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[CF-metadata] ECMWF GRIB code - CF Standard Name Mapping incorrect?

From: Malm Jakob <jakob.malm>
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 13:12:38 +0100

-28163-01--10 20:59, TOYODA Eizi skrev:
> Hi,
> For GRIB Edition 1, the meaning of parameter number 137 depends on
> originating center (98 = ECMWF in this case) and version number of
> GRIB table (indicated at octet 4 of Section 1).
Yes, I noticed that the GRIB keywords name and shortName had different
values in different tables, but I had not noticed that the units are
also different.
> It's completely up to ECMWF to define it, but my understanding is that
> tables coming with GRIB-API software is reliable source:
> Version Units Name
> 128 kg.m-2 Total_column_water_vapour
> 129 kg.m-2 Total_column_water_vapour
> 151 m Depth
> 160 kg.m-2 Precipitable_water_content
> Regarding spelling in CF, the authentic source should be
> http://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/documents/cf-standard-names/standard-name-table/current/cf-standard-name-table.html/
> which says "vapor".
Good, thanks.

Received on Wed Feb 02 2011 - 05:12:38 GMT

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