Hello everyone,
The summary of open CF Metadata Trac tickets has been updated for 28th
June (
http://www.met.reading.ac.uk/~david/cf_trac_summary.html). It's
good to see that, in the last month, quite a few tickets have moved
out of being dormant (red) to being resolved or actively discussed
(blue, green or yellow).
All the best,
---- Original message from Jonathan Gregory (04PM 14 Jun 12)
> Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 16:21:29 +0100
> From: Jonathan Gregory <j.m.gregory at reading.ac.uk>
> To: cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
> User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)
> Subject: [CF-metadata] CF trac ticket summary
> Dear all
> My colleague David Hassell has compiled a digest of the status of open CF trac
> tickets. This can be found at
> http://www.met.reading.ac.uk/~david/cf_trac_summary.html
> It has a line for each ticket, giving a summary, the names of the proposer and
> moderator (if any), and its status. Those which are shown as green have been
> accepted for inclusion in the next version of the CF standards document. Some
> are currently under discussion, and there are a few where the discussion has
> not finished and has gone dormant. I think this is a useful tool for keeping
> track of trac. In particular, it is the role of moderators of tickets to keep
> the discussion going and move it towards a conclusion. Not all the enhancement
> tickets have moderators, and if people who think they have a good grasp of the
> discussion would like to volunteer, that is welcome. Being a moderator does not
> prevent you from expressing a view, but in summarising the discussion the
> moderator should be fair and objective, of course. The rules are at
> http://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/governance/governance-rules. (Defect tickets do not
> require moderators, because there should not be any substantial discussion.)
> David expects to update this table approximately every couple of weeks.
> Comments are welcome.
> Best wishes
> Jonathan
> _______________________________________________
> CF-metadata mailing list
> CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
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David Hassell
National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS)
Department of Meteorology, University of Reading,
Earley Gate, PO Box 243,
Reading RG6 6BB, U.K.
Tel : 0118 3785613
Fax : 0118 3788316
E-mail: d.c.hassell at reading.ac.uk
Received on Thu Jun 28 2012 - 14:58:51 BST