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[CF-metadata] Re: GDAL NetCDF driver and projection.

From: Rich Signell <rsignell>
Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 12:45:25 -0400

Denis, Steve & John,

Can you guys please clarify for the CF community (or perhaps it is just
me that is unclear) what is happening here with georeferencing & NetCDF

I think it's time to make a proposal to the CF group before too many
different approaches are taken, so I'd like to see where we are first.

Steve -- It seems that ESRI has already adopted something for ArcGIS,
basically writing a "ESRI Well Known Text (WKT)" string into an
attribute called "esri_pe_string" for each grid variable. Is this
correct? Is there also a provision for the x and y variables to be
derived? It would be nice to see a full example of an ArcGIS-produced
NetCDF file. Is this coming in ArcGIS 9.2, or some future release?

Denis -- It seems that you are doing something slightly different than
ESRI. Are you using ESRI WKT, OpenGIS WKT in your NetCDF files, or
something different. It would be nice to see an example of these as
well. Is your primary objective to have a NetCDF file that can be used
as input and output from GDAL, but able to handle any georeferencing
information that GDAL is capable of producing?

John -- how does this stuff relate to Unidata's "Coordinate System
Object Model"?



Richard P. Signell
U.S. Geological Survey       Phone: (508) 457-2229
384 Woods Hole Road          Fax:   (508) 457-2310
Woods Hole, MA  02543-1598
Denis Nadeau wrote:
> Steve,
> I have finished the projection part of NetCDF with the same approach.  
> It is not checked in yet, but I am planning to do so today.    I have 
> created and computed the following metadata.
> Attributes:
> Northernmost_Northing   (These attributes are used only if there is no 
> GeoTransform array.)
> Southernmost_Northing
> Easternmost_Easting
> Westernmost_Easting
> GeoTransform  (this is the GDAL adfGeoTransform array  )
> spatial_ref (this is the WKT you called esri_pe_string );
> Denis
> 2006/4/28, Steve Kopp <skopp at esri.com <mailto:skopp at esri.com>>:
>     Denis,
>     After discussions with John last year, this is the same approach we
>     have taken with ArcGIS when exporting to netCDF, and so far it is
>     working well for us.
>     When we export to a netCDF file we write projection information as
>     an attribute of a variable. We call the attribute "esri_pe_string".
>     Of course we are reading and writing the CF standard projection
>     information when it is a coordinate system supported by CF.
>     Steve
>     float wdemclputm(y, x) ;
>                        wdemclputm:long_name = "wdemclputm" ;
>                        wdemclputm:esri_pe_string =
>     "PROJCS[\"Clarke_1866_UTM_Zone_12N\",GEOGCS[\"GCS_Clarke_1866\",DATUM[\"D_Clarke_1866\",SPHEROID[\"Clarke_1866\",6378206.4,294.9786982]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0.0],UNIT[\"Degree\",
>     0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION[\"Transverse_Mercator\"],PARAMETER[\"False_Easting\",500000.0],PARAMETER[\"False_Northing\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"Central_Meridian\",-111.0],PARAMETER[\"Scale_Factor\",
>     0.9996],PARAMETER[\"Latitude_Of_Origin\",0.0],UNIT[\"Meter\",1.0]]" ;
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From:* owner-galeon at unidata.ucar.edu
>     <mailto:owner-galeon at unidata.ucar.edu> [mailto:
>     owner-galeon at unidata.ucar.edu
>     <mailto:owner-galeon at unidata.ucar.edu>] *On Behalf Of *Denis Nadeau
>     *Sent:* Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:51 AM
>     *To:* John Caron
>     *Cc:* galeon at unidata.ucar.edu <mailto:galeon at unidata.ucar.edu>; CF
>     *Subject:* Re: GDAL NetCDF driver and projection.
>     Hi John,
>     Thank you for taking the time to write this email.  Your points are
>     very clear, and they are very helpful.  I must tell you that you
>     give me information and that you sure taught me about CF-1
>     convention community .  I will keep your email as a reference when
>     coding the GDAL  NetCDF driver. 
>     I have decided to use WKT to encode projections and if I see a new
>     governance structure from CF checked in, I will update the driver. 
>     As well, I think for this time being I will relax the lat,lon array
>     requirements.  If needed by the community, it would be very easy to
>     compute, but I do not want the driver to be expensive in CPU and space.
>     Thanks again,
>     Regards,
>     Denis
>     2006/4/26, John Caron <caron at unidata.ucar.edu
>     <mailto:caron at unidata.ucar.edu>>:
>     Hi Denis:
>     1) CF has unfortunately not yet dealt with datum and spheroid
>     encoding (not sure what "authority" is), but its on our list to
>     tackle. CF does specify a list of known projections and how to
>     encode those (Appendix F).
>     2) You can, of course, add any metadata you want, eg GeoTransform
>     values, from the CF POV, which CF readers are likely to ignore.
>     3) Frank Warmerdam and I talked a while ago about using WKT to
>     encode projection info. At the moment, it seems as good as any, with
>     the proviso that the CF group may decide to do it another way (when
>     we eventually decide).
>     4) Calculating the lat,lon arrays for projections is currently
>     required under CF. I have proposed that this requirement be relaxed,
>     perhaps as a CF profile, for the case where this is unneeded and
>     burdonsome. Issues like this are awaiting a new CF governence structure.
>     5) Unidata's software maps OPeNDAP datasets into the NetCDF data
>     model (aka "Common Data Model"), so we strongly encourage everyone
>     to use the NetCDF metadata conventions such as CF in their OPeNDAP
>     Servers. We think of OPeNDAP datasets as remote NetCDF datasets, and
>     make access to them as transparent as possible.
>     6) BTW, CF is an organization independent of Unidata. It grew out of
>     "climate and forecasting" modelers using NetCDF files, but is now
>     broader than that, and is an exemplar "community of practice" around
>     scientific metadata.
>     I am cc'ing to the CF list in case anyone there wants to add more,
>     and so the list can hear about what you are trying to do. In case
>     anyone doenst know, GDAL is an excellent C library for geospatial
>     work, kind of a "Common Data Model" for C .
>     Denis Nadeau wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  I have looked at the DODS OpeNDAP site and I could use the same
>     metadata
>>  structure to store NetCDF projection information.  This way if
>     somebody
>>  needs to convert from GTIFF to NetCDF, all projecton information could
>>  be used by GRADS, Openev or other applications. I guess my main
>     problem
>>  is related on how the CF-1 convention from Unidata handle
>     projections.
>>  This bring me to a main question:
>>  What are the needs for projections in the GALEON projects?
>>  I am the current GDAL NetCDF driver programmer, and would like to make
>>  the driver as useful as it can be to the community.
>>  Thanks,
>>  Denis
>>     Here are some notes on what was planned for storing projection,
>     etc in
>>     other parts of GDAL drivers.  To my knowledge, the never really
>>     propogated
>>     through to the OPeNDAP driver.  If the NetCDF or HDF direct
>     access GDAL
>>     driver is updated that those changes propogate through to the
>     OPeNDAP
>>     driver so that the same NetCDF/HDF datasets are accessible via
>     native
>>     OPeNDAP server, Grads GDS and THREDDS.
>>     At this point, a lot more support is there for local NetCDF/HDF
>>     files than
>>     for support of those files through OPeNDAP.   Its on my rather
>     large
>>     to do
>>     list, but somewhere in the 2 year timeframe.
>>     http://home.gdal.org/~warmerda/gdal_opendap_design.html
>     <http://home.gdal.org/%7Ewarmerda/gdal_opendap_design.html> (GeoTiff)
>>     http://gdal.maptools.org/frmt_dods.html
>>     <http://gdal.maptools.org/frmt_dods.html
>     <http://gdal.maptools.org/frmt_dods.html>> (DODS/OPeNDAP)
>>     Thanks!
>>     Rob
>>     On Wed, April 26, 2006 5:32 am, Denis Nadeau wrote:
>>      > Hi All,
>>      >
>>      > I would like to have suggestions from the community on the
>>     current needs
>>      > for the GDAL NetCDF driver.  I am currently writing the
>     CreateCopy
>>     method to
>>      > allow people to convert from any GDAL supported format to
>     NetCDF CF-1
>>      > convention format.
>>      >
>>      > At this point I am stuck with projection issues.  How should
>     I handle
>>      > DATUM,
>>      > SPHEROID and AUTHORITY?  I can produce a lat lon arrays to
>>     reproject the
>>      > projected coordinates to lat/lon space but that may be expensive
>>     in cpu
>>      > and
>>      > space.
>>      >
>>      > I am thinking as well to create an array containning the
>>     GeoTransform
>>      > values
>>      > if found in the source file.
>>      >
>>      >      adfGeoTransform[0] /* top left x */
>>      >      adfGeoTransform[1] /* w-e pixel resolution */
>>      >      adfGeoTransform[2] /* rotation, 0 if image is "north up" */
>>      >      adfGeoTransform[3] /* top left y */
>>      >      adfGeoTransform[4] /* rotation, 0 if image is "north up" */
>>      >      adfGeoTransform[5] /* n-s pixel resolution */
>>      >
>>      >
>>      > Thanks for your suggestion,
>>      >
>>      > Best Regards,
>>      > Denis Nadeau
>>      >
>>     --
>>     Alaska Ocean Observing System
>>     Database Manager
>>     907-474-7948
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