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[CF-metadata] Logarithmic scaling and CF-Convention

From: Jonathan Gregory <j.m.gregory>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 20:01:29 +0100

Dear Steve

> So far my reading has led me to the conclusion that the only possibility is to describe the variable in the long name to be the logarithm of the measured data. Is that the accepted solution?

I believe that to be the case, yes. I think that is OK because I would argue
that the log of a quantity is not the same quantity, from a geophysical or
physical point of view. A log doesn't have units, for instance (except
dimensionless ones such as decibels). If the log was taken in order to pack
the data, that ought to be recognised as such by adding a new convention to
section 8 of the CF standard.

Best wishes

Received on Fri Sep 24 2010 - 13:01:29 BST

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