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[CF-metadata] Logarithmic scaling and CF-Convention

From: Stephen Emsley <SEmsley>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 16:40:26 +0100


I have reviewed the CF documentation and found nothing that suggests that logarithmic scaling of variables is CF-convention compliant. The only reference I have found is in the 2005 archives where a user commented that their data was stored in bytes and they needed to scale it using the transformation:

real_data = 10 ^ (scale_factor * raw_data + add_offset)

whereas it appeared that the only conformant transformation was:

real_data = (scale_factor * raw_data + add_offset).

Has there been any changes over the intervening 5 years that enables users to stored log scaled datasets in a CF-convention conforming manner?

So far my reading has led me to the conclusion that the only possibility is to describe the variable in the long name to be the logarithm of the measured data. Is that the accepted solution?

Kind Regards

Dr Stephen Emsley  ::  ARGANS Limited  ::  www.argans.co.uk
T: +44 1752 764295  |  M: +44 7912 515418  |  SEmsley at argans.co.uk
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