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[CF-metadata] ensemble dimension

From: Karl Taylor <taylor13>
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2010 14:59:04 -0700


Another option might be "ensemble_realization". At least if you search
the web you will find reasonable guidance (whereas this is likely not
the case for "realization" alone).


On 06-Apr-10 2:50 PM, Steve Hankin wrote:
> All,
> Nan's point deserves consideration. Well-chosen names should help the
> uninitiated to understand the concepts that CF is encoding.
> "Realization" is arguably the opposite sort of term; the sort of term
> that clicks as being sensible only _after_ one understands the range
> of concepts that can be encoded by CF. In the spirit of usability
> testing for user interfaces, the measure of quality should not be
> whether the UI (or terminology) seems sensible to the designers; it
> should be whether the UI leads the uninitiated user to proper
> understanding. Nan's comment speaks to that point.
> Doesn't "ensemble_member_identifier" seem to be a more self-evident
> term that would better enable a new-comer to grasp the contents of a
> CF ensemble dataset? Admittedly, a small point ....
> - Steve
> ========================================
> Nan Galbraith wrote:
>> Hi All -
>> The term realization is, apparently, *perfectly* clear to you
>> modelers, but it conveys no information at all to me.
>> Since it looks like it's going to be adopted, I hope you'll provide
>> a really clear definition in the standard - something that even an
>> oceanographer will understand.
>> Thanks!
>> - Nan
>> John Caron wrote:
>>> Jonathan Gregory wrote:
>>>> Dear all
>>>> "realization" is fine as a standard name. I had forgotten we had
>>>> introduced it.
>>>> I withdraw my suggestion of ensemble_member_identifier.
>>>> Thus, the standard name (of realization) can be used to identify an
>>>> ensemble
>>>> axis. I think that providing an axis attribute as well could be
>>>> helpful: with
>>>> spatiotemporal axes we have both methods of identification, and it
>>>> is possible
>>>> there might be ensemble axes in which realization was a not a good
>>>> choice of
>>>> standard name.
> --
> Steve Hankin, NOAA/PMEL --Steven.C.Hankin at noaa.gov
> 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115-0070
> ph. (206) 526-6080, FAX (206) 526-6744
> "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men
> to do nothing." -- Edmund Burke
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