Thank you Jonathan,
this is very helpful.
> > 1. Should I use "sea_floor_depth [m]" for the depth of the
> > 2. Should I use "sea_surface_elevation [m]" for the water level at
> > time/place of measurement or just sea_level? And again the
> > question about used datum.
> sea_surface_elevation is defined to be the altitude of the
> surface above the geoid.
> Is this what you mean by sea level?
> Do you mean the water level with respect to mean sea level?
Both could be possible. For small models near the Dutch coast a geoid called
NAP is been used. For larger models covering the whole of the North sea
"with respect to Mean Sea Level" (MSL) has been used.
> We haven't got a name for this yet but we could
> logically call it sea_surface_height,
> which is what that term sometimes means.
> If you are interested in elevation and we need to define
> which geoid is used
> we will have to do some more work. This is an area which we haven't
> considered because it's not relevant for models.
Would height_datum and depth_datum be suitable?
> > 3. Regarding water_velocity: I have found the following CF
> standard names:
> > "eastward_sea_water_velocity [m s-1]"
> > "northward_sea_water_velocity [m s-1]"
> > "direction_of_sea_water_velocity [deg]"
> > and
> > "current_speed" in one of the examples (par 3.3 of 1.0 beta5).
> current_speed is not a standard name. sea_water_speed is a
> standard name,
> meaning the magnitude of the (vector) sea_water_velocity.
> > If the cells are part of a curvilinear grid what variable
> should I use for
> > cell boundary speeds (meaning the average speed at a cell boundary
> > perpendicular to this boundary).
> The velocity components relative to the local x- and
> y-directions on the grid
> should be called grid_eastward_sea_water_velocity and
> grid_northward_sea_water_velocity (as for winds). These
> standard names are not in the table but I propose we should add them.
East and north even if the grid direction is somewhere in between and
location dependent? (picture in attachment)
best wishes,
Pieter Haaring
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