Any particular reason that you are biased for this name representing
only a short-term value? Seems to me there is equally the need for a
(measured or modeled) value that would be defined exactly the same
way, but without the time qualifiers.
In general, when CF has a measured observable, the name makes no
statement about whether the variable has been measured
instantaneously, or for 1 hour, or for one month. It's time-neutral.
This has several advantages.
I suggest either the same principle be applied here, or that the
possibility of the longer-time-frame name be accommodated by adding a
qualifier to the name associated with this definition.
On Jan 27, 2010, at 00:58, Lowry, Roy K wrote:
> Dear All,
> I think a new Standard Name 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface' is
> what's needed here. My definition for this would be 'The vertical
> distance between the sea surface and the seabed at a given point in
> space and at a given instant in time or averaged over a time
> interval that is significantly less than a tidal cycle (1 hour or
> less).' This may seem complicated, but is needed to cover BPRs which
> do some averaging to smooth out waves. My take on
> 'height_above_sea_floor' would be as the z co-ordinate for something
> inside a water body.
> May be worth pointing out to Jeff that there is already
> 'sea_water_pressure_at_sea_floor' for BPR data that haven't been
> converted to depth.
> I've expressed this as a depth rather than as a height to be
> consistent with 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level' and so we don't
> end up with different terms for the same quantity depending upon
> whether one is looking upwards or downwards.
> Cheers, Roy.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cf-metadata-bounces at [mailto:cf-metadata-bounces at
> ] On Behalf Of Jeff deLaBeaujardiere
> Sent: 26 January 2010 22:22
> To: cf-metadata at
> Cc: Mike Garcia
> Subject: [CF-metadata] seeking CF name for total water column height
> Hello-
> I am a new subscriber. We are hoping to adopt CF names wherever
> possible in the context of the Integrated Ocean Observing System
> (IOOS) Sensor Observation Services (SOS). Not all phenomena we
> measure have immediately apparent CF names, however. We are using
> this URL as a reference:
> The first example is total water column height as derived from a
> bottom pressure recorder associated with a tsunami warning buoy.
> This is not sea_surface_height_above_reference_ellipsoid or
> _above_sea_level. It might be height_above_sea_floor but we're not
> really sure what that refers to (height of what?).
> Is there a standard name present or planned that is equivalent to
> total_water_column_height?
> Thanks for any information,
> Jeff DLB
> --
> Jeff de La Beaujardi?re, PhD
> Senior Systems Architect, Data Integration Framework
> Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Program Office
> National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
> 1100 Wayne Ave #1225, Silver Spring MD 20910 USA
> +1 301 427 2427
> Jeff.deLaBeaujardiere at
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I have my new work email address: jgraybeal at
John Graybeal <mailto:jgraybeal at>
phone: 858-534-2162
System Development Manager
Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure Project:
Marine Metadata Interoperability Project:
Received on Wed Jan 27 2010 - 09:41:58 GMT