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[CF-metadata] point observation data in CF 1.4

From: Christopher Barker <Chris.Barker>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 16:22:00 -0700

Hi folks,

I just joined the list, so I apologize for breaking the threading, and
being out of the loop, but Rich Signell alerted me that you were
discussing a format for particle tracking models, and we'd like to be

A couple introductory comments:

We (NOAA Emergency Response Division) have a particle tracking model
(GNOME) we use for oil, chemical, and random-other-stuff spills. For the
most part, our output is in our own special formats, and doesn't
interact well with other tools -- we'd like to change that, and we're
going to netcdf for everything else, so we want to use it for this, too.

We use netcdf from C/C++ and Python, so would rather not do anything
supported only in the Java libs. We're also on netcdf3 at this point,
though we can upgrade to netcdf4 if there is a compelling reason.

Our model, at this point, keeps the number of particles constant (though
some may be flagged as "not released" or "off map", or "evaporated" or
what have you. As a result, the "natural" way that we have stored the
results (in netcdf and other) is in (num_timesteps X num_particles) arrays.

We then have arrays for latitude, longitude, mass, various flags, etc.

As discussed here, other folks' models change the number of particles as
time goes on, so such a simple block storage won't work. Our case is a
subset of the more general case, to it should be easy to support the
simple case anyway (and we may well add variable particle numbers in the
future as well)

When looking at the docs for PointObservationConventions, it didn't seem
to fit quite right. One key point is that for the most part, we think of
the collection of particles as an entity -- we are far more likely to be
interested in the whole collection at one point in time, than the path
of a particular particle over time. In fact, it's rare the we care at
all about the ID of a particular particle -- we simply want to know its
properties at a given time -- so it would be nice if the data storage
could do that efficiently.

We'd generally want time to be the unlimited dimension, as well, as we
tend to run the models and analysis forward in time, and might well want
to incrementally output the data.

It seems ragged arrays are called for, though I've never tried to do
that in netcdf, so I don't know what the issues are. Are ragged arrays a
netcdf4-only feature?

Of course, another option is to allocate the full amount of space
required to store the maximum number, and then mask off the invalid
ones. With compression, that may not be too bad a way to go.

A few specific comments:

> I now write the data with redundant time as
> a limited dimension, and records(time, latitude, longitude) and have
> mass (record), radius(record) etc.

> Thanks anyway,
> Ute

Do you have an example output file for that you could share?

> Clearly there is a need for another Point Convention type to handle
> the output from particle tracking models like this.

I think so too -- it really is a different use case.

> 2. I think trajectory is when you follow a set of "things", boats, a
> person. But at each time step they are identical, maybe not the same
> number because of missing data. I could assume that I have a trajectory
> but actually I can't be sure if my particles are the same as before.
> Therefore I chose not to take that convention.

hmm -- it sounds like this is similar to what I was talking about above
-- the collection of particles at a given time is what's important --
not the path of any given particle.

As a not, we've been working some with the CDOG (deepwater blowout
model), and it doesn't keep track of which particles are which as they
are added an removed, either -- so it's a pretty common use case.

> There may
> be thousands or tens of thousands of particles, so it's not feasible
> to write each trajectory into a separate file.

nor does that fit that natural data model -- one file per timestep would
make more sense.

> We want a featureType that will allow us to write the entire
> collection of particles at each time step into a single file, and that
> will allow us to extract all the particles at a single time step, as
> well as extract individual particle trajectories by their ID.

well said.

> whereas as you describe it the time coord is common to all trajectories


> To arrange this, an indirection could be
> used on
> the time dimension:
> data(i,o) x(i,o) y(i,o) z(i,o) t(tindex(i,o))
> where i is the instance (which of the trajectories), o is the point
> along that
> trajectory, t is the coordinate vector of common times, and tindex is an
> index
> to t. For example, we might have these two trajectories (x,t) (omitting
> y and
> z for simplicity)
> (0,10) (1,11) (2,12)
> (3,11) (2,12) (1,13) (0,14)
> Then t would be [10,11,12,13,14] (all the times). For the first trajectory
> x=[0,1,2] tindex=[0,1,2]
> and for the second
> x=[3,2,1,0] tindex=[1,2,3,4]
> Is that right? Perhaps/probably there's a neater or more natural way to
> do it.

I'm having trouble following that -- but yes, it does not seem natural.

> The synchronization of coordinates opens a potential door to great
> simplicity of representation.
> metadata(i) data(i,o) x(i,o) y(i,o) z(i,o) t(o)
> where i is the instance (which of the trajectories), o is simply the
> time index. The possible costs are proliferation in numbers of ways to
> represent similar things and file size. The question that I'd be
> inclined to ask of Ute and Rich would be a judgment call on the cost in
> file size that would result from filling missing values at the start/end
> of each individual trajectory.

If you're going to do that, you could just store it as one big
rectangular array, with missing values marked (see above). Which sure
would be easy but costly in storage space.

Another problem -- you may not know the maximum number of particles at
time zero -- so you can't know how much space to allocate when you start
writing the file -- that may kill that approach.

> Optionally the metadata could include
> tstart_index(i) tend_index(i)
> This representation seems _the simplest from the standpoint of
> application code (reading)_. Synoptic view are simply projection at
> fixed "o" index; the history of an individual trajectory is simply a
> projection at a fixed "i" index.

How do you do this with a ragged array? I'm missing something.

> Does the
> saving of space through not padding the trajectories justify the complexity?
> I don't know.

Do you have a choice if you don't know what your maximum number of
particles is at the start?

Thanks all for working on this.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R            (206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115       (206) 526-6317   main reception
Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Received on Thu Oct 14 2010 - 17:22:00 BST

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