap values
- [CF-metadata] CF and a representation of probalistic forecasts
- [CF-metadata] CF and ISO19115
- [CF-metadata] CF and multi-forecast -- provisional standards
- [CF-metadata] CF and multi-forecast system ensemble data
- [CF-metadata] CF and SeaDataNet
- [CF-metadata] CF and the CDM
- [CF-metadata] CF backwards compatibility with COARDS: identification of vertical coordinates by units of length
- [CF-metadata] CF branding
- [CF-metadata] CF calendars
- [CF-metadata] CF calendars (was: problem with times in PSD dataset)
- [CF-metadata] CF Chapter 9: Discrete sampling geometries times series, vertical projections
- [CF-metadata] CF Checker 1.4
- [CF-metadata] CF checker as script
- [CF-metadata] CF Checker for CF-1.7 compliance pre-release
- [CF-metadata] CF checker question
- [CF-metadata] cf checker script error
- [CF-metadata] CF Checker Upgraded
- [CF-metadata] CF committees and CF governance
- [CF-metadata] CF compatibility with NetCDF version 2.4?
- [CF-metadata] CF complexity and CF compliance
- [CF-metadata] CF compliance
- [CF-metadata] CF compliance checker
- [CF-metadata] CF compliance of TFHTAP model data
- [CF-metadata] cf compliance wiki page
- [CF-metadata] CF compliance: auxiliary coordinate variables, compressed data, coordinates attribute
- [CF-metadata] CF compliant Graphics?
- [CF-metadata] CF compliant tripolar grid representation
- [CF-metadata] CF Conformance Requirements and Recommendations
- [CF-metadata] CF Controlled Vocabulary
- [CF-metadata] CF Convention - standard_names
- [CF-metadata] CF convention for point data
- [CF-metadata] CF convention for time variable dimension
- [CF-metadata] CF convention for vector quantities
- [CF-metadata] CF Conventions 1.2
- [CF-metadata] CF Conventions 1.5
- [CF-metadata] CF Conventions 1.6
- [CF-metadata] CF Conventions 1.7 is released
- [CF-metadata] CF conventions and metadata conventions
- [CF-metadata] CF conventions and netCDF-4
- [CF-metadata] CF Conventions and netCDF-4 enhanced model
- [CF-metadata] CF conventions and netCDF4 groups
- [CF-metadata] CF Conventions and NetCDF4 string attributes
- [CF-metadata] CF conventions for storing weather system track data.
- [CF-metadata] CF Conventions versioning
- [CF-metadata] CF data model
- [CF-metadata] CF data model - published
- [CF-metadata] CF data model and reference implementation in Python
- [CF-metadata] CF data model discussion and OGC CF-netCDF docs
- [CF-metadata] cf data model | Terms of Reference
- [CF-metadata] CF discussion board beta test
- [CF-metadata] CF discussion etequette
- [CF-metadata] CF effort
- [CF-metadata] CF errata
- [CF-metadata] CF FAQ
- [CF-metadata] CF FAQs
- [CF-metadata] CF feature type trajectory (Ch. 9; May 10, 2011) and axis attribute
- [CF-metadata] CF feature type trajectory (Ch. 9; May 10, 2011) and axis, attribute
- [CF-metadata] CF feature types and definitions
- [CF-metadata] cf futures (long)
- [CF-metadata] CF Geometry Support in GDAL
- [CF-metadata] CF grammar and online tool
- [CF-metadata] CF Metadata - CF Convention 1.5
- [CF-metadata] CF Metadata Mailing List Archives
- [CF-metadata] CF name for predicted water level?
- [CF-metadata] CF name for predicted water level? [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [CF-metadata] CF names / inherent optical properties in seawater
- [CF-metadata] cf names for aerosols&chemistryL model - observations
- [CF-metadata] CF Ontologies
- [CF-metadata] CF Ontologies. Was: CF-metadata Digest, Vol 177, Issue 48
- [CF-metadata] CF Ontology
- [CF-metadata] CF point observation Conventions
- [CF-metadata] CF point observation Conventions ready for review
- [CF-metadata] CF procedures: some observations
- [CF-metadata] CF provisional standards
- [CF-metadata] CF provisional standards -- how to handle multiple projections
- [CF-metadata] CF question
- [CF-metadata] CF reference in peer-reviewed papers
- [CF-metadata] CF region_names
- [CF-metadata] CF Section 5.3 "Reduced Horizontal Grid" and Section 8.2 "compression by gathering" somewhat inconsistent
- [CF-metadata] CF server upgrade
- [CF-metadata] CF Specification of Vertical Datums
- [CF-metadata] CF standard and Dubin Core
- [CF-metadata] CF Standard Name Forms
- [CF-metadata] CF standard name search tool
- [CF-metadata] CF Standard name table - ECMWF GRIB number
- [CF-metadata] CF standard name table - February update
- [CF-metadata] CF standard name table at the moment
- [CF-metadata] CF Standard Name Table Update
- [CF-metadata] CF standard name table updated
- [CF-metadata] CF Standard Name table: space character in standard names
- [CF-metadata] CF Standard Name table: space character in standardnames
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names : request for statement of the issues
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for aerosols and chemistry - relaunch?
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for chemical constituents and aerosols
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for chemical constituents and aerosols (resulting from a GRIB2 p
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for chemical constituents and aerosols (resulting from a GRIB2 proposal)
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for chemical constituents?
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for chemical constituents?and aerosols (resulting from a GRIB2 p
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for chemical constituentsandaerosols (resulting from a GRIB2 proposal)
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for echam5-hammoz (content, mass fraction)
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for echam5-hammoz (optical thickness)
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for echam5-hammoz (radiation)
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for echam5-hammoz (tendencies)
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for echam5-hammoz model (aerosol-chemistry-climate)
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for echam5-hammoz model(aerosol-chemistry-climate)
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for echam5-hammoz model?(aerosol-chemistry-climate)
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for echam5-hammoz?model?(aerosol-chemistry-climate)
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for eddy flux variables
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for emissions
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for geostrophic current grids
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for mercury in the gas phase
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for mercury in the gas?phase
- [CF-metadata] CF standard names for Ocean Dynamics
- [CF-metadata] CF standard_name --> reference
- [CF-metadata] CF standard_name irradiation ?
- [CF-metadata] CF standard_names for sea water pressure and so und intensity
- [CF-metadata] CF standard_names for sea water pressure and sound intensity
- [CF-metadata] CF Standards
- [CF-metadata] CF Standards (CF checker)
- [CF-metadata] cf standards for probabilities
- [CF-metadata] CF sub-tasking?
- [CF-metadata] CF surface variable names
- [CF-metadata] CF Ticket #69: Specification of Coordinate Reference System properties in Well-Known Text format
- [CF-metadata] CF to ESRI Ascii GRID converter??
- [CF-metadata] CF Trac is inaccessible
- [CF-metadata] CF trac not working?
- [CF-metadata] CF trac server
- [CF-metadata] CF trac site
- [CF-metadata] CF trac ticket summary
- [CF-metadata] CF trac ticket summary update
- [CF-metadata] CF trac website
- [CF-metadata] CF upgrade to netCDF variable names
- [CF-metadata] CF user guide
- [CF-metadata] CF website downtime 8/26-8/28
- [CF-metadata] CF website links to standard names status pages
- [CF-metadata] CF Workshop - remote participation
- [CF-metadata] CF Workshop in July
- [CF-metadata] CF, probalistic forecasts, multi-level std names, and threads
- [CF-metadata] CF-1 Grid Mappings to/from OGC WKT(GDAL): dealing with attribs like 'longitude_of_central_meridian' and 'longitude_of_projection_origin'?
- [CF-metadata] CF-1 map projections export/import from GDAL - update & request for help with Polar stereographic
- [CF-metadata] CF-1.0 -- 7.1 Cell Boundaries and IDV
- [CF-metadata] CF-1.0 registration of new names for SST
- [CF-metadata] CF-1.0 released
- [CF-metadata] CF-1.0-beta5: curvilinear bounds "contiguous" attribute
- [CF-metadata] CF-1.0-beta5: curvilinear bounds "contiguous"attribute
- [CF-metadata] CF-1.0-beta5: grid mappings
- [CF-metadata] CF-1.4 - linear trends with time
- [CF-metadata] CF-1.6 Conformance Requirements/Recommendations
- [CF-metadata] CF-1.6 DSG clarification: time series & lat/lon coordinates
- [CF-metadata] CF-1.6 DSG Trajectory files: clarification and advice
- [CF-metadata] CF-2
- [CF-metadata] CF-2 discussion almost ready
- [CF-metadata] CF-2.0 Convention discussion
- [CF-metadata] CF-checker as a script
- [CF-metadata] CF-checker has moved to new URL
- [CF-metadata] CF-compliant file suffix - .nc?
- [CF-metadata] cf-conformant sample datasets
- [CF-metadata] CF-convention for three-dimensional lat/long coordinate variables?
- [CF-metadata] cf-conventions-dimensionless coordinates
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest - cell method change...
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 100, Issue 2
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 105, Issue 11
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 107, Issue 30
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 121, Issue 45
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 141, Issue 8
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 144, Issue 20
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 161, Issue 12
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 164, Issue 12
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 166, Issue 5
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 168, Issue 24
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 198, Issue 8
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 46, Issue 1
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 53, Issue 5
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 58, Issue 4: CCMVAL request
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 60, Issue 3
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 67, Issue 6
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 90, Issue 25
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 95, Issue 10
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata Digest, Vol 99, Issue 8
- [CF-metadata] CF-Metadata site is down
- [CF-metadata] CF-metadata] new standard name needed: toa_solar_irradiance_per_unit_wavelength
- [CF-metadata] CF-netcdf for Mercator projection - use lat/lon, or xc/yc plus lat/lon
- [CF-metadata] cf-trac locked down
- [CF-metadata] CF/COARDS for NASA SPG consideration
- [CF-metadata] CF2 and standard names
- [CF-metadata] cf2 progress
- [CF-metadata] cf2cf - a new tool
- [CF-metadata] cf4j - Java library for CF standard names
- [CF-metadata] CF: new names for atmospheric chemistry and aerosols
- [CF-metadata] CF: surface flux versus emissions
- [CF-metadata] CF:featureType and Naming Conventions
- [CF-metadata] cf_role attribute
- [CF-metadata] cfdm: A new python CF package
- [CF-metadata] change_in
- [CF-metadata] Changes shown in documents
- [CF-metadata] Chaotic Proposed Standard Name
- [CF-metadata] Check out my photos on Facebook
- [CF-metadata] chemicals and aerosols
- [CF-metadata] chlorophyll units
- [CF-metadata] Choice of fill value for unpacked data
- [CF-metadata] clarification of sound_intensity_level_in_water
- [CF-metadata] clarification of standard name integral_of_Y_wrt_X
- [CF-metadata] Clarification of what content is allowed to be in a single file
- [CF-metadata] clarification using cell_methods & cell_bounds, standard name for acoustic travel time
- [CF-metadata] Clarifications on latitude_longitude
- [CF-metadata] Clarifications on some radiation and carbon flux terms
- [CF-metadata] Clarifying standard names for 'mass_concentration_of_*_dry_aerosol_particles'
- [CF-metadata] Classification of a "trajectory" with asynchronous time coordinates
- [CF-metadata] Classification of a "trajectory" with asynchronous time coordinates (Mike Godin)
- [CF-metadata] clear-sky versions of radiative fluxes in air
- [CF-metadata] Climatological bounds for oxygen and other ocean nutrients
- [CF-metadata] Climatological months time units attributes
- [CF-metadata] climatological statistics
- [CF-metadata] climatological statistics --- climate indices
- [CF-metadata] Climatological Stats
- [CF-metadata] cloud amounts
- [CF-metadata] cloud_liquid in standard names?
- [CF-metadata] CMIP5 carbon cycle area_types
- [CF-metadata] CMIP5 carbon cycle standard names
- [CF-metadata] CMIP5 cloud, aerosol and radiation standard names
- [CF-metadata] CMIP5 cryosphere standard names
- [CF-metadata] CMIP5 cryosphere standard names and standard CMIP5 output
- [CF-metadata] CMIP5 cryosphere standard names and standardCMIP5 output
- [CF-metadata] CMIP5 ocean biogeochemistry standard names
- [CF-metadata] CMIP6 Confusion regarding carbon flux units
- [CF-metadata] CMIP6 data request: Precipitation of solid phase water
- [CF-metadata] CMIP6 Sea Ice MIP: General variables
- [CF-metadata] CMIP6 Sea Ice MIP: Ice thickness
- [CF-metadata] CMIP6 Sea Ice MIP: Integrated quantities
- [CF-metadata] CMIP6 Sea Ice MIP: sub grid scale thickness distribution
- [CF-metadata] CMIP6: just one name remaining!
- [CF-metadata] COARDS - "positive" attribute
- [CF-metadata] COARDS name for a time offset
- [CF-metadata] code that does semantic checking of CF headers
- [CF-metadata] Codification of climatological variable "diurnal temperature range"
- [CF-metadata] Codification of climatological variable "diurnaltemperature range"
- [CF-metadata] Comment in coordinate variables (and CF checker)
- [CF-metadata] committee decisions
- [CF-metadata] Common names for chemical species
- [CF-metadata] comparison of CF-checkers
- [CF-metadata] Composite area types in CMIP6 data
- [CF-metadata] Compression by gathering in CF
- [CF-metadata] conditions of use (of data)
- [CF-metadata] Conformance Requirements/Recommendations for CF-1.6
- [CF-metadata] Conformance to the CF convention
- [CF-metadata] Confused about ordering of info in "coordinates" attribute
- [CF-metadata] Confusing skin temperature and interface temperature
- [CF-metadata] Congratulations to Jonathan Gregory
- [CF-metadata] Connecting coordinates to Grid Mapping variables
- [CF-metadata] Consistent standard_names for satellite derived radiance quantities
- [CF-metadata] Constituents as array dimension
- [CF-metadata] contributors to standard name table
- [CF-metadata] control run base time convention
- [CF-metadata] Convention attribute
- [CF-metadata] Convention document on Github
- [CF-metadata] convention for climatological time units
- [CF-metadata] Convention for Point Observation Data
- [CF-metadata] Conventions (vs. Community Profiles), and CF-checker
- [CF-metadata] Conventions 1.4
- [CF-metadata] Conventions and Conformance, v 1.3
- [CF-metadata] Conventions for a network of velocity sensors
- [CF-metadata] Conventions for Unstructured Grid Data
- [CF-metadata] Conventions for use of local solar time in gridded climate data
- [CF-metadata] Conventions global attribute and the conventions playground
- [CF-metadata] Conventions server down?
- [CF-metadata] Conventions vs. Community Profiles
- [CF-metadata] convergence
- [CF-metadata] coordinate bounds with non-unique coordinate values
- [CF-metadata] Coordinate reference frame for discrete sampling geometries
- [CF-metadata] Coordinate System nomenclature in netcdf-java-2.2 / CDM:
- [CF-metadata] Coordinate systems
- [CF-metadata] coordinates attribute
- [CF-metadata] Copernicus Marine Service standard_names
- [CF-metadata] Copyright/licence status of CF names?
- [CF-metadata] Correct mail group address?
- [CF-metadata] Correct name for aerosol size distribution expressed in numbers ?
- [CF-metadata] Correct name for aerosol size distribution expressedin numbers ?
- [CF-metadata] Correct name for aerosol size distributionexpressedin numbers ?
- [CF-metadata] correction of an emissions-related standard_name
- [CF-metadata] created first version of FAQ for CF
- [CF-metadata] curvilinear cartesian coordinates case
- [CF-metadata] curvilinear cartesian coordinates case (service-oriented approach)
- [CF-metadata] curvilinear cartesian coordinates case?
- [CF-metadata] Daily climatology?
- [CF-metadata] daily maximum of running 8-hour means
- [CF-metadata] Daily mean temperature
- [CF-metadata] Data EXplorer 1.1 is ready
- [CF-metadata] data integrity and semantics
- [CF-metadata] Data Model Development
- [CF-metadata] Data Model Development | types
- [CF-metadata] data modelling
- [CF-metadata] data variable has a start time and an end time
- [CF-metadata] dataset with both several vertical axis and timesteps
- [CF-metadata] Datasets for "Fast regridding of large, complex geospatial datasets"
- [CF-metadata] date and time
- [CF-metadata] Date/time and leap seconds
- [CF-metadata] Days of rain
- [CF-metadata] dB decibel units
- [CF-metadata] Dealing with large numbers of flag values in netcdf cf
- [CF-metadata] Dealing with large numbers of flag values in netcdf cf (URIs ...)
- [CF-metadata] Dealing with large numbers of flag values in netcdf cf -- what are "words"
- [CF-metadata] Dealing with large numbers of flag values innetcdf cf
- [CF-metadata] Dealing with large numbers of flag valuesinnetcdf cf
- [CF-metadata] Decibel units in CF standard names
- [CF-metadata] Default datum for latitude and longitude?
- [CF-metadata] defects in example 7.11, 7.12
- [CF-metadata] Defining bedrock in CF Standard Names
- [CF-metadata] defining two lat-lon grids in same file
- [CF-metadata] Definition of altimeter_range
- [CF-metadata] definition of direction in direction_of_sea_water_velocity?
- [CF-metadata] Definition of: number_concentration_of_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air
- [CF-metadata] Definiton of solar_irradiance
- [CF-metadata] depth/pressure vertical coordinate
- [CF-metadata] Description of Map Projection Grid
- [CF-metadata] Detaching Standards Name Table
- [CF-metadata] detaching the standard name table
- [CF-metadata] DGGS
- [CF-metadata] differences between collocated values of the same type of quantity (and standard_name)
- [CF-metadata] Different variables with same standard name
- [CF-metadata] Difficulties to display Swath files form NetCDF.
- [CF-metadata] Diffuse radiation standard name
- [CF-metadata] dimension missing in examples on
- [CF-metadata] Dimensionality of Label Variables
- [CF-metadata] Dimensionless vertical coordinate values
- [CF-metadata] dimensionless vertical coordinates
- [CF-metadata] Direct radiation standard name
- [CF-metadata] directional data in a projected coordinate system
- [CF-metadata] Discovery metadata for CF?
- [CF-metadata] Discrete Sampling Geometries | sample data
- [CF-metadata] Discussion about aerosol names
- [CF-metadata] Discussion of changes?
- [CF-metadata] Discussion of technical CF issues as GitHub issues?
- [CF-metadata] discussion on CF names for aerosols and chemistry copied to wiki
- [CF-metadata] distinction for Karl Taylor
- [CF-metadata] domain for calendar, add_offset, scale_factor
- [CF-metadata] downward_air_velocity
- [CF-metadata] Draft "CF2-Group" extension for comment
- [CF-metadata] Dry and wet deposition rates
- [CF-metadata] Duplicate VARIABLE:standard_name attributes
- [CF-metadata] Duplicate vocabulary attenuation/extinction and backscatterin/backwards_scattering.
- [CF-metadata] ECMWF GRIB code - CF Standard Name Mapping incorrect?
- [CF-metadata] Editing/publishing workflow
- [CF-metadata] Editing/publishing workflow (Hattersley, Richard)
- [CF-metadata] Editing/publishing workflow (Jonathan Gregory)
- [CF-metadata] Editing/publishing workflow update
- Jonathan Gregory (Mon Oct 26 2015 - 14:18:53 GMT)
- Seth McGinnis (Fri Oct 23 2015 - 21:49:18 BST)
- Jeffrey F. Painter (Thu Feb 19 2015 - 21:54:03 GMT)
- Hattersley, Richard (Thu Feb 19 2015 - 09:22:00 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Feb 18 2015 - 16:44:52 GMT)
- Signell, Richard (Wed Feb 18 2015 - 12:22:37 GMT)
- Hattersley, Richard (Wed Feb 18 2015 - 12:10:28 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Mon Feb 16 2015 - 11:54:22 GMT)
- Hattersley, Richard (Fri Feb 13 2015 - 08:49:10 GMT)
- Hattersley, Richard (Wed Feb 04 2015 - 09:03:54 GMT)
- Jeffrey F. Painter (Thu Jan 29 2015 - 18:15:15 GMT)
- Hattersley, Richard (Thu Jan 29 2015 - 12:36:27 GMT)
- Hattersley, Richard (Thu Jan 29 2015 - 10:34:26 GMT)
- Hattersley, Richard (Thu Jan 29 2015 - 10:20:44 GMT)
- John Graybeal (Wed Jan 28 2015 - 19:07:56 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Jan 28 2015 - 18:05:10 GMT)
- Jeffrey F. Painter (Tue Jan 27 2015 - 20:29:27 GMT)
- John Graybeal (Tue Jan 27 2015 - 20:18:18 GMT)
- Seth McGinnis (Tue Jan 27 2015 - 18:05:52 GMT)
- Jeffrey F. Painter (Tue Jan 27 2015 - 17:18:51 GMT)
- Signell, Richard (Tue Jan 27 2015 - 17:13:11 GMT)
- Hattersley, Richard (Tue Jan 27 2015 - 16:50:06 GMT)
- Hattersley, Richard (Tue Jan 27 2015 - 16:33:34 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Tue Jan 27 2015 - 16:31:30 GMT)
- Filipe Pires Alvarenga Fernandes (Tue Jan 27 2015 - 16:21:19 GMT)
- Hattersley, Richard (Tue Jan 27 2015 - 16:03:48 GMT)
- [CF-metadata] EGU session ESSI9: "Data and Metadata Models & Mark-up Languages"
- [CF-metadata] EGU splinter meeting: Advancing netCDF-CF for the Geoscience Community
- [CF-metadata] emission names?
- [CF-metadata] Emissivity not found in the current standard name table
- [CF-metadata] Emissivity not found in the current standard nametable
- [CF-metadata] Emissivity not found in the current standardnametable
- [CF-metadata] Encoding Errors on variables in CF
- [CF-metadata] ensemble dimension
- [CF-metadata] equivalent of TOWGS84 in CF
- [CF-metadata] ERDDAP: CF:feature_type
- [CF-metadata] errata NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions 1.1 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [CF-metadata] ESRI implementation of ellipsoidal-earth
- [CF-metadata] Example 5.10. British National Grid has wrong parameter names
- [CF-metadata] example 7.8
- [CF-metadata] example for CF docs
- [CF-metadata] example H4 (was Pre-proposal for "charset")
- [CF-metadata] Example of forecast data
- [CF-metadata] example of netCDF C.F. using compression by gathering
- [CF-metadata] example of rotated pole
- [CF-metadata] example of sea_surface_wave_directional_variance_spectral_density
- [CF-metadata] examples 5.8, 5.9, and 5.10 in CF Version 1.4
- [CF-metadata] Exner function
- [CF-metadata] Expanding the standard_name metadata
- [CF-metadata] Expanding the standard_name metadata (Jonathan Gregory)
- [CF-metadata] Explanation of mass_concentration_of_water_vapor_in_air ?
- [CF-metadata] extended use of flag_values and flag_meanings
- [CF-metadata] Extension of Discrete Sampling Geometries for Simple Features
- [CF-metadata] Extensions to the Standard Name table
- [CF-metadata] featureType attribute (was CF-1.6 DSG clarification: time series & lat/lon coordinates)
- [CF-metadata] Feedback on CMIP6 new variable request for RFMIP
- [CF-metadata] Feedback requested on proposed CF Simple Geometries
- [CF-metadata] FGDC projection parameters not well documented
- [CF-metadata] file with both run time and forecast (valid) time coordinates
- [CF-metadata] files with no data variables
- [CF-metadata] Final 17 terms for CMIP6 LS3MIP.
- [CF-metadata] Final 17 terms for CMIP6 LS3MIP: Heat flux into snowpack
- [CF-metadata] Fix Geostationary projection, including proposal for two new standard names
- [CF-metadata] fixed sensors, depth, datum
- [CF-metadata] Flag Variables
- [CF-metadata] flag variables: appending "b" to fill value, valid range, flag mask, and flag values
- [CF-metadata] flux
- [CF-metadata] Forecast Time
- [CF-metadata] Formatting issue in the conventions document
- [CF-metadata] Formatting of cell_methods
- [CF-metadata] Four Definitions of Airspeed
- [CF-metadata] Four standard names for the AerChemMIP data request
- [CF-metadata] further cloud variables for cmip5
- [CF-metadata] Future development of CF
- [CF-metadata] future of CF conventions and standard names
- [CF-metadata] fuzzy time units
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: [ESIP-all] EGU ESSI Session on Real Use of Standards and Technologies - Call for papers
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: [galeon] Fwd: [Tc] OGC Approves Climate and Forecast (CF) extension to NetCDF Core data model standard
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: [NetCDF.swg] OGC NetCDF SWG DIscussions
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: [Spg-announce] Request for Comments: NASA use of netCDF-4 file format with HDF5
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: [TC-Discuss] RDA: Share your metadata standard!
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: Antwort: Proposal to introduce three new standard names for nitrogen deposition
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: AW: HTAP2 Final proposal = 102 CF Standard Names
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: CF Checker 1.4
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: cf-conventions-dimensionless coordinates
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: Geos grid mapping
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: grid_mapping
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: how to represent a non-standard error
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: Meeting invite: Advancing netCDF-CF, 24-26 May 2016, Boulder, CO, USA
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: new chemical species
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: new standard name: total_totals_index
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: new standard_names
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: Non-real-world calendars
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: PALEO..
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: PMIP: standard names for the CMIP6 data request: tws, lighning flashes, wetland emissions, etc
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: Proposal for new standard names
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: Question about Coordinate System
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: REASoN CAN Data Portal Project
- [CF-metadata] FWD: salinity units
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: standard name proposal for CCMVal
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: surface_air_pressure vs air_pressure_at_sea_level
- [CF-metadata] Fwd: Two-variable integer Time in CF? (V. Balaji)
- [CF-metadata] gaussian grid
- [CF-metadata] Gaussian Lat/Lon grids
- [CF-metadata] General height coordinate
- [CF-metadata] general question on delimiters for multi-valued standard CF attributes
- [CF-metadata] generalizing forecast_reference_time and forecast_period
- [CF-metadata] GEO AQ CoP meeting "Metadata for Atmospheric Composition and Air Quality", Dublin, 5-7 Sept. 2012 -- Registration open
- [CF-metadata] GEO AQ CoP Workshop Dublin: Registration deadline approaching!
- [CF-metadata] geoid
- [CF-metadata] geoid, sea surface, height, and standard names
- [CF-metadata] geoid_height_above_reference_ellipsoid vs height_above_reference_ellipsoid
- [CF-metadata] geoid_height_above_reference_ellipsoid vsheight_above_reference_ellipsoid
- [CF-metadata] geoid_height_above_reference_ellipsoidvsheight_above_reference_ellipsoid
- [CF-metadata] Geometries in NetCDF Update
- [CF-metadata] Geopotential height standard name
- [CF-metadata] Geos grid mapping
- [CF-metadata] geostationary vs vertical_perspective in CF 1.7.
- [CF-metadata] Getting back to ensembles
- [CF-metadata] Getting off the gitHub message train!
- [CF-metadata] Geyer and Ruane standard names
- [CF-metadata] GIS issues
- [CF-metadata] GIS issues revisited
- [CF-metadata] GIS versus CF conventions
- [CF-metadata] global attribute interpretation
- [CF-metadata] GOES-R generated binary mask products under proposal
- [CF-metadata] GOES-R standard names
- [CF-metadata] Gregorian calendar in CF
- [CF-metadata] GRIB2 data cutoff
- [CF-metadata] grid cells with a varying number of cell bounds
- [CF-metadata] Grid mapping information
- [CF-metadata] grid mapping name and map parameters for projections
- [CF-metadata] grid mappings
- [CF-metadata] grid reletive winds
- [CF-metadata] grid_mapping
- [CF-metadata] grid_mapping_name
- [CF-metadata] Groups in netCDF4 files and CF
- [CF-metadata] Groups proposal
- [CF-metadata] HAMOCC variablen
- [CF-metadata] handling climatological bounds in CF
- [CF-metadata] Handling data from land surface models with sub grid scale tiling
- [CF-metadata] handling time in a CF compliant fashion
- [CF-metadata] Handling time when date is "missing"
- [CF-metadata] HDF netCDF merger?
- [CF-metadata] HDF swatch
- [CF-metadata] help
- [CF-metadata] Help needed with area_type and "surface type classification" datasets
- [CF-metadata] help with gaussian latitudes
- [CF-metadata] Herbaceous vegetation area type and a new LULCC carbon flux standard name for LUMIP
- [CF-metadata] Hierarchical form of CF?
- [CF-metadata] high cloud amount
- [CF-metadata] high sample rate (seismic) data conventions
- [CF-metadata] Hoeck/Stockhause standard names
- [CF-metadata] Hoedk/Stockhause standard names
- [CF-metadata] Horizontal Data Coordinate System Definition [l ong] (fwd)
- [CF-metadata] Horizontal Data Coordinate System Definition [long]
- [CF-metadata] How are cf decisions finalized?
- [CF-metadata] How to build CF-compliant monthly mean diurnal cycles
- [CF-metadata] How to build CF-compliant seasonal climatology when data begins within a season
- [CF-metadata] How to call dimension variables which are a function of an actual dimension?
- [CF-metadata] how to capture horizontal spatial resolution of imagery in a standard way
- [CF-metadata] How to define time coordinate in GPS
- [CF-metadata] How to define time coordinate in GPS Was: CF-metadata Digest, Vol 144, Issue 15
- [CF-metadata] How to define time coordinate in GPS?
- [CF-metadata] How to describe nr. of samples & absolute/relative uncertainty
- [CF-metadata] How to encode "not occurring" as distinct from "missing data"
- [CF-metadata] How to express a non-station time series in CF
- [CF-metadata] how to express data variable element values that need to cover a range
- [CF-metadata] how to express data variable element values that needto cover a range
- [CF-metadata] How to handle a forecast model with non-monotonic coordinate variables
- [CF-metadata] How to help correct problems with CF documents on github
- [CF-metadata] How to include EPSG codes or WKT information in a CF file [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [CF-metadata] how to indicate a variable representing a physical quantity is an observation, a modelled value, a difference or residual, etc.
- [CF-metadata] How to pack data using scale_factor and add_offset?
- [CF-metadata] How to represent "6-hourly diurnal monthly means" in CF ?
- [CF-metadata] how to represent a "pft" dimension
- [CF-metadata] how to represent a non-standard error
- [CF-metadata] how to specify time dimension for monthly averages
- [CF-metadata] How to store lightning detection products in a CF compliant manner ?
- [CF-metadata] How to store multi-byte characters in station labels
- [CF-metadata] how to store satellite groundpixel geometry?
- [CF-metadata] how to use ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_*
- [CF-metadata] how to use time zones?
- [CF-metadata] HTAP2 Final proposal = 102 CF Standard Names
- [CF-metadata] HTAP2 last revisions
- [CF-metadata] HTAP2 new proposals
- [CF-metadata] does not link to newest standard name table
- [CF-metadata] humdity
- [CF-metadata] hybrid height
- [CF-metadata] hydrosphere
- [CF-metadata] hydrosphere (or, water)
- [CF-metadata] IAGOS-CARIBIC parameters
- [CF-metadata] ice mass change standard name
- [CF-metadata] ice_sheet / land_ice confusion
- [CF-metadata] ice_sheet/land_ice confusion
- [CF-metadata] identification of vector components
- Hedley, Mark (Thu May 17 2012 - 14:10:28 BST)
- Cameron-smith, Philip (Wed May 16 2012 - 22:40:56 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed May 16 2012 - 21:56:39 BST)
- Hedley, Mark (Wed May 16 2012 - 11:39:18 BST)
- Thomas Lavergne (Tue May 15 2012 - 11:49:45 BST)
- Hedley, Mark (Mon May 14 2012 - 18:11:55 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Apr 25 2012 - 18:21:11 BST)
- Bert Jagers (Wed Apr 25 2012 - 08:12:27 BST)
- John Caron (Tue Apr 24 2012 - 20:16:53 BST)
- Hedley, Mark (Tue Apr 24 2012 - 17:42:15 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Tue Apr 24 2012 - 16:01:45 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Tue Apr 24 2012 - 13:53:37 BST)
- Hedley, Mark (Tue Apr 24 2012 - 11:20:48 BST)
- Hedley, Mark (Tue Apr 24 2012 - 11:16:46 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Sat Apr 21 2012 - 19:08:07 BST)
- Jon Blower (Fri Apr 20 2012 - 18:46:34 BST)
- Hedley, Mark (Fri Apr 20 2012 - 17:42:45 BST)
- John Caron (Thu Apr 19 2012 - 18:06:54 BST)
- Jon Blower (Thu Apr 19 2012 - 17:39:57 BST)
- Bryan Lawrence (Thu Apr 19 2012 - 15:08:50 BST)
- Jim Biard (Thu Apr 19 2012 - 13:13:46 BST)
- Hedley, Mark (Thu Apr 19 2012 - 12:50:40 BST)
- Hedley, Mark (Wed Apr 18 2012 - 14:49:25 BST)
- Bryan Lawrence (Wed Apr 18 2012 - 11:34:24 BST)
- Hedley, Mark (Tue Apr 17 2012 - 14:15:56 BST)
- Hedley, Mark (Thu Apr 05 2012 - 17:35:08 BST)
- [CF-metadata] identifying horizontal coordinate variables using the axis attribute
- [CF-metadata] Ids
- [CF-metadata] ignore last post
- [CF-metadata] imminent standard_name table changes
- [CF-metadata] implication of allowing longitude coordinate variable using scale_factor/add_offset
- [CF-metadata] inclusion of GridSpec in CF?
- [CF-metadata] inconsistencies in translating projection parameters OGC WKT <-> CF-1.5
- [CF-metadata] Inconsistent use of flag_values attribute.
- [CF-metadata] Incorrect space character in rate_of_hydroxyl_radical_destruction_due_to_reaction_with_nmvoc
- [CF-metadata] Independent documentation of CF conventions?
- [CF-metadata] Indicating data lineage or provenance
- [CF-metadata] Indices or Labels as Coordinate Variables
- [CF-metadata] Indo-Pacific Ocean
- [CF-metadata] information
- [CF-metadata] instruments in standard names/CF
- [CF-metadata] instruments in standard names/CF (was: standard names .. '' units
- [CF-metadata] Integerized Sinusoidal Grid
- [CF-metadata] interplay of standard name modifiers, cell_methods -- is there a problem?
- [CF-metadata] Interpretation of Compression by Gathering method
- [CF-metadata] Interpretation of unspecified time zone (was: New standard names for satellite obs data (timeas ISO strings))
- [CF-metadata] interpreting time and vertical axis
- [CF-metadata] Introducing netCDF Explorer
- [CF-metadata] Invalid alias IDs in CF Standard Name Table v47
- [CF-metadata] Invitation to serve on the CF Standard Name Committee
- [CF-metadata] Invitation: ESIP Tech Dive _at_ Thu May 10, 2018 3pm - 4pm (EDT) (
- [CF-metadata] Is "psu" a valid cf unit?
- [CF-metadata] Is it possible to associate different attribute values with different array elements?
- [CF-metadata] Is LLNL having troubles?
- [CF-metadata] is molecular oxygen in seawater always dissolved?
- [CF-metadata] Is the "bits" unit CF-compliant?
- [CF-metadata] Is there a 'turnkey' application that displays CF trajectory plots?
- [CF-metadata] Is there a convention defining day offsets to use for monthly average time series?
- [CF-metadata] Is there ambiguity in labeling climatological time coordinates?
- [CF-metadata] Is there ambiguity in labelling climatological time.
- [CF-metadata] Is there ambiguity in labelling climatological time. Was: CF-metadata Digest, Vol 144, Issue 25
- [CF-metadata] Is there ambiguity in labelling climatological time?
- [CF-metadata] Is there some samples of netCDF CF-1.0/1.4 for polar stereographic and other non-lat lon geo-grided data
- [CF-metadata] ISMIP6: final standard name requirement
- [CF-metadata] isotherm depth
- [CF-metadata] Joining CF Trac site
- [CF-metadata] Jonathan Gregory: chlorophyll units
- [CF-metadata] JSON representation based on CF
- [CF-metadata] Juelich checker
- [CF-metadata] July standard name table update
- [CF-metadata] Keeping taxon names out of Standard Names
- [CF-metadata] Keyword-centred list of Standard Names
- [CF-metadata] lake standard names
- [CF-metadata] Land and terrestrial water amounts in the CMIP6 data request
- [CF-metadata] Land cover type
- [CF-metadata] Last minute changes to CMIP5 carbon cycle names
- [CF-metadata] libcf alpha 4 released on Unidata web site...
- [CF-metadata] list communications
- [CF-metadata] Logarithmic scaling and CF-Convention
- [CF-metadata] longitude wrapping creates non-monotonic coordinate values
- [CF-metadata] longitude wrapping creates non-monotoniccoordinate values
- [CF-metadata] longitude, latitude and compress
- [CF-metadata] Looking after standard names
- [CF-metadata] looking for a standard name
- [CF-metadata] Looking for input on discussion of new calendars proposal
- [CF-metadata] looking to finalize standard name acoustic_signal_roundtrip_travel_time_in_sea_water
- [CF-metadata] machine-accessible CF compliance checker?
- [CF-metadata] mailing list and trac
- [CF-metadata] mailing list and trac tickets
- [CF-metadata] Mailing list problems (resolved)
- [CF-metadata] Making a proposal for the addition of the geos projection
- [CF-metadata] Making a proposal for the addition of the geosprojection
- [CF-metadata] making GOES-R level 1b space weather products CF compliant
- [CF-metadata] making proposals in trac
- [CF-metadata] Malicious activity warning
- [CF-metadata] Map parameter question
- [CF-metadata] Mapping from internal data conventions to CF conventions
- [CF-metadata] March standard name table update
- [CF-metadata] Mass content standard names
- [CF-metadata] mass_fraction
- [CF-metadata] matlab tool on CF convention?
- [CF-metadata] May standard name table update
- [CF-metadata] meaning of depth in the ocean
- [CF-metadata] medium 'atmosphere'
- [CF-metadata] Meeting invite: Advancing netCDF-CF, 24-26 May 2016, Boulder, CO, USA
- [CF-metadata] Metadata conventions for coupled climate model carbon intercomparisons
- [CF-metadata] metadata for regularly spaced data and averages
- [CF-metadata] Metadata/standard names for variables involving thresholds (e.g. climate indices)
- [CF-metadata] MIME media type for CF-netCDF data
- [CF-metadata] minimal CF design criterion
- [CF-metadata] misleading sentence on coordinate attribute
- [CF-metadata] Missing data bins in histograms
- [CF-metadata] Missing standard names related to ocean waves
- [CF-metadata] Missing standardnames for our our ocean model MPI-OM
- [CF-metadata] Missing standardnames for our our ocean modelMPI-OM
- [CF-metadata] missing value deprecation
- [CF-metadata] missing_value vs. _FillValue
- [CF-metadata] mistake in xml list for standard names
- [CF-metadata] mixed Julian-Gregorian calendar
- [CF-metadata] mixed layer depth
- [CF-metadata] Mixing data and flag values in one variable
- [CF-metadata] mixing ratio
- [CF-metadata] model data on a spherical earth vs ellipsoidal
- [CF-metadata] Modification of some existing CF standard names for chemical constituents
- [CF-metadata] Modification of some existing CF standard names for?chemical constituents
- [CF-metadata] mole_concentration_of_air_in_air?
- [CF-metadata] mole_concentration_of_air_in_air? (
- [CF-metadata] Monotonic coordinates
- [CF-metadata] More background on the burned area
- [CF-metadata] More background on the burned area (Jonathan Gregory)
- [CF-metadata] More canonical units or more standard names?
- [CF-metadata] more netcdf attributes
- [CF-metadata] more new names
- [CF-metadata] more proposed standard names
- [CF-metadata] More than one name in Conventions attribute
- [CF-metadata] More trace gas standard names
- [CF-metadata] move to release CF?
- [CF-metadata] moving horizontal coordinate system
- [CF-metadata] MSG Cloud physical properties codification
- [CF-metadata] MSG CPP standard name for time_offset_of_observation / pixel_delta_time
- [CF-metadata] MSG CPP standard names, projection and WMS service
- [CF-metadata] MSG-CPP project finished, data available!
- [CF-metadata] Multidimensional variables as discrete sampling geometry data?
- [CF-metadata] Multiple file datasets
- [CF-metadata] Multiple file datasets (was: Swath observational data)
- [CF-metadata] Multiple units attribute for an array of polynomial coefficients
- [CF-metadata] multiple uses of the special phrase "molar"
- [CF-metadata] Multiple zeros in flag_values allowed?
- [CF-metadata] Namespaces & multiple conventions
- [CF-metadata] NASA data standards
- [CF-metadata] NASA Earth Science Data Systems Standards Process Group
- [CF-metadata] ncdismember flattens hierarchical files, calls cfchecker
- [CF-metadata] NCEP radiance quantities
- [CF-metadata] NCEP to CF Mapping for Layers
- [CF-metadata] NDG Vocabulary Server and CF Standard Names
- [CF-metadata] need additional area_types
- [CF-metadata] Need advise on how to store objects
- [CF-metadata] Need for a new vertical coordinate definition: "Ocean generalized sigma coordinate"
- [CF-metadata] Need for a new vertical coordinate definition:"Ocean generalized sigma coordinate"
- [CF-metadata] Need for a new vertical coordinate definition:"Oceangeneralized sigma coordinate"
- [CF-metadata] Need for area_fraction_of_land(sea-ice,and ocean)
- [CF-metadata] Need for standard name "ocean_pressure"?
- [CF-metadata] Need help writing point netCDF 3 dataset
- [CF-metadata] need reference for rotated pole grid mapping
- [CF-metadata] Negative emissions?
- [CF-metadata] NetCDF (and CF) Uncertainty Conventions discussion list
- [CF-metadata] netCDF time axis comforming to CF-1.0 convention
- [CF-metadata] NetCDF x Minc
- [CF-metadata] NetCDF-CF session at AGU: call for contributions
- [CF-metadata] netCDF-CF Workshop agenda
- [CF-metadata] netcdf-fortran example for Example H.3 out of the cf-convention 1.6
- [CF-metadata] netcdf4 and CF-1.6
- [CF-metadata] new area type needed: snow_free_land
- [CF-metadata] New area_type table and new links from standard name table
- [CF-metadata] New area_type table and new links from standard name?table
- [CF-metadata] New area_types for LUMIP subgrid land-use tile reporting
- [CF-metadata] New cell_methods: mabs/mibs/mebs?
- [CF-metadata] New CF checker tool available
- [CF-metadata] New CF Standard Name (antenna_temperature)
- [CF-metadata] New CF tools
- [CF-metadata] new chemical species
- [CF-metadata] New contact details for Craig Donlon
- [CF-metadata] New CoordinateType: Spectral?
- [CF-metadata] New Cryospheric variables
- [CF-metadata] New Github issue - adding support for string type
- [CF-metadata] New halocarbon standard name requests
- [CF-metadata] New LUMIP variables
- [CF-metadata] new map projection
- [CF-metadata] New name: fugacity of CO2
- [CF-metadata] new named fields for ocean
- [CF-metadata] new named fields for ocean (algorithms)
- [CF-metadata] new names for AeroCom
- [CF-metadata] new names for AeroCom - cloud properties
- [CF-metadata] new names for AeroCom - mass / mole / number
- [CF-metadata] new names for AeroCom - optcial properties
- [CF-metadata] new names for AeroCom - remaining
- [CF-metadata] new names for AeroCom - tendencies
- [CF-metadata] New names for CF
- [CF-metadata] New reflectance standard names
- [CF-metadata] New reflectance standard names [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [CF-metadata] New sea ice variable definitions (CMIP6 SIMIP)
- [CF-metadata] New standard name - number_of_missing_observations
- [CF-metadata] New standard name for 14CO2
- Jonathan Gregory (Fri Feb 22 2019 - 15:14:48 GMT)
- Wesloh, Daniel (Thu Feb 21 2019 - 22:37:07 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Feb 21 2019 - 16:12:34 GMT)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Thu Feb 21 2019 - 12:52:50 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Feb 20 2019 - 19:29:33 GMT)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Wed Feb 20 2019 - 16:40:12 GMT)
- Katherine Pugsley (Mon Feb 18 2019 - 16:53:08 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Sat Feb 16 2019 - 17:02:18 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Sat Feb 16 2019 - 16:04:21 GMT)
- Wesloh, Daniel (Fri Feb 15 2019 - 17:46:59 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Feb 15 2019 - 16:39:40 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Feb 15 2019 - 16:26:12 GMT)
- Wesloh, Daniel (Fri Feb 15 2019 - 15:49:50 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Feb 15 2019 - 15:24:06 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Fri Feb 15 2019 - 15:00:11 GMT)
- Katherine Pugsley (Wed Feb 13 2019 - 10:30:56 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Feb 13 2019 - 10:06:39 GMT)
- Katherine Pugsley (Wed Feb 13 2019 - 08:35:56 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Tue Feb 12 2019 - 10:58:24 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Tue Feb 12 2019 - 10:12:38 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon Feb 11 2019 - 16:05:13 GMT)
- Katherine Pugsley (Mon Feb 11 2019 - 14:33:38 GMT)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Mon Feb 11 2019 - 12:59:09 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon Feb 11 2019 - 12:54:56 GMT)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Mon Feb 11 2019 - 12:49:23 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Mon Feb 11 2019 - 04:56:44 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Feb 08 2019 - 12:55:31 GMT)
- Katherine Pugsley (Fri Feb 08 2019 - 10:46:20 GMT)
- [CF-metadata] New standard name for aerosol single scattering albedo
- [CF-metadata] New standard name for geostrophic ocean velocities
- [CF-metadata] New standard name for mass_fraction_of_petroleum_in_sea_water
- [CF-metadata] new standard name for primary production of carbon per unit volume
- [CF-metadata] new standard name for primary productivity of carbon per unit volume
- [CF-metadata] New standard name for probability of cloud
- [CF-metadata] new standard name for solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
- [CF-metadata] New standard name needed: "area"
- [CF-metadata] new standard name needed: toa_solar_irradiance_per_unit_wavelength
- [CF-metadata] new standard name proposal for total ozone in DU
- [CF-metadata] new standard name proposal: brightness_temperature_at_cloud_top
- [CF-metadata] new standard name proposal: dvorak_tropical_cyclone_cloud_region_scene_type
- [CF-metadata] New standard name request for FAPAR
- [CF-metadata] new standard name request for pH
- [CF-metadata] new standard name requests
- [CF-metadata] New standard name requests for TSI and SSI
- [CF-metadata] new standard name smoke_binary_mask - follow-up and modified proposal
- [CF-metadata] New standard name table for the CF netCDF convention
- [CF-metadata] New standard name: angle between solar and sensor azimuth
- [CF-metadata] new standard name: atmosphere_mass_content_of_volcanic_ash
- [CF-metadata] new standard name: atmosphere_stability_k_index
- [CF-metadata] new standard name: atmosphere_stability_showalter_index
- [CF-metadata] new standard name: automated_tropical_cyclone_forecasting_system_storm_identifier
- [CF-metadata] new standard name: automated_tropical_cyclone_forecasting_system_storm_identifier - GOES-R
- [CF-metadata] New standard name: datetime_iso8601
- [CF-metadata] New standard name: datetime_iso8601 (Seth McGinnis)
- [CF-metadata] New standard name: datetime_iso8601 (standard_name or units?)
- [CF-metadata] New standard name: datetime_iso8601 [John Graybeal et al.]
- [CF-metadata] New Standard Name: distance_from_tropical_cyclone_center_to_leading_edge_of_displaced_convection
- [CF-metadata] new standard name: effective_radius_of_cloud_particle_at_cloud_top
- [CF-metadata] new standard name: geopotential_height_at_cloud_top
- [CF-metadata] new standard name: land_surface_skin_temperature
- [CF-metadata] new standard name: lifted_index
- [CF-metadata] new standard name: lifted_index; atmosphere stability indices
- [CF-metadata] New standard name: number_of_days_with_surface_temperature_below_threshold
- [CF-metadata] new standard name: total_totals_index
- [CF-metadata] new standard name: total_totals_index; atmosphere_stability_k_index; atmosphere_stability_showalter_index
- [CF-metadata] new standard name: volcanic_ash_cloud_geopotential_height
- [CF-metadata] New standard name: volume_extinction_coefficient_in_air_due_to_cloud
- [CF-metadata] new standard names
- [CF-metadata] new standard names -> cell metrics
- [CF-metadata] new standard names 1.-33.
- [CF-metadata] new standard names : tidal quantities tidal_high_water, ...
- [CF-metadata] new standard names added
- [CF-metadata] new standard names for atmospheric dynamics
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for atmospheric particulate sea salt and corrections
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for atmospheric sea salt and for nitrogen deposition
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for C4MIP
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for C4MIP - part 2
- [CF-metadata] new standard names for CIN, LFC,LCL; update to CAPE
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen and Particulate Organic Nitrogen
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for Dynvar
- [CF-metadata] new standard names for ECHAM5/CLM/ERA
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for emission sectors
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for ESA GHG CCI quantities
- [CF-metadata] new standard names for flood simulation
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for heat content
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for MIPAS trace gases
- [CF-metadata] new standard names for momentum fluxes
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for NEMO ocean model output
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for nitrogen deposition and corrections
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for norm. direct radiation and atm. mass [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for norm. direct radiation and atm. mass content of rain and snow + comments on existing descriptions
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for ocean water velocity derivatives
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for OMIP
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for OMIP - natural and abiotic
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for OMIP biogeochemistry and chemistry
- alison.pamment at (Mon May 15 2017 - 13:41:17 BST)
- alison.pamment at (Sat Apr 22 2017 - 12:15:38 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Apr 13 2017 - 19:02:45 BST)
- Durack, Paul J. (Thu Apr 13 2017 - 18:35:35 BST)
- James Orr (Tue Apr 11 2017 - 12:00:06 BST)
- Durack, Paul J. (Thu Apr 06 2017 - 22:11:05 BST)
- martin.juckes at (Thu Apr 06 2017 - 18:51:41 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Fri Mar 31 2017 - 17:04:06 BST)
- John Dunne (Wed Mar 29 2017 - 18:55:31 BST)
- James Orr (Wed Mar 29 2017 - 15:08:49 BST)
- alison.pamment at (Wed Mar 29 2017 - 10:00:30 BST)
- Karl Taylor (Tue Mar 28 2017 - 21:35:54 BST)
- James Orr (Mon Mar 27 2017 - 15:22:48 BST)
- Durack, Paul J. (Thu Mar 23 2017 - 19:12:58 GMT)
- Karl Taylor (Thu Mar 23 2017 - 19:05:41 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Thu Mar 23 2017 - 16:59:34 GMT)
- Durack, Paul J. (Wed Mar 01 2017 - 20:36:35 GMT)
- John Dunne - NOAA Federal (Thu Nov 10 2016 - 17:59:45 GMT)
- alison.pamment at (Thu Nov 10 2016 - 17:00:17 GMT)
- John Dunne (Fri Nov 04 2016 - 11:44:59 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Nov 04 2016 - 09:18:22 GMT)
- John Dunne - NOAA Federal (Fri Nov 04 2016 - 00:09:57 GMT)
- Durack, Paul J. (Fri Oct 28 2016 - 23:31:14 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Oct 21 2016 - 20:33:15 BST)
- John Dunne - NOAA Federal (Fri Oct 21 2016 - 20:31:37 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Oct 21 2016 - 10:12:54 BST)
- John Dunne - NOAA Federal (Thu Oct 20 2016 - 18:21:32 BST)
- John Dunne - NOAA Federal (Thu Oct 20 2016 - 18:20:26 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Thu Oct 20 2016 - 18:06:58 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Thu Oct 20 2016 - 17:55:29 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Oct 19 2016 - 21:44:01 BST)
- alison.pamment at (Wed Oct 19 2016 - 19:16:22 BST)
- James Orr (Thu Sep 29 2016 - 18:32:36 BST)
- John Dunne - NOAA Federal (Thu Sep 29 2016 - 18:14:39 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Thu Sep 29 2016 - 16:06:00 BST)
- James Orr (Thu Sep 29 2016 - 15:43:10 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Thu Sep 29 2016 - 13:33:41 BST)
- Durack, Paul J. (Wed Sep 28 2016 - 19:12:01 BST)
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for OMIP: physics
- [CF-metadata] new standard names for platform velocity components wrt to air and ground
- [CF-metadata] New Standard Names for Satellite Data
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for satellite obs data
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for satellite obs data (time as ISO strings)
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for satellite obs data (timeas ISO strings)
- [CF-metadata] New standard names for satellite obs data -- zenith & azimuth angles
- [CF-metadata] new standard names for surface aerosol optical properties
- [CF-metadata] new standard names for zooplankton and diazotrophs
- [CF-metadata] new standard names proposal for CEOP-II model ouput
- [CF-metadata] new standard names proposal for CEOP-II model output
- [CF-metadata] New standard names proposal for ECPC CEOP data
- [CF-metadata] New standard names proposed for DAMIP
- [CF-metadata] new standard names request
- [CF-metadata] new standard names requested: number_of_observations and status_flag
- [CF-metadata] new standard names to be added
- [CF-metadata] new standard names: day, night, and day/night terminator area_fractions
- [CF-metadata] new standard names: fire area, fire temperature, fire radiative power
- [CF-metadata] new standard names: fire area, fire, temperature, fire
- [CF-metadata] new standard names: fire area, fire, temperature, fire radiative power
- [CF-metadata] New Standard Names: frequency_distribution_..... and fractional_X_over_Y
- [CF-metadata] New standard names: northward_land_ice_velocity and eastward_land_ice_velocity
- [CF-metadata] New standard names: upward_sensible_heat_flux, upward_latent_heat_flux
- [CF-metadata] new standard_name needed for cloud_phase (an enumeration type)
- [CF-metadata] new standard_name needed for cloud_phase (an enumeration type) - GOES-R
- [CF-metadata] New standard_name of quality_flag for corresponding quality control variables
- Nan Galbraith (Thu Sep 05 2019 - 18:14:05 BST)
- John Graybeal (Wed Sep 04 2019 - 23:10:25 BST)
- Kehoe, Kenneth E. (Wed Sep 04 2019 - 14:25:57 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed Sep 04 2019 - 14:02:22 BST)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Wed Sep 04 2019 - 09:35:56 BST)
- Kehoe, Kenneth E. (Fri Aug 30 2019 - 18:09:47 BST)
- Kehoe, Kenneth E. (Tue Aug 20 2019 - 00:03:05 BST)
- Jim Biard (Mon Jul 29 2019 - 15:47:15 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Sat Jul 27 2019 - 20:12:00 BST)
- John Graybeal (Sat Jul 27 2019 - 01:20:00 BST)
- Kehoe, Kenneth E. (Fri Jul 26 2019 - 22:17:41 BST)
- Kehoe, Kenneth E. (Fri Jul 26 2019 - 21:08:08 BST)
- Andrew Barna (Fri Jul 26 2019 - 21:05:59 BST)
- Andrew Barna (Fri Jul 26 2019 - 19:03:11 BST)
- Kehoe, Kenneth E. (Wed Jul 24 2019 - 22:20:00 BST)
- Andrew Barna (Wed Jul 24 2019 - 20:21:37 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Jul 24 2019 - 20:10:14 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Jul 24 2019 - 20:01:54 BST)
- John Graybeal (Wed Jul 24 2019 - 19:40:32 BST)
- Kehoe, Kenneth E. (Wed Jul 24 2019 - 18:34:41 BST)
- Daniel Neumann (Wed Jul 24 2019 - 10:40:40 BST)
- Martin Juckes - UKRI STFC (Wed Jul 24 2019 - 09:49:30 BST)
- John Graybeal (Wed Jul 24 2019 - 09:20:45 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Jul 24 2019 - 09:19:07 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Jul 24 2019 - 09:01:53 BST)
- Martin Juckes - UKRI STFC (Wed Jul 24 2019 - 08:46:18 BST)
- Andrew Barna (Tue Jul 23 2019 - 22:56:19 BST)
- Kehoe, Kenneth E. (Tue Jul 23 2019 - 22:40:32 BST)
- Andrew Barna (Tue Jul 23 2019 - 22:28:50 BST)
- Kehoe, Kenneth E. (Tue Jul 23 2019 - 21:02:54 BST)
- Andrew Barna (Tue Jul 23 2019 - 20:33:43 BST)
- Kehoe, Kenneth E. (Tue Jul 23 2019 - 18:08:37 BST)
- Martin Juckes - UKRI STFC (Tue Jul 23 2019 - 13:50:27 BST)
- Andrew Barna (Tue Jul 23 2019 - 00:23:53 BST)
- Kehoe, Kenneth E. (Mon Jul 22 2019 - 21:22:03 BST)
- Andrew Barna (Mon Jul 22 2019 - 17:35:01 BST)
- Kehoe, Kenneth E. (Mon Jul 22 2019 - 17:04:30 BST)
- Martin Juckes - UKRI STFC (Mon Jul 22 2019 - 09:57:09 BST)
- Kehoe, Kenneth E. (Fri Jul 19 2019 - 06:42:21 BST)
- [CF-metadata] New standard_name values for some cloud and aerosol related variables
- [CF-metadata] New standard_name: downward_air_velocity
- [CF-metadata] new standard_name: lwe_thickness_of_water_vapor
- [CF-metadata] new standard_name: sunglint_angle
- [CF-metadata] new standard_name: surface_sea_water_velocity
- [CF-metadata] new standard_names
- [CF-metadata] new standard_names for emissions data
- [CF-metadata] New standard_names for ocean biogeochemistry
- [CF-metadata] new standard_names for variables concerning sea surface waves
- [CF-metadata] new standard_names for variables concerning sea surface?waves
- [CF-metadata] new TEOS-10 standard names
- [CF-metadata] new TEOS-10 standard names:- reply to two emails.
- [CF-metadata] New ticket: A proposal to incorporate the CF data model into the CF conventions
- [CF-metadata] New ticket: Julian/Gregorian calendar name and constraints
- [CF-metadata] new track ticket to propose extension of cell_methods
- [CF-metadata] New UDUnits units for information: "byte" and "octet"
- [CF-metadata] New Uncertainties Standard
- [CF-metadata] New URL for CEDA's online CF-Checker
- [CF-metadata] new variable name request
- [CF-metadata] new variables
- [CF-metadata] new vertical coordinate
- [CF-metadata] newbie questions about degree_days
- [CF-metadata] nitpick in time axes example
- [CF-metadata] Nitrate and nitrite
- [CF-metadata] NMAT
- [CF-metadata] No help Definition of dew point temperature in standard names list
- [CF-metadata] No standard names for element concentrations in sediment?
- [CF-metadata] Non temporal/spatial dimension question
- [CF-metadata] Non-real-world calendars
- [CF-metadata] Non-standard dimensionless vertical coordinates
- [CF-metadata] non-standard standard_names
- [CF-metadata] non-standard standard_names -- CF alternative names
- [CF-metadata] normalized_radar_backscatter_coefficient
- [CF-metadata] northward / eastward land ice velocity
- [CF-metadata] not receiving all messages
- [CF-metadata] Oblique Mercator projection
- [CF-metadata] Observation number
- [CF-metadata] ocean absorption of shortwave energy
- [CF-metadata] Ocean colour standard names
- [CF-metadata] Ocean content tendencies due to sedimentation -- sign ambiguity in CMIP usage
- [CF-metadata] Ocean CTD data following CF Conventions v1.6
- [CF-metadata] Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP)
- [CF-metadata] Ocean S-coordinate respecification
- [CF-metadata] Ocean sigma coordinate
- [CF-metadata] ocean_volume or cell_volume?
- [CF-metadata] OGC Discrete Global Grids
- [CF-metadata] OGC Temporal Best Practice (draft). Was: [CF-2] Require PROJ.4 compatible... projection ... (#11)
- [CF-metadata] OLR, soil moisture content and D20
- [CF-metadata] omega
- [CF-metadata] OMIP standard_name surface_downward_mass_flux_of_carbon_dioxide
- [CF-metadata] On Demand Staffing for Information Technology Projects
- [CF-metadata] On scalar coordinate variables
- [CF-metadata] one data variable is associated with two grid mappings
- [CF-metadata] One name for two variables in the standard name table
- [CF-metadata] One new aerosol standard name
- [CF-metadata] one new standard name
- [CF-metadata] One new standard name for OMIP
- [CF-metadata] OpenGIS datums
- [CF-metadata] Optical properties
- [CF-metadata] opting out of certain CF mailing lists
- [CF-metadata] Optional (?) coordinates on aerosol optical thicknesses
- [CF-metadata] order of product in standard name
- [CF-metadata] original_ensemble_size
- [CF-metadata] Overlapping bounds on coordinate variable
- [CF-metadata] Overlapping time_bounds (running mean data)
- [CF-metadata] Overlapping vertical bounds
- [CF-metadata] Overstated restriction on references to external variables in version 1.7
- [CF-metadata] packed flags
- [CF-metadata] Page with searchable UDUNITS tables now available
- [CF-metadata] paleoclimate time axis
- [CF-metadata] Parameter Ontology Project
- [CF-metadata] parametric vertical coordinate standard_name confusion
- [CF-metadata] PDF of proposal for spectral data
- [CF-metadata] per-variable metadata?
- [CF-metadata] percent coverage by GOES-R geophysical variables
- [CF-metadata] performance of fletcher's checksum (Fletcher32 checksum)
- [CF-metadata] Persistent identifiers
- [CF-metadata] pH standard name?
- [CF-metadata] physical vs dimensional units
- [CF-metadata] physically equivalent units
- [CF-metadata] PID to external description of Quality and Status states
- [CF-metadata] planetary albedo
- [CF-metadata] Plate Carr??e
- [CF-metadata] Plate Carrée
- [CF-metadata] Platform Heave
- Kehoe, Kenneth E. (Tue Oct 09 2018 - 18:25:34 BST)
- Jim Biard (Tue Oct 09 2018 - 15:11:24 BST)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Tue Oct 09 2018 - 15:06:20 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Sun Oct 07 2018 - 17:05:01 BST)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Thu Oct 04 2018 - 12:13:08 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed Oct 03 2018 - 22:04:55 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Oct 03 2018 - 22:03:52 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Oct 03 2018 - 21:11:16 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed Oct 03 2018 - 20:38:22 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Wed Oct 03 2018 - 20:24:30 BST)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Wed Oct 03 2018 - 18:10:59 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Sep 20 2018 - 16:35:39 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Thu Sep 20 2018 - 16:16:41 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Sep 20 2018 - 16:13:57 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Sep 20 2018 - 16:05:05 BST)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Thu Sep 20 2018 - 15:59:51 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Sep 20 2018 - 15:37:37 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Thu Sep 20 2018 - 15:11:09 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Sep 20 2018 - 09:35:20 BST)
- Taylor, Karl E. (Wed Sep 19 2018 - 20:38:26 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Sep 19 2018 - 19:57:47 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed Sep 19 2018 - 19:47:08 BST)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Wed Sep 19 2018 - 19:04:38 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Sep 13 2018 - 20:10:52 BST)
- Jim Biard (Thu Sep 13 2018 - 19:39:31 BST)
- Jim Biard (Thu Sep 13 2018 - 19:31:53 BST)
- Jim Biard (Thu Sep 13 2018 - 19:29:51 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Sep 13 2018 - 17:15:45 BST)
- John Graybeal (Thu Sep 13 2018 - 16:38:56 BST)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Thu Sep 13 2018 - 15:03:00 BST)
- Jim Biard (Thu Sep 13 2018 - 14:08:26 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Sep 13 2018 - 09:09:14 BST)
- Kenneth Kehoe (Wed Sep 12 2018 - 18:23:25 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed Sep 12 2018 - 16:49:40 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Wed Sep 12 2018 - 16:13:52 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Wed Sep 12 2018 - 15:19:16 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed Sep 12 2018 - 14:16:08 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Tue Sep 11 2018 - 17:13:42 BST)
- Jim Biard (Tue Sep 11 2018 - 16:37:06 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Tue Sep 11 2018 - 15:53:58 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Sep 07 2018 - 09:07:39 BST)
- John Graybeal (Fri Sep 07 2018 - 03:29:41 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Sep 06 2018 - 16:22:11 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed Sep 05 2018 - 17:38:44 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Sep 05 2018 - 17:24:12 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Sep 05 2018 - 17:10:39 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Sep 05 2018 - 17:07:26 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Sep 05 2018 - 16:26:21 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed Sep 05 2018 - 14:32:37 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Sep 05 2018 - 09:22:38 BST)
- Jim Biard (Tue Sep 04 2018 - 16:36:54 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Tue Sep 04 2018 - 15:18:47 BST)
- Jim Biard (Tue Sep 04 2018 - 14:37:00 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Mon Sep 03 2018 - 17:51:29 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Sun Sep 02 2018 - 16:57:33 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Aug 31 2018 - 20:18:27 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Aug 31 2018 - 16:50:41 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Fri Aug 31 2018 - 15:33:53 BST)
- Jim Biard (Fri Aug 31 2018 - 14:38:47 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Fri Aug 31 2018 - 13:52:33 BST)
- Kenneth Kehoe (Thu Aug 30 2018 - 19:05:44 BST)
- Jim Biard (Thu Aug 30 2018 - 13:37:41 BST)
- Ethan Davis (Wed Aug 29 2018 - 20:54:34 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed Aug 29 2018 - 19:01:33 BST)
- John Helly (Wed Aug 29 2018 - 18:32:48 BST)
- Ethan Davis (Wed Aug 29 2018 - 18:09:23 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed Aug 29 2018 - 16:03:10 BST)
- Kenneth Kehoe (Mon Aug 06 2018 - 17:11:52 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon Aug 06 2018 - 17:02:55 BST)
- Jim Biard (Mon Aug 06 2018 - 16:47:00 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Sat Aug 04 2018 - 09:45:12 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Sat Aug 04 2018 - 02:18:41 BST)
- Jim Biard (Fri Aug 03 2018 - 21:44:15 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Aug 03 2018 - 20:22:11 BST)
- John Helly (Fri Aug 03 2018 - 20:17:25 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Aug 03 2018 - 20:17:05 BST)
- Kenneth Kehoe (Fri Aug 03 2018 - 19:56:16 BST)
- Jim Biard (Fri Aug 03 2018 - 17:21:49 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Aug 03 2018 - 16:36:13 BST)
- Jim Biard (Fri Aug 03 2018 - 15:41:16 BST)
- Kenneth Kehoe (Thu Aug 02 2018 - 17:58:44 BST)
- Jim Biard (Thu Aug 02 2018 - 17:45:56 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Aug 02 2018 - 17:38:48 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Aug 02 2018 - 17:24:03 BST)
- Jim Biard (Thu Aug 02 2018 - 17:18:52 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Thu Aug 02 2018 - 16:29:13 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Aug 02 2018 - 10:01:42 BST)
- Kenneth Kehoe (Wed Aug 01 2018 - 22:51:34 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed Aug 01 2018 - 20:55:12 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Tue Jul 31 2018 - 08:29:26 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon Jul 30 2018 - 20:21:24 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Mon Jul 30 2018 - 19:22:08 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon Jul 30 2018 - 18:54:27 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon Jul 30 2018 - 18:49:03 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon Jul 30 2018 - 18:42:57 BST)
- Kenneth Kehoe (Mon Jul 30 2018 - 18:39:28 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Mon Jul 30 2018 - 18:12:09 BST)
- John Graybeal (Mon Jul 30 2018 - 17:52:57 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Sun Jul 29 2018 - 12:29:24 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Jul 27 2018 - 19:03:18 BST)
- Kenneth Kehoe (Fri Jul 27 2018 - 16:49:09 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Jul 26 2018 - 20:22:57 BST)
- Jim Biard (Thu Jul 26 2018 - 20:05:47 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Jul 26 2018 - 19:46:11 BST)
- Jim Biard (Thu Jul 26 2018 - 18:25:49 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Jul 26 2018 - 15:42:27 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Thu Jul 26 2018 - 14:47:31 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Thu Jul 26 2018 - 14:34:57 BST)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Wed Jul 25 2018 - 17:34:02 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed Jul 25 2018 - 16:50:41 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Jul 25 2018 - 16:35:27 BST)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Wed Jul 25 2018 - 14:37:49 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Jul 25 2018 - 14:11:26 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed Jul 25 2018 - 14:06:10 BST)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Wed Jul 25 2018 - 13:11:32 BST)
- Hamilton, Steve (Wed Jul 11 2018 - 10:52:28 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Tue Jul 10 2018 - 17:39:06 BST)
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Wed Jul 04 2018 - 09:47:43 BST)
- Hamilton, Steve (Tue Jul 03 2018 - 09:12:02 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon Jun 04 2018 - 12:20:46 BST)
- Jim Biard (Fri Jun 01 2018 - 22:56:48 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Fri Jun 01 2018 - 16:23:51 BST)
- Hamilton, Steve (Thu May 31 2018 - 10:01:00 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed May 30 2018 - 21:36:52 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed May 30 2018 - 21:02:16 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed May 30 2018 - 18:39:36 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Sun May 27 2018 - 10:38:20 BST)
- Jim Biard (Sat May 26 2018 - 23:18:27 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Sat May 26 2018 - 11:11:17 BST)
- John Helly (Sat May 26 2018 - 04:48:31 BST)
- John Helly (Sat May 26 2018 - 04:42:10 BST)
- Jim Biard (Sat May 26 2018 - 03:54:55 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri May 25 2018 - 15:28:49 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Fri May 25 2018 - 14:46:35 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri May 25 2018 - 13:53:35 BST)
- Hamilton, Steve (Fri May 25 2018 - 08:51:11 BST)
- Steven Emmerson (Mon May 21 2018 - 19:17:45 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon May 21 2018 - 18:50:29 BST)
- Hamilton, Steve (Mon May 21 2018 - 13:32:53 BST)
- [CF-metadata] Platform Heave (pitch, roll)
- [CF-metadata] platform standard names
- [CF-metadata] platform_ variables
- [CF-metadata] please comment on cell_methods, ticket 17
- [CF-metadata] PMIP (including 1 or more that originated in C4MIP) Standard Names: Carbon and Nitrogen terms
- [CF-metadata] PMIP Standard names: isotopic fluxes, mass contents and ratios.
- [CF-metadata] PMIP: standard names for the CMIP6 data request: tws, lighning flashes, wetland emissions, etc
- [CF-metadata] point observation data in CF 1.4
- [CF-metadata] Polar Stereographic Projection in CF
- [CF-metadata] Polar stereographic projection question
- [CF-metadata] polar stereographic projections
- [CF-metadata] position of 'expressed as' in chemical constituents
- [CF-metadata] positive attribute expansion of use and reserved values
- [CF-metadata] Possible Glitch In CF-1.0 Compliance Checker Tool
- [CF-metadata] potential temperature
- [CF-metadata] Practical Salinity units
- [CF-metadata] Pre-proposal for "charset"
- [CF-metadata] Precipitation fractions for LS3MIP
- [CF-metadata] Precipitation query
- [CF-metadata] Precise location example
- [CF-metadata] Problem with the cfchecker app
- [CF-metadata] process for adding new entries into the standard name table
- [CF-metadata] projected coordinate system for geometries (cf 1.8)
- [CF-metadata] projections
- [CF-metadata] projections/default cell_methods
- [CF-metadata] Projects and Groups who have adopted the CF conventions
- [CF-metadata] Projects and Groups who have adopted the CF conventions (Nan Galbraith)
- [CF-metadata] Projects and Groups who have adopted the CFconventions
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for additional CF biogeochemistry attributes
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for additional CFbiogeochemistry attributes
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for additionalCFbiogeochemistry attributes
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for better handling vector quantities in CF
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for better handling vector quantities in CF (and the role of libCF)
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for new CF standard_names, ocean biochemistry
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for new standard name for 'normalised fluorescence line height'
- [CF-metadata] proposal for new standard name: air_gap
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for new standard name: volume_beam_attenuation_coefficient_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water_corrected_for_pure_water_attenuance
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for new standard names
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for new standard names - use of "sedimentation"
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for new standard names - use of"sedimentation"
- [CF-metadata] proposal for new standard names for some cloud quantities
- [CF-metadata] proposal for new standard names for various trace gas quantities
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for New Standard Names: clear_area_fraction, probably_clear_area_fraction, probably_cloudy_area_fraction
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for new standard names: depth/bathy/topo rel to datum
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for new standard_names for biomass burning
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for new standard_names for biomass burning emissions
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for spherical harmonics
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for standard name "snow_cover_binary_mask"
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for standard name "surface_snow_binary_mask"
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for standard name "surface_snow_cover_binary_mask"
- [CF-metadata] proposal for standard names related to ice sheet models
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for standard names: liquid and ice cloud fractions
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for standard names: radiance and irradiance as measured from satellite
- [CF-metadata] Proposal for standard names: tropospheric trace gas column amounts
- [CF-metadata] proposal for two new standard names
- [CF-metadata] proposal new standard name
- [CF-metadata] Proposal of standard names for cloud/precip properties
- [CF-metadata] Proposal of standard names for cloud/precip?properties
- [CF-metadata] Proposal to introduce three new standard names for nitrogen deposition
- [CF-metadata] Proposal to streamline CF Governance process
- [CF-metadata] Proposal: Add optional flag_methods variable attribute
- [CF-metadata] Proposal: Add QARTOD quality flag names to standard name list
- [CF-metadata] proposals for new standard names (ECMWF-GCM)
- [CF-metadata] proposals for new standard names for soil and vegetation parameters
- [CF-metadata] proposals for two new standard_names
- [CF-metadata] Proposals for Versioning ... and Github
- [CF-metadata] Proposals for Versioning CF Conventions and Standard Names on Github
- [CF-metadata] propose a new standard name
- [CF-metadata] Proposed acoustic standard names
- [CF-metadata] Proposed addition to CF principles: outside conventions
- [CF-metadata] proposed additional names for sea_surface_wave parameters
- [CF-metadata] proposed additions to the standard name table
- [CF-metadata] Proposed cell_methods method
- [CF-metadata] Proposed CF standard name
- [CF-metadata] Proposed CF standard names for the NEMO ocean model
- [CF-metadata] Proposed CF standard names for the NEMO oceanmodel
- [CF-metadata] Proposed CF standard names for the NEMO?oceanmodel
- [CF-metadata] proposed change to calendar definitions
- [CF-metadata] proposed change to CF calendar
- [CF-metadata] proposed changes to seven standard names
- [CF-metadata] proposed changes to various standard names
- [CF-metadata] proposed changes to various standard names: aliases
- [CF-metadata] proposed changes to various standard names: biogeochemistry
- [CF-metadata] proposed changes to various standard names: stratiform
- [CF-metadata] proposed first non-beta version of CF
- [CF-metadata] proposed migration of these discussions to GitHub
- [CF-metadata] proposed new ocean standard names to support CMIP6
- [CF-metadata] proposed new standard name for storm surge residual
- Alison Pamment - UKRI STFC (Thu Jul 26 2018 - 09:53:52 BST)
- Saulter, Andrew (Thu May 10 2018 - 10:31:11 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed May 09 2018 - 15:46:21 BST)
- Saulter, Andrew (Wed May 09 2018 - 08:36:52 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Tue May 08 2018 - 16:03:48 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Tue May 08 2018 - 15:34:00 BST)
- Saulter, Andrew (Tue May 08 2018 - 09:08:13 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Fri May 04 2018 - 19:40:07 BST)
- Saulter, Andrew (Fri May 04 2018 - 09:15:00 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Thu May 03 2018 - 17:51:42 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu May 03 2018 - 10:08:49 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu May 03 2018 - 09:47:23 BST)
- Saulter, Andrew (Thu May 03 2018 - 09:28:16 BST)
- Saulter, Andrew (Thu May 03 2018 - 09:23:50 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu May 03 2018 - 08:58:13 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed May 02 2018 - 14:27:19 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Apr 26 2018 - 19:14:19 BST)
- Saulter, Andrew (Wed Apr 25 2018 - 08:08:01 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Tue Apr 24 2018 - 18:29:31 BST)
- Saulter, Andrew (Tue Apr 24 2018 - 08:17:48 BST)
- John Graybeal (Mon Apr 23 2018 - 17:57:29 BST)
- Saulter, Andrew (Mon Apr 23 2018 - 09:43:26 BST)
- Saulter, Andrew (Fri Apr 20 2018 - 17:04:18 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Apr 11 2018 - 18:36:39 BST)
- Snaith, Helen M. (Tue Apr 10 2018 - 14:14:16 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Fri Apr 06 2018 - 13:42:42 BST)
- Saulter, Andrew (Wed Apr 04 2018 - 17:13:18 BST)
- [CF-metadata] Proposed new standard name: effective_radius_of_cloud_particle_at_cloud_top
- [CF-metadata] Proposed new standard name: projection_zone
- [CF-metadata] Proposed New Standard Name: radius_of_tropical_cyclone_maximum_sustained_winds
- [CF-metadata] proposed new vertical coordinate
- [CF-metadata] Proposed new-ish(!) standard name: ensemble_member_label
- [CF-metadata] proposed rules for changes to CF conventions
- [CF-metadata] proposed standard name
- [CF-metadata] Proposed standard name for petroleum in sea water
- [CF-metadata] Proposed Standard Name: dvorak_tropical_cyclone_current_intensity_number
- [CF-metadata] Proposed Standard Name: dvorak_tropical_number
- [CF-metadata] Proposed Standard Name: dvorak_tropical_number - GOES-R
- [CF-metadata] Proposed Standard Name: radius_of_tropical_cyclone_central_dense_overcast_region
- [CF-metadata] Proposed Standard Name: radius_of_tropical_cyclone_eye
- [CF-metadata] Proposed Standard Name: tropical_cyclone_eye_temperature
- [CF-metadata] Proposed Standard Name: tropical_cyclone_maximum_sustained_wind_speed
- [CF-metadata] Proposed Standard Names
- [CF-metadata] Proposed standard names for biological model outputs
- [CF-metadata] proposed standard names for Enterococcus and Clostridium perfringens
- [CF-metadata] proposed standard names for Enterococcus and?Clostridium perfringens
- [CF-metadata] Proposed standard_name for river discharge
- [CF-metadata] Proposed update to the explanations of standard names integral_of_air_temperature_excess|deficit_wrt_time
- [CF-metadata] proposed UTM projection
- [CF-metadata] proposing an alternate units attribute (from 'raw' variables thread)
- [CF-metadata] Proposing new names for marine biogeochemical modeling
- [CF-metadata] Proposing new standard names.
- [CF-metadata] Proposing Standard Names for Lightning Event, Group and Flash Radiant Energy
- [CF-metadata] proposing two new standard names for H2S and N2 in sea water
- [CF-metadata] propsed new due_to_process
- [CF-metadata] Provide input on draft of STAC "Datacube" Extension
- [CF-metadata] provisional status for changes to the convention
- [CF-metadata] provisional status for changes to the convention (Jonathan Gregory)
- [CF-metadata] publishing standard names
- [CF-metadata] Putting cf to work?
- [CF-metadata] Putting the units in a CF standard name: area_fraction
- [CF-metadata] Quality flag values for missing data
- [CF-metadata] quantities requiring parameters to define them
- [CF-metadata] Query on multiple variables with same standard names
- [CF-metadata] query regarding gridded products
- [CF-metadata] query related to mercator projection parameter
- [CF-metadata] Question about cell_methods
- [CF-metadata] Question about cf conventions-dimensionless coordinates
- [CF-metadata] Question about Coordinate System
- [CF-metadata] question about proper cell bounds for ocean_volume_transport_across_line
- [CF-metadata] question about sigma level vertical coordinate.
- [CF-metadata] Question about the 'time' coordinate
- [CF-metadata] question about use of formula_terms with latitude and longitude...
- [CF-metadata] question about use of standard name to identify coord vars associated with a grid...
- [CF-metadata] question and time and standard_name...
- [CF-metadata] question concerning a CF metafile data name
- [CF-metadata] Question from NODC about interplay of standard name modifiers, cell_methods, etc.
- [CF-metadata] Question on metadata for coordinate reference systems
- [CF-metadata] Question on metadata for coordinate referencesystems
- [CF-metadata] Question on use of surface_snow_binary_mask
- [CF-metadata] Question on WKT representation of CRS
- [CF-metadata] Question on WKT representation of CRS (Bentley, Philip)
- [CF-metadata] Question on WKT representation of CRS (Bentley, Philip) > (Kennedy, Paul)
- [CF-metadata] Question regarding flag_values and flag_masks
- [CF-metadata] Question to Parametric Vertical Coordinates
- [CF-metadata] Question to usage of standard_name sea_water_practical_salinity
- [CF-metadata] Questions about correct standard_name
- [CF-metadata] questions about the Standard Quantities table
- [CF-metadata] Questions on cell boundaries
- [CF-metadata] Radar backscatter and dB
- [CF-metadata] Radar data and the 'dB' and 'dBZ' units
- [CF-metadata] Radar parameters - another try
- [CF-metadata] Radiation standard names
- [CF-metadata] radiosonde ascent rate?
- [CF-metadata] ragged arrays vs compression by gathering
- [CF-metadata] Ragged Arrays?
- [CF-metadata] rainfall
- [CF-metadata] RE Array Subscript Convention
- [CF-metadata] RE standard name request for a satellite pixel-level cloud mask
- [CF-metadata] Re. chemicals and aerosols
- [CF-metadata] Re. chemicals and aerosols - grouped species
- [CF-metadata] realization | x of n
- [CF-metadata] REASoN CAN Data Portal Project
- [CF-metadata] Recent List Issues
- [CF-metadata] Recommendation for use of standard_name attribute
- [CF-metadata] Recording "day of year on which something happens"
- [CF-metadata] Recording requirements expressed in standard name definitions
- [CF-metadata] Reference for GRIDSPEC?
- [CF-metadata] Reflectance channel satellite imagery units
- [CF-metadata] regions
- [CF-metadata] Regions, Gazetteer, etc
- [CF-metadata] relationship between CF model and netCDF-classic data model
- [CF-metadata] relative humidity units
- [CF-metadata] Reminder: AGU session on netCDF-CF - submission deadline 3 August
- [CF-metadata] Renaming of GitHub repositories
- [CF-metadata] repost warming up old stuff - part 4: emissions (hit send too early)
- [CF-metadata] Representing Matlab time in a CF-Metadata compliant file
- [CF-metadata] representing model times in climate models
- [CF-metadata] Representing statistics in CF
- [CF-metadata] representing subgrid variation
- [CF-metadata] request #1 for names: mole concentrations and mass fractions, similar to current names
- [CF-metadata] request CF standard name for chlorophyll-a concentration in sea water
- [CF-metadata] request CF standard name for chlorophyll-aconcentration in sea water
- [CF-metadata] request CF standard name forchlorophyll-aconcentration in sea water
- [CF-metadata] request CF standard nameforchlorophyll-aconcentration in sea water
- [CF-metadata] Request for 2 new standard_names to be added to the vertical coordinate
- [CF-metadata] Request for 4 new standard names - CMIP6 HighResMIP
- [CF-metadata] Request for a new standard_name : surface_snow_extent
- [CF-metadata] Request for a new standard_name: barometric_altitude
- [CF-metadata] Request for a region standard_name
- [CF-metadata] Request for Comments on CF Swath and CF2-Group Proposals
- [CF-metadata] Request for help relating Netcdf file and the projection issues!
- [CF-metadata] request for large number of new variable names
- [CF-metadata] Request for new CF standard names
- [CF-metadata] request for new CF standard_name: CDOM
- [CF-metadata] Request for new land_ice and firn standard names
- [CF-metadata] request for new netCDF standart names
- [CF-metadata] request for new standard name
- [CF-metadata] Request for new standard name for components of platform_speed_wrt_ground
- [CF-metadata] Request for new standard name for components ofplatform_speed_wrt_ground
- [CF-metadata] Request for new standard names
- [CF-metadata] Request for new standard names for climatological statistics based on thresholds
- [CF-metadata] Request for new standard-name: apparent_oxygen_utilization
- [CF-metadata] Request for new standard-names: graupel, wind_gust, inland_water_area_fraction
- [CF-metadata] request for standard name
- [CF-metadata] Request for standard names: sea ice age and fraction of first year ice
- [CF-metadata] Request for standard_name="depth_below_geoid"
- [CF-metadata] Request for standard_name="sea_binary_mask"
- [CF-metadata] request new standard_name
- [CF-metadata] Request square_of_sea_surface_salinity
- [CF-metadata] Request: research papers which cite use of CF standard
- [CF-metadata] Request: research papers which cite use of CF standard names
- [CF-metadata] Response to [lc-cci] proposal for new CF standard names for land cover observation and classification
- [CF-metadata] Response to ISMIP6 request
- [CF-metadata] Response to standard names for ISMIP6 (follow up of CF-metadata Digest, Vol 180, Issue 10)
- [CF-metadata] restrictions on title and history attributes
- [CF-metadata] Return periods
- [CF-metadata] Reverse-time trajectory
- [CF-metadata] RFMIP new variable request
- [CF-metadata] Roadmap for new CF site?
- [CF-metadata] Roms: ocean_s_coordinate_g1 and g2?
- [CF-metadata] Rotated pole definition
- [CF-metadata] rotated pole projection
- [CF-metadata] Rotated Pole projection possibly wrong
- [CF-metadata] Rotated-pole grids
- [CF-metadata] Salinity units
- Durack, Paul J. (Wed Jul 08 2015 - 15:55:57 BST)
- alison.pamment at (Wed Jul 01 2015 - 12:03:49 BST)
- Durack, Paul J. (Tue Jun 30 2015 - 18:23:06 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Jun 03 2015 - 14:27:24 BST)
- Signell, Richard (Tue Jun 02 2015 - 21:14:46 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Tue Jun 02 2015 - 21:01:15 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Tue Jun 02 2015 - 18:06:42 BST)
- Signell, Richard (Tue Jun 02 2015 - 17:27:21 BST)
- alison.pamment at (Tue Jun 02 2015 - 17:22:55 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Tue Jun 02 2015 - 15:47:28 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Wed May 27 2015 - 19:52:26 BST)
- John Graybeal (Wed May 27 2015 - 19:34:31 BST)
- John Graybeal (Wed May 27 2015 - 19:30:55 BST)
- Jim Biard (Wed May 27 2015 - 19:19:46 BST)
- Signell, Richard (Wed May 27 2015 - 18:56:48 BST)
- alison.pamment at (Wed May 27 2015 - 18:11:48 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed May 27 2015 - 16:46:52 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Wed May 27 2015 - 15:44:49 BST)
- Signell, Richard (Tue May 26 2015 - 15:48:23 BST)
- Jim Biard (Tue May 26 2015 - 14:56:36 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri May 22 2015 - 21:37:29 BST)
- Durack, Paul J. (Fri May 22 2015 - 20:09:51 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Fri May 22 2015 - 20:05:44 BST)
- Signell, Richard (Fri May 22 2015 - 20:01:39 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri May 22 2015 - 18:49:42 BST)
- Reyna Jenkyns (Fri May 22 2015 - 18:06:35 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Fri May 22 2015 - 18:03:24 BST)
- Russ Rew (Fri Jun 19 2009 - 16:32:34 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Thu Jun 18 2009 - 08:09:38 BST)
- Jon Blower (Wed Jun 17 2009 - 13:21:07 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Jun 17 2009 - 14:27:34 BST)
- Russ Rew (Wed Jun 17 2009 - 14:10:10 BST)
- Helen Snaith (Wed Jun 17 2009 - 10:30:15 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K (Wed Jun 17 2009 - 09:19:23 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Jun 17 2009 - 08:26:54 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K (Wed Jun 17 2009 - 08:18:48 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Jun 17 2009 - 08:05:42 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K (Wed Jun 17 2009 - 07:48:34 BST)
- [CF-metadata] same attribute name in variable and in global
- [CF-metadata] Same parameter, different meaning (pressure)
- [CF-metadata] Samve parameter, different meaning (pressure)
- [CF-metadata] Satellite community use of netCDF CF (GHRSST-PP)
- [CF-metadata] Satellite community use of netCDF CF (GHRSST-PP) -- COMMENTS PLEASE
- [CF-metadata] Save The Date! 2018 netCDF-CF Workshop, 19-20 June 2018, Reading, UK
- [CF-metadata] Save the Date: Advancing netCDF-CF Workshop, 6-8 Sept 2017 in Boulder, CO USA
- [CF-metadata] Save-the-Date for 2019 CF Workshop
- [CF-metadata] scalar coordinate variables
- [CF-metadata] scalar coordinates
- [CF-metadata] Scale and offset in coordinate variables
- [CF-metadata] Scaling ?
- [CF-metadata] scratching my head re CF-checker on packed data
- [CF-metadata] Sea surface height
- [CF-metadata] Sea surface height - describing tide source [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [CF-metadata] Sea water pH values: at standard or in-situ conditions?
- [CF-metadata] sea water speed and direction?
- [CF-metadata] Sea water transparency and reflectance.
- [CF-metadata] Sea water velocity
- [CF-metadata] Sea water velocity (ADCP error velocity)
- [CF-metadata] sea_area
- [CF-metadata] sea_ice_salinity unit in standard name table
- [CF-metadata] sea_surface_height_above_reference_ellipsoid
- [CF-metadata] sea_surface_wave_mean_period
- [CF-metadata] sea_water_pressure
- [CF-metadata] sea_water_temperature
- [CF-metadata] sea_water_turbidity
- [CF-metadata] sea_water_turbidity?
- [CF-metadata] SeaDataNet and ADCP data
- [CF-metadata] search category for aerosols & chemistry ?
- [CF-metadata] searching CF-Metadata list
- [CF-metadata] searching the standard name table
- [CF-metadata] seeking CF name for total water column height
- [CF-metadata] Seeking example program for storing surface obs in CF convention
- [CF-metadata] Seeking example program for storing surface obs in CF?convention
- [CF-metadata] Seeking example program for storing surface obs in?CF?convention
- [CF-metadata] Seeking new CF standard names (9) for sea surface wave parameters
- [CF-metadata] Seeking new CF standard names (waves and biogeochem)
- [CF-metadata] Seeking new CF standard names (waves andbiogeochem)
- [CF-metadata] Separating geolocation/timing co-ordinates from measurement data
- [CF-metadata] September standard name table update
- [CF-metadata] Short guide to writing files using CF 1.6 discrete sampling features Conventions
- [CF-metadata] Shortwave Downward Radiation
- [CF-metadata] should ancillary variables make use of coordinates attribute ?
- [CF-metadata] sigma_naught
- [CF-metadata] Sign convention of upwelling and downwelling fluxes
- [CF-metadata] Silicate vs. dissolved inorganic silicon
- [CF-metadata] SIMIP: 5 standard names and one area type for CMIP6
- [CF-metadata] SIMIP: ridged_sea_ice area type
- [CF-metadata] Simple Geometry Proposal Next Steps
- [CF-metadata] sinusoidal projection
- [CF-metadata] size-one axes
- [CF-metadata] small modifications? concentration and search function
- [CF-metadata] snow temperature
- [CF-metadata] Soil litter definitions
- [CF-metadata] Soil mosture inconsistency in CF names?
- [CF-metadata] solar irradiance components
- [CF-metadata] solid precipitation standard name
- [CF-metadata] some concerns about the "ensemble axis" proposal
- [CF-metadata] Some issues with example H.2 / timeseries
- [CF-metadata] Some new standard names for cloud feedback study
- [CF-metadata] Some new standard names for ocean model fields
- [CF-metadata] Some questions about 360-day calendars
- [CF-metadata] Some standard name updates to improve consistency.
- [CF-metadata] Some standard nameS
- [CF-metadata] source, institution, and history
- [CF-metadata] Sparse Coordinate Variables Are Interpolated
- [CF-metadata] species as species in chemical and aerosol names
- [CF-metadata] species as species in chemical and aerosol names - "expressed as such"
- [CF-metadata] species as species in chemical and aerosol names - "mercury"
- [CF-metadata] species as species in chemical and aerosol names - emissions
- [CF-metadata] species as species in chemical and aerosol?names - "mercury"
- [CF-metadata] Specifying a wavelength for a standard_name
- [CF-metadata] Specifying latitude and longitude of transects and regions
- [CF-metadata] Specifying latitude and longitude of transects and regions (Karl Taylor)
- [CF-metadata] Spectral wave direction spread parameter
- [CF-metadata] speed_of_sound_in_air
- [CF-metadata] staggered data
- [CF-metadata] staggered grid
- [CF-metadata] staggered grids
- [CF-metadata] Standard attributes for anomaly
- [CF-metadata] Standard Name - Lifted Index
- [CF-metadata] Standard name - Stomatal resistance
- [CF-metadata] standard name aliases
- [CF-metadata] Standard name and area type tables - February update
- [CF-metadata] Standard name and area type tables July update
- [CF-metadata] Standard name and area type tables May update
- [CF-metadata] Standard name and area type tables updated
- [CF-metadata] Standard Name and units compatibility
- [CF-metadata] Standard name definitions ... are these formal or flexible
- [CF-metadata] Standard name definitions ... are these formalor flexible
- [CF-metadata] standard name for CDOM
- [CF-metadata] Standard name for direction of wind gust
- [CF-metadata] Standard name for fog as area fraction
- [CF-metadata] Standard name for Greenland surface melt product
- [CF-metadata] Standard name for land/sea mask
- [CF-metadata] standard name for oxygen concentration in seawater as a percentage
- [CF-metadata] standard name for ozone partial column in atmosphere layer
- [CF-metadata] Standard name for peak wave period
- [CF-metadata] standard name for position
- [CF-metadata] standard name for position (CMIP5 Issue)
- [CF-metadata] Standard name for radial velocity
- [CF-metadata] standard name for sea water ph without
- [CF-metadata] Standard name for ultraviolet radiation
- [CF-metadata] standard name grammar
- [CF-metadata] standard name grammar for version 14 of the table
- [CF-metadata] Standard Name Inconsistency?
- [CF-metadata] Standard name issues: spelling typo and invalid name referenced in conventions document
- [CF-metadata] Standard name of isobaric zonal mean eddy meridional temperature advection
- [CF-metadata] standard name proposal for CCMVal
- [CF-metadata] standard name proposal for CCMVal - burden
- [CF-metadata] Standard name proposal for freezing rain
- [CF-metadata] standard name proposal for ISMIP6
- [CF-metadata] Standard name proposal related to methane, water vapor, carbon monoxide, semi-heavy water, and nitrogen dioxide.
- [CF-metadata] standard name proposals
- [CF-metadata] Standard Name Query
- [CF-metadata] standard name question - "toa_bidirectional_reflectance"
- [CF-metadata] standard name question -"toa_bidirectional_reflectance"
- [CF-metadata] standard name request
- [CF-metadata] standard name request for a satellite pixel-level cloud mask
- [CF-metadata] Standard name request for ocean colour and iceberg concentration
- [CF-metadata] standard name requests
- [CF-metadata] Standard Name Serving
- [CF-metadata] Standard Name Status Update
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table - 'mini' update
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table - August and September updates
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table - February update
- [CF-metadata] Standard Name Table - GRIB column
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table and standardized region list updated
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table April update
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table June update
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table March update
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table May update
- [CF-metadata] Standard Name table missing from the website?
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table update
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table update - 13th March 2007
- [CF-metadata] standard name table update - direction of wind gust
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table update - vocabulary editor now operational
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table update 15 April 2008
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table update 17th July 2007
- [CF-metadata] Standard Name Table Update 20th November 2007
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table update 22 July 2011
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table update 22 March 2012
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table update 5 July 2013
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table update 8 April 2008
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table update :
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table updated
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table updated - 13th March 2007
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table updated 6 July 2009
- [CF-metadata] Standard name table version dates?
- [CF-metadata] Standard name(s) needed for satellite-based ice drift products
- [CF-metadata] Standard name(s) needed for satellite-based ice drift?products
- [CF-metadata] Standard name(s) needed for satellite-based ice driftproducts
- [CF-metadata] Standard name(s) needed for satellite-based icedrift products
- [CF-metadata] standard names
- [CF-metadata] Standard names - Ensembles
- [CF-metadata] Standard Names - Status Summary
- [CF-metadata] Standard Names - Tidal properties
- [CF-metadata] standard names 20th May 2005
- [CF-metadata] Standard names added
- [CF-metadata] standard names and area type for ice sheet surface mass balance
- [CF-metadata] standard names and vertical coordinate for bed stratigraphy / sediment layers
- [CF-metadata] standard names committee
- [CF-metadata] standard names for "grid relative" sea ice velocity and stresses
- [CF-metadata] standard names for aerosols and chemistry
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for altimeter data
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for anomaly-type parameters
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for Arctic Sea Ice characterization product
- [CF-metadata] standard names for atmospheric chemistry and aerosols
- [CF-metadata] standard names for CEOP
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for CF trac ticket #143
- [CF-metadata] standard names for chemistry
- [CF-metadata] standard names for chemistry - MCM
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for cloud radiative properties
- [CF-metadata] standard names for column amounts (atmospheric chemistry)
- [CF-metadata] standard names for defined global attribute names
- [CF-metadata] standard names for extreme statistics and spell-lengths
- [CF-metadata] standard names for FAFMIP passive tracers
- [CF-metadata] standard names for flag/qc variables
- [CF-metadata] standard names for geomorphological variables
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for Glaciology and ice-sheet modeling
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for Glaciology and ice-sheet modeling: land_ice, sea_ice, floating_ice, ice shelves...
- [CF-metadata] standard names for ISMIP6: checking status of previous proposed names
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for isotopic ratios ?
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for LS3MIP: 8 temporal changes + 1 feature depth
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for Martian climate model data
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for mean sea level change
- [CF-metadata] standard names for ocean model turbulent quantities
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for ocean parameters
- [CF-metadata] standard names for ocean volume transport
- [CF-metadata] standard names for PMIP
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for RFMIP and GeoMIP
- [CF-metadata] standard names for sea ice with qualifier
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for sea level change
- [CF-metadata] standard names for sea surface roughness variables
- [CF-metadata] standard names for sediment trap data
- Christine Huffard (Tue Mar 15 2016 - 23:05:32 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Tue Mar 15 2016 - 22:22:36 GMT)
- Christine Huffard (Tue Mar 15 2016 - 17:37:17 GMT)
- Nan Galbraith (Tue Mar 15 2016 - 16:35:07 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Mar 10 2016 - 09:49:55 GMT)
- Matthias Lankhorst (Wed Mar 09 2016 - 19:59:58 GMT)
- Stephane TAROT (Fri Mar 04 2016 - 08:42:06 GMT)
- alison.pamment at (Thu Mar 03 2016 - 09:22:59 GMT)
- Stephane TAROT (Fri Nov 27 2015 - 14:49:42 GMT)
- Stephane TAROT (Fri Aug 14 2015 - 09:45:00 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Feb 04 2015 - 16:54:59 GMT)
- Nan Galbraith (Wed Feb 04 2015 - 15:05:56 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon Dec 09 2013 - 12:17:20 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Sun Dec 08 2013 - 00:01:04 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Sat Dec 07 2013 - 15:24:22 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Sat Dec 07 2013 - 01:21:30 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Fri Dec 06 2013 - 23:35:07 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Dec 06 2013 - 20:48:35 GMT)
- Matthias Lankhorst (Fri Dec 06 2013 - 20:24:23 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon Oct 14 2013 - 12:15:11 BST)
- Thomas Trull (Mon Oct 14 2013 - 08:39:01 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Sun Oct 13 2013 - 09:43:55 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Sun Oct 13 2013 - 09:33:22 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Oct 11 2013 - 19:38:56 BST)
- Maureen Conte (Fri Oct 11 2013 - 17:41:49 BST)
- Laurent Coppola (Fri Oct 11 2013 - 09:23:15 BST)
- Thomas Trull (Fri Oct 11 2013 - 11:47:16 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Oct 11 2013 - 08:38:54 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Oct 11 2013 - 08:31:51 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Oct 11 2013 - 08:11:51 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Oct 11 2013 - 08:13:13 BST)
- Cameron-smith, Philip (Fri Oct 11 2013 - 02:06:16 BST)
- John Graybeal (Thu Oct 10 2013 - 22:51:06 BST)
- Matthias Lankhorst (Thu Oct 10 2013 - 22:40:33 BST)
- Cameron-smith, Philip (Thu Oct 10 2013 - 21:41:49 BST)
- Maureen Conte (Thu Oct 10 2013 - 13:49:05 BST)
- Thomas Trull (Thu Oct 10 2013 - 10:28:08 BST)
- John Graybeal (Thu Oct 10 2013 - 01:17:21 BST)
- Matthias Lankhorst (Thu Oct 10 2013 - 00:16:25 BST)
- [CF-metadata] standard names for stations
- [CF-metadata] standard names for stations (Jonathan Gregory)
- [CF-metadata] standard names for surface aerosol optical properties
- [CF-metadata] standard names for time variables
- [CF-metadata] standard names for variables in 'raw engineering' units
- [CF-metadata] standard names for variables in 'raw/engineering' units
- [CF-metadata] standard names for variables in 'raw?engineering' units
- [CF-metadata] standard names for variables in raw engineering units
- [CF-metadata] standard names for variables in raw?engineering units
- [CF-metadata] standard names for variables in?'raw?engineering' units
- [CF-metadata] standard names for variables?in?'raw?engineering' units
- [CF-metadata] standard names for vector components
- [CF-metadata] standard names for volcanic ash
- [CF-metadata] Standard names for wave model data.
- [CF-metadata] Standard Names for: Ocean Kinetic Energy and Relative Vorticity
- [CF-metadata] standard names for?variables?in?'raw?engineering' units
- [CF-metadata] Standard names KWIC Index
- [CF-metadata] standard names linked to melt ponds on sea ice
- [CF-metadata] Standard names manager
- [CF-metadata] Standard names October update
- [CF-metadata] Standard Names Representing Measurements not due to some process
- [CF-metadata] Standard names status report
- [CF-metadata] Standard Names Status Update
- [CF-metadata] standard names to be added
- [CF-metadata] standard names to be added on 3rd Oct
- [CF-metadata] Standard Names to support Trac ticket 99
- [CF-metadata] standard names under ice velocity of water
- [CF-metadata] Standard Names: sea level from tide gauge stations
- [CF-metadata] standard names: solar angles?
- [CF-metadata] standard names: wind + swell wave _from_direction
- [CF-metadata] standard naming
- [CF-metadata] Standard regions for the OMIP CMIP6 request
- [CF-metadata] standard way to store lookuptables
- [CF-metadata] standard-name for stokes drift
- [CF-metadata] standard_name
- [CF-metadata] standard_name for acoustic travel time from echo sounder
- [CF-metadata] Standard_name for cloud-cover by phenomenon
- [CF-metadata] standard_name for coordinate variable corresponding to complex parts (real and imaginary)
- [CF-metadata] standard_name modifiers
- [CF-metadata] standard_name modifiers -- units problem
- [CF-metadata] Standard_name proposal for volcanic ash and radioactive particles
- Heiko Klein (Thu Feb 15 2018 - 12:37:41 GMT)
- alison.pamment at (Thu Feb 15 2018 - 11:29:45 GMT)
- Heiko Klein (Mon Feb 05 2018 - 09:27:06 GMT)
- alison.pamment at (Wed Jan 31 2018 - 15:02:34 GMT)
- Hollis, Dan (Wed Jan 24 2018 - 10:47:38 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Mon Jan 22 2018 - 19:57:12 GMT)
- Heiko Klein (Mon Jan 22 2018 - 08:19:45 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Fri Jan 19 2018 - 14:57:09 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Jan 19 2018 - 14:26:53 GMT)
- Hollis, Dan (Fri Jan 19 2018 - 13:03:31 GMT)
- Heiko Klein (Fri Jan 19 2018 - 09:35:17 GMT)
- Heiko Klein (Fri Jan 19 2018 - 09:22:09 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Jan 18 2018 - 19:32:55 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Jan 18 2018 - 19:09:17 GMT)
- Hollis, Dan (Thu Jan 18 2018 - 17:46:28 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Thu Jan 18 2018 - 17:24:05 GMT)
- Heiko Klein (Wed Jan 17 2018 - 14:10:53 GMT)
- Karl Taylor (Fri Jan 05 2018 - 15:40:42 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Jan 05 2018 - 09:35:14 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Jan 05 2018 - 09:30:20 GMT)
- Heiko Klein (Fri Jan 05 2018 - 08:54:25 GMT)
- David Hassell (Fri Jan 05 2018 - 08:21:24 GMT)
- Heiko Klein (Fri Jan 05 2018 - 08:04:11 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Jan 04 2018 - 16:31:55 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Thu Jan 04 2018 - 16:12:34 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Jan 04 2018 - 10:28:54 GMT)
- Heiko Klein (Thu Jan 04 2018 - 10:07:18 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Jan 04 2018 - 09:35:23 GMT)
- Heiko Klein (Thu Jan 04 2018 - 08:49:46 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Jan 03 2018 - 17:22:49 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Jan 03 2018 - 13:52:01 GMT)
- Heiko Klein (Wed Jan 03 2018 - 13:13:23 GMT)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Dec 22 2017 - 16:43:43 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Fri Dec 22 2017 - 15:17:45 GMT)
- Heiko Klein (Fri Dec 22 2017 - 08:41:42 GMT)
- [CF-metadata] standard_name proposal: dvorak_tropical_cyclone_eye_region_scene_type
- [CF-metadata] Standard_name table entries for air quality data
- [CF-metadata] standard_name.xml
- [CF-metadata] standard_name_vocabulary attribute
- [CF-metadata] standard_names for aerosols and chemistry for HTAP: sources
- [CF-metadata] standard_names for aerosols and chemistry for HTAP: sources/sinks
- [CF-metadata] standard_names for aerosols and chemistry for HTAP:sources/sinks
- [CF-metadata] standard_names for emission sectors
- [CF-metadata] standard_names for emissions - part 2: species
- [CF-metadata] standard_names for vertical axes with units
- [CF-metadata] standard_names for wind stress curl, wind stress divergence
- [CF-metadata] Standardized Region Names
- [CF-metadata] Standardizing how ensemble (realization) axes are encoded
- [CF-metadata] Standards and Recommended Practices session at Fall AGU
- [CF-metadata] standards for probabilities
- [CF-metadata] station name and ID
- [CF-metadata] stations and trajectories
- [CF-metadata] stations and trajectories (the OTS standard)
- [CF-metadata] statistic indeces
- [CF-metadata] statistic indices
- [CF-metadata] Status of CF 1.7 (context for CF 2)?
- [CF-metadata] Status of cloud_binary_mask?
- [CF-metadata] Stereographic projection
- [CF-metadata] Storing multiple NWP model runs in a NetCDF - CF file [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [CF-metadata] Storing multiple NWP model runs in a NetCDF - CFfile [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [CF-metadata] Storing outline information in NetCDF/CF?
- [CF-metadata] stricter CF conventions
- [CF-metadata] String attribute syntax
- [CF-metadata] string valued coordinates
- [CF-metadata] string valued coordinates (unitless quantities)
- [CF-metadata] string variables and netCDF4
- [CF-metadata] subgrid variation
- [CF-metadata] sublimation
- [CF-metadata] Suggest Amending the Dimension to geopotential_height_at_volcanic_ash_cloud_top
- [CF-metadata] Suggested Addition of 'Ocean' to Area Type Table
- [CF-metadata] SUGGESTED WAY FORWARD FOR CF-metadata:- lets finalize this discussion.
- [CF-metadata] Suggestion for a new entry to the list of CF standard names
- [CF-metadata] Suggestion for minor changes to explanations of threshold based standard names
- [CF-metadata] Suggestion for standard names for bottom current and due to tides and Stokes drift
- [CF-metadata] Support for compound data types
- [CF-metadata] support for multiple auxulary coordinate variables
- [CF-metadata] Support for sinusoidal projections in CF?
- [CF-metadata] Surface Air Temperature
- [CF-metadata] Surface air temperature, etc.
- [CF-metadata] Surface temperatures
- [CF-metadata] surface_air_pressure vs air_pressure_at_sea_level
- [CF-metadata] Surfaces under ice vs. above ice : sea water surface vs surface in standard names.
- [CF-metadata] swath data format
- [CF-metadata] swath format -- not just for satellite, but for sonar?
- [CF-metadata] Swath observational data
- [CF-metadata] Taxa in CF. Some questions
- [CF-metadata] Teaching materials on NetCDF/CF
- [CF-metadata] Telecom This Morning: Reminder and agenda
- [CF-metadata] Temperature in degrees Celsius
- [CF-metadata] Temporal nitpicks.
- [CF-metadata] Temporal nitpicks. Was: CF-metadata Digest, Vol 161, Issue 3
- [CF-metadata] temporally / spatially variable metadata in NetCDF-CF
- [CF-metadata] tendency_of_sea_water_conservative_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content units
- [CF-metadata] Test
- [CF-metadata] test - ignore
- [CF-metadata] Test - please ignore
- [CF-metadata] Test message - please ignore
- [CF-metadata] test site for the Trac issue tracker
- [CF-metadata] test3 (please ignore)
- [CF-metadata] Test: ignore
- [CF-metadata] The "grid" attribute seems to solve both unstructured and staggered grid issues
- [CF-metadata] The "grid" attribute seems to solve both unstructured and staggeredgrid issues
- [CF-metadata] The CF Standard Names
- [CF-metadata] The Conventions attribute
- [CF-metadata] the ECTTDI climate indices
- [CF-metadata] The Final Version of the Futures of CF Paper
- [CF-metadata] The Future of the CF conventions
- [CF-metadata] the GOES-R lightning detection product
- [CF-metadata] the need to store lat/lon coordinates in a CF metadata compliant netCDF file
- [CF-metadata] the need to store lat/lon coordinates in a CF-compliant netCDF file
- [CF-metadata] the state of the CF 1.7 document
- [CF-metadata] The use of CF cell constructs for point data
- [CF-metadata] the use of two different unlimited dimensions in two data variables
- [CF-metadata] Thoughts about CF future
- [CF-metadata] thredds changing CF conventions version
- [CF-metadata] Three questions
- [CF-metadata] three typos?
- [CF-metadata] tickets regarding Projections and WKT representation
- [CF-metadata] tides
- [CF-metadata] time
- [CF-metadata] time as ISO strings
- [CF-metadata] time dimension and calendar for an ice-sheet model output
- [CF-metadata] Time for 1.0 revision xxx or version 1.1 ?
- [CF-metadata] time format
- [CF-metadata] Time series related to a polygonal region and cell_bounds
- [CF-metadata] time unit in CF-netCDF
- [CF-metadata] Timeseries of station data
- [CF-metadata] too many eddies in standard names
- [CF-metadata] Tool to transform HDF-EOS2 to netCDF?
- [CF-metadata] Tools and CF compliance (CF-metadata Digest, Vol 62, Issue 2)
- [CF-metadata] Tools and CF compliance Was: CF Conventions 1.2
- [CF-metadata] Towards recognizing and exploiting hierarchical groups
- [CF-metadata] Towards recognizing and exploiting hierarchical groups (Charlie Zender - Steve Hankin - Richard Signell)
- [CF-metadata] TR: normalized_radar_backscatter_coefficient
- [CF-metadata] TR: Ocean CTD data following CF Conventions v1.6
- [CF-metadata] Trac #154
- [CF-metadata] Trac forwarding to mailing list
- [CF-metadata] Trac problems. Is it just me?
- [CF-metadata] Trac system down
- [CF-metadata] Trac system temporarily down
- [CF-metadata] Trailing spaces in standard names
- [CF-metadata] transport across line
- [CF-metadata] Turning off gitHub!!!!
- [CF-metadata] Two [simple] questions
- [CF-metadata] two anomalous standard names
- [CF-metadata] Two new oceanic standard names for inorganic nitrogen and iron
- [CF-metadata] two standard names for same quantity?
- [CF-metadata] Two variable integer Time in CF
- [CF-metadata] Two-variable integer Time in CF?
- [CF-metadata] Two-variable integer Time in CF? (V. Balaji)
- [CF-metadata] typo in a standard name for hexachlorobiphenyl
- [CF-metadata] Typo in Appendix A of CF spec re ancillary_variables?
- [CF-metadata] U and V "grid relative" velocities
- [CF-metadata] udunits 1 or 2 for CF?
- [CF-metadata] udunits corresponding to Forel-Ule, milliequivalent
- [CF-metadata] UDUNITS error
- [CF-metadata] udunits for OTS and CF
- [CF-metadata] udunits handling of fuzzy time units
- [CF-metadata] udunits time unit question
- [CF-metadata] udunits time units question
- [CF-metadata] UML for CF data model?
- [CF-metadata] ungridded data
- [CF-metadata] unique identifiers
- [CF-metadata] unique identifiers and PURL
- [CF-metadata] Units for dimensionless quantities
- [CF-metadata] units for sea water salinity
- [CF-metadata] units in cf standard names
- [CF-metadata] Units micro prefix "u" deprecated in udunits-2
- [CF-metadata] Units of projection_x_coordinate values in "Geospatial projection"
- [CF-metadata] Units: absolute vs difference
- [CF-metadata] Units: degrees - COARDS/CF Convention
- [CF-metadata] unsubscribe
- [CF-metadata] Update on ncdismember (+CFchecker) for hierarchical files
- [CF-metadata] Update to standard name table 11 November 2008
- [CF-metadata] Update to standard name table 21 October 2008
- [CF-metadata] Update to the standard name table 16 June 2009
- [CF-metadata] Update: cfdump and cfa
- [CF-metadata] UPDATED GALLERY for 2014 Calendar Submissions
- [CF-metadata] upward_sensible_heatflux_in_air, upward_latent_heat_flux_in_air
- [CF-metadata] URNs
- [CF-metadata] Usage of histogram_of_X_over_Z
- [CF-metadata] Usage of integral_of_Y_wrt_X
- [CF-metadata] Usage of status flag as a standard name modifier
- [CF-metadata] Usage of the 'Conventions' attribute
- [CF-metadata] Usage of the 'Conventions' attribute (Nan Galbraith)
- [CF-metadata] Usage of the 'Conventions' attribute (Phil Bentley)
- [CF-metadata] Use of "interval" in cell_methods to imply bounds of prior operations
- [CF-metadata] Use of 'omega' in standard name list
- [CF-metadata] use of _FillValue vs valid_range, and minimum and maximum
- [CF-metadata] use of _FillValue vs valid_range, and minimum and maximum variable attributes
- [CF-metadata] Use of ACDD metadata: dioes this break the CF convention and what are the implications
- [CF-metadata] Use of axis attribute in an auxillary coordinate
- [CF-metadata] Use of CF standard name region
- [CF-metadata] use of CF to describe unstructured grid models
- [CF-metadata] Use of cf_role attribute
- [CF-metadata] Use of flag_value and flag_meaning
- [CF-metadata] Use of GitHub instead of trac
- [CF-metadata] Use of grid mappings
- [CF-metadata] use of integral_wrt_depth_of_sea_water_practical_salinity
- [CF-metadata] Use of netCDF-4 groups in CF
- [CF-metadata] Use of number_of_days_with_air_temperature_below_threshold
- [CF-metadata] Use of Standard Names and
- [CF-metadata] Use of Standard Names and Coordinate Variables (relevant to the aerosol discussion)
- [CF-metadata] Use of Standard Names and Coordinate Variables(relevant to the aerosol discussion)
- [CF-metadata] use of the "trajectory" discrete sampling geometry for a hurricane intensity product
- [CF-metadata] use of the "trajectory" discrete sampling geometryfor a hurricane intensity product
- [CF-metadata] Use of valid_range etc. to indicate unsigned integers
- [CF-metadata] use of volume_* and *_optical_thickness in variable names
- [CF-metadata] Useful script for folks who use the CF checker
- [CF-metadata] Using "axis" with curvilinear coordinates
- [CF-metadata] Using 'cfchecks' python script
- [CF-metadata] Using a standard_name more than once in a file
- [CF-metadata] Using add_offset & scale_factor with coordinate variables
- [CF-metadata] Using cell methods for statistics associated with gridded observation data
- [CF-metadata] using cell_methods with observation data
- [CF-metadata] Using the same time grid but different cell averaging periods
- [CF-metadata] Using units with a scale factor
- [CF-metadata] UTC, GPS, and the impending leap second
- [CF-metadata] UTM projections
- [CF-metadata] UV-index in CF compliant files
- [CF-metadata] V8 Standard name additions
- [CF-metadata] valid_min and valid_max considered harmful?
- [CF-metadata] Variable Associations (was CF convention for vector quantities)
- [CF-metadata] variable depth as a dimension in oceanographic models
- [CF-metadata] variable missing "coordinates" attribute
- [CF-metadata] variables in separate files
- [CF-metadata] Variables vs Attributes
- [CF-metadata] various "time" in CF
- [CF-metadata] various new standard names
- [CF-metadata] vector quantities (e.g. velocities) in CF-NetCDF
- [CF-metadata] vertical coordinate
- [CF-metadata] vertical coordinate for bed stratigraphy / sediment layers
- [CF-metadata] Vertical Coordinate Systems
- [CF-metadata] vertical coordinates
- [CF-metadata] Vertical coordinates & boundaries
- [CF-metadata] vertical coordinates and positive attributes
- [CF-metadata] Vertical datums (again)
- Jim Biard (Mon Mar 17 2014 - 16:47:28 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Mon Mar 17 2014 - 16:39:21 GMT)
- Hedley, Mark (Mon Mar 17 2014 - 16:31:32 GMT)
- Jim Biard (Fri Mar 14 2014 - 19:12:36 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Fri Mar 14 2014 - 18:21:03 GMT)
- Jim Biard (Fri Mar 14 2014 - 14:16:15 GMT)
- David Hassell (Fri Mar 14 2014 - 12:25:09 GMT)
- Jim Biard (Tue Mar 11 2014 - 17:58:18 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Tue Mar 11 2014 - 14:29:25 GMT)
- David Hassell (Tue Mar 11 2014 - 14:07:21 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Tue Mar 11 2014 - 12:59:21 GMT)
- Signell, Richard (Tue Mar 11 2014 - 12:12:09 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Feb 19 2014 - 13:32:39 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Feb 19 2014 - 09:16:54 GMT)
- Snaith, Helen M. (Tue Feb 18 2014 - 08:59:49 GMT)
- Signell, Richard (Tue Feb 18 2014 - 12:34:10 GMT)
- John Graybeal (Mon Feb 17 2014 - 21:10:27 GMT)
- Signell, Richard (Mon Feb 17 2014 - 18:47:20 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Mon Feb 17 2014 - 17:50:06 GMT)
- Andrew Walsh (Sun Feb 16 2014 - 23:48:45 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed Feb 12 2014 - 16:42:48 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Tue Feb 11 2014 - 16:43:33 GMT)
- Signell, Richard (Mon Feb 10 2014 - 18:56:48 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Mon Feb 10 2014 - 18:30:15 GMT)
- Jim Biard (Fri Feb 07 2014 - 20:06:57 GMT)
- Signell, Richard (Fri Feb 07 2014 - 19:43:01 GMT)
- Jim Biard (Fri Feb 07 2014 - 18:46:18 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Fri Feb 07 2014 - 18:21:16 GMT)
- Jim Biard (Fri Feb 07 2014 - 15:38:23 GMT)
- Hedley, Mark (Fri Feb 07 2014 - 15:25:21 GMT)
- Jim Biard (Fri Feb 07 2014 - 15:19:16 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Thu Feb 06 2014 - 16:54:40 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Thu Feb 06 2014 - 16:47:26 GMT)
- Signell, Richard (Tue Feb 04 2014 - 18:32:51 GMT)
- Nan Galbraith (Tue Feb 04 2014 - 17:51:21 GMT)
- Jonathan Gregory (Tue Feb 04 2014 - 15:08:06 GMT)
- Signell, Richard (Tue Feb 04 2014 - 11:47:49 GMT)
- [CF-metadata] vertical datums and new standard name: geopotential_height_at_cloud_top
- [CF-metadata] vertical dimension for subseafloor measurements
- [CF-metadata] vocabulary and standard name constructs in RAMADDA
- [CF-metadata] vocabulary-specific standard names
- [CF-metadata] VolMIP Data Request: CF Standard Names
- [CF-metadata] Volume fraction standard names
- [CF-metadata] volume integral
- [CF-metadata] volume of ocean grid cells (Dan Bernie)
- [CF-metadata] Warming up old stuff - 1, 2, 3 (air quality, aerosols)
- [CF-metadata] Warming up old stuff - 4 (emissions)
- [CF-metadata] warming up old stuff - part 1: aerosol mie scattering
- [CF-metadata] warming up old stuff - part 2: pm mass concentrations
- [CF-metadata] warming up old stuff - part 3: mole_fractions and mass concentrations of additional chemical compounds
- [CF-metadata] warming up old stuff - part 4: emissions of trace species
- [CF-metadata] water flow rate through sensor [Sec=Unclassified]
- [CF-metadata] water level with/without datum
- [CF-metadata] Wave Direction, Energy and Steepness Sub-Proposal
- [CF-metadata] Wave periods sub-proposal
- [CF-metadata] Waves
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Jul 13 2016 - 13:45:11 BST)
- Chris Barker (Fri Jun 24 2016 - 20:38:06 BST)
- Elodie Fernandez (Wed Jun 22 2016 - 16:16:40 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Wed Jun 22 2016 - 16:02:15 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed Jun 22 2016 - 14:45:34 BST)
- alison.pamment at (Wed Jun 22 2016 - 14:32:01 BST)
- Chris Barker (Fri May 13 2016 - 17:12:46 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed May 11 2016 - 17:28:02 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Wed May 11 2016 - 17:18:27 BST)
- Nan Galbraith (Wed May 11 2016 - 17:01:40 BST)
- Chris Barker (Sun May 08 2016 - 05:58:27 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed May 04 2016 - 22:56:06 BST)
- Chris Barker (Wed May 04 2016 - 22:46:17 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed May 04 2016 - 16:36:44 BST)
- Elodie Fernandez (Wed May 04 2016 - 15:16:39 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed May 04 2016 - 14:14:01 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Wed May 04 2016 - 14:04:38 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed May 04 2016 - 12:28:32 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Wed May 04 2016 - 11:54:15 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Tue May 03 2016 - 15:49:22 BST)
- Elodie Fernandez (Tue May 03 2016 - 14:50:56 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Tue May 03 2016 - 10:00:03 BST)
- Elodie Fernandez (Tue May 03 2016 - 08:56:11 BST)
- Steve Emmerson (Mon May 02 2016 - 15:47:26 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Mon May 02 2016 - 09:51:06 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Fri Apr 29 2016 - 12:37:04 BST)
- Jonathan Gregory (Fri Apr 29 2016 - 11:55:40 BST)
- Lowry, Roy K. (Thu Apr 28 2016 - 19:37:07 BST)
- Elodie Fernandez (Thu Apr 28 2016 - 16:18:52 BST)
- [CF-metadata] web page
- [CF-metadata] Web reference to a standard name?
- [CF-metadata] Webex for netcdf-CF meeting 19-20 Jun 2018
- [CF-metadata] webex for Wednesday
- [CF-metadata] Webex today
- [CF-metadata] website update
- [CF-metadata] Weighted means and cell_methods in the CMIP6 data request
- [CF-metadata] weighted time mean vs. conditional time mean.
- [CF-metadata] WG: HTAP2 Final proposal = 102 CF Standard Names
- [CF-metadata] WG: proposal for two new standard_names and an additional chemical species
- [CF-metadata] What do models assume for the shape of the Eart h?
- [CF-metadata] What do models assume for the shape of the Earth?
- [CF-metadata] what standard names are for
- [CF-metadata] When are the units attribute mandatory?
- [CF-metadata] Where does the CF standard name list live now?
- [CF-metadata] Where have the CF mail archives gone?
- [CF-metadata] Where to find the latest cf-conventions?
- [CF-metadata] Which standard name for a local measurement of effective radius ?
- [CF-metadata] Which standard name for a local measurement ofeffective radius ?
- [CF-metadata] Which standard name for a local measurementofeffective radius ?
- [CF-metadata] Which variable name for a local measurement of liquid water content ?
- [CF-metadata] White space in CF standard names
- [CF-metadata] Why "surface_altitude" instead of "platform_altitude"?
- [CF-metadata] why not use attributes instead of scalar variables for terms in dimensionless vertical coordinates...
- [CF-metadata] wiki for standard_names for aerosols and chemistry updated
- [CF-metadata] wind stress names
- [CF-metadata] wind_force
- [CF-metadata] wind_force bei CF anmelden
- [CF-metadata] Working Group for Point Observation Conventions
- [CF-metadata] Workshop on Air Quality and Atmospheric Composition Metadata, Dublin, 5-7 Sept. 2012
- [CF-metadata] WRF staggered grids
- [CF-metadata] WRF staggered grids and vertical coordinates
- [CF-metadata] Wrong CF-standard name on web-page
- [CF-metadata] Wrong definition for false-easting/false-northing?
- [CF-metadata] wrong description for runoff_flux
- [CF-metadata] WS querying cf meta data catalog
- [CF-metadata] X and Y projection coordinate (center vs corner)
- [CF-metadata] x- and y-components
- [CF-metadata] X_to_direction in grid or true direction?
- [CF-metadata] yaw angle and orientation
- [CF-metadata] Yet another e-mail list.....
- [CF-metadata] You will get email from the CF Trac system.
- [cf-satellite] Sharing quality flags among multiple variables (Jonathan Gregory)
- [Esip-documentation] Related data files in NetCDF
- [Esmf_tech] Standard names in ESMF...
- [Fwd: [CF-metadata] CF compatibility with NetCDF version 2.4?]]
- [Go-essp-tech] NetCDF-CF compliance checker available for download
- [sdn2-netcdf] Extensions to cover ADCP data
- advice?
- agreed standard names
- Air Quality/Chemistry Naming Conventions]
- annotating vector quantities (e.g., (u, v) winds)
- Antwort: [CF-metadata] OLR, soil moisture content and D20
- Antwort: [CF-metadata] one new standard name
- Antwort: [CF-metadata] standard name proposals
- approval of standard_names for aerosols and chemistry for HTAP
- Array Subscript Convention
- attributes for min/max data values for visualization
- CF calendars
- cf compliance wiki page
- CF names / inherent optical properties in seawater
- CF Names vocabulary
- CF NetCDF Conventions
- CF Standard Names
- CF standard names for chemical constituents?andaerosols (resulting from a GRIB2 p
- CF-1.0-beta5: grid mappings
- CF-metadata Digest, Vol 164, Issue 7
- Clarifying standard names for 'mass_concentration_of_*_dry_aerosol_particles'
- CMIP5 Spreadsheet error!
- CMIP6 data request: Precipitation of solid phase water
- CMIP6 Sea Ice MIP: Integrated quantities
- Common names for chemical species
- Connecting coordinates to Grid Mapping variables
- Convention attribute
- Conventions for Unstructured Grid Data
- convergence
- daily maximum of running 8-hour means
- Dapper in-situ conventions spec available
- Fwd: [CF-metadata] packed flags
- Fwd: [CF-metadata] projections
- Fwd: [CF-metadata] proposal for standard names related to ice sheet models
- Fwd: [CF-metadata] proposals for new standard names for soil and vegetation parameters
- Fwd: [CF-metadata] speed_of_sound_in_air
- Fwd: [CF-metadata] Standard name table
- Fwd: [CF-metadata] Surface Air Temperature
- Fwd: [CF-metadata] units - PSU
- Fwd: [CF-metadata] units in cf standard names
- Fwd: [CF-metadata] units in cf standard names]
- Fwd: [CF-metadata] Variable Associations (was CF convention for vector quantities)
- Fwd: Antwort: [CF-metadata] standard name proposals
- Fwd: standard name proposal for CCMVal]
- GDAL NetCDF driver and projection.
- GDV convention
- Geyer and Ruane standard names
- GOES-R metadata prototype
- grid mappings
- HAMOCC variablen
- hydrosphere
- meaning of depth in the ocean
- Meeting invite: Advancing netCDF-CF, 24-26 May 2016, Boulder, CO, USA
- netcdf for particle trajectories
- NetCDF-CF compliance checker available for download
- New Cryospheric variables
- new standard names
- new standard names 1.-33.
- New standard names for NEMO ocean model output
- New standard names for OMIP: physics
- New Standard Names for Satellite Data
- new standard names: day, night, and day/night terminator area_fractions
- new standard_names for variables concerning seasurface waves
- new standard_names for variables concerningseasurface waves
- new standard_names forvariables concerningseasurface waves
- Ocean CTD data following CF Conventions v1.6
- Platform Heave
- point observation data in CF 1.4)
- Pre-proposal for "charset"
- Precipitation fractions for LS3MIP
- Problems reading NetCDF data - get NaNs]
- projections in CF
- Proposal for standard names: liquid and ice cloud fractions
- Proposed acoustic standard names
- Proposed addition to CF principles: outside conventions
- proposed new standard name for storm surge residual
- Proposed new standard name: projection_zone
- Proposed Standard Names
- proposed standard names for Enterococcus and Clostridium perfringens
- Question from NODC about interplay of standard name modifiers, cell_methods, etc.
- Question on WKT representation of CRS
- radiosonde ascent rate?
- Re. chemicals and aerosols
- realization | x of n
- Reference for GRIDSPEC?
- Request for 4 new standard names - CMIP6 HighResMIP
- Request for a new standard_name : surface_snow_extent
- Request for new standard-name: apparent_oxygen_utilization
- Request for new standard-names: graupel, wind_gust, inland_water_area_fraction
- request new standard_name
- Salinity units
- scalar coordinates
- scratching my head re CF-checker on packed data
- SeaDataNet and ADCP data
- Some standard nameS
- Spectral wave direction spread parameter
- Staggered Grids
- Standard name for peak wave period
- Standard name of isobaric zonal mean eddy meridional temperature advection
- standard name proposal for CCMVal
- standard name proposal for CCMVal]
- standard names for CEOP
- Standard names for LS3MIP: 8 temporal changes + 1 feature depth
- Standard names for mean sea level change
- Standard Names for: Ocean Kinetic Energy and Relative Vorticity
- standard names to be added on 3rd Oct
- Standard Names to support Trac ticket 99
- Standard_name for cloud-cover by phenomenon
- string valued coordinates
- units - PSU
- units in cf standard names
- Wave Direction, Energy and Steepness Sub-Proposal
- Last message date: Tue Dec 10 2019 - 08:29:58 GMT
- Archived on: Tue Sep 13 2022 - 23:02:43 BST