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[CF-metadata] mixing ratio

From: John Graybeal <graybeal>
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 11:28:50 -0800


I would be very interested in using CF as a demonstration of mapping
using the additional terms from the latest SKOS: broaderThan,
narrowerThan, closeMatch, and relatedMatch. (I'm also extremely
interested in the CF ontology proposal discussed earlier, but I will
not be able to engage on it before the end of the year.) I will
contact you offline to discuss appropriate technologies/approaches.

I hope there are not any exactMatch mappings, that would be a bad sign
(except in the case of aliases of course).


On Nov 26, 2008, at 8:37 AM, Roy Lowry wrote:

> Hi John,
> My understanding of Standard Name 'aliases' is that they provide a
> deprecation mechanism. Until the last batch of updates the
> relationship between the 'old' and 'new' was exactMatch, but this
> changed significantly in the last update with many of the
> 'replacements' being obviously semantically broader than their
> predecessors.
> Since discussions with Alison at GO-ESSP I'm serving the standard
> names in a manner to reflect this with a list for current names
> (P071) and another for deprecates (P072). Obviously, there's a
> mapping maintained between them.
> As you are intimating and others have requested, it would be good to
> have an internal mapping between related Standard Names and there's
> an action from GO-ESSP on Alison and I to do this. At the moment
> I'm hoping Alison can find time to do the mapping then I'll load
> them, but appreciate that she's many other things to do.
> So, an idea occurred to me. If anyone reading the list would like
> to propose any internal mappings based on exactMatch, broadMatch and
> narrowMatch and send them to me then I'll load them up. To avoid
> duplication of effort it might be best for any volunteers to post a
> message to the list stating the area of the Standard Name domain
> they're proposing to take on.
> Looking into my crystal ball it might be possible for these mappings
> to be maintained directly by the CF community using a VINE-like
> interface linked to the Vocabulary Server term repository.
> Cheers, Roy.
>>>> John Graybeal <graybeal at mbari.org> 11/26/08 4:16 PM >>>
> This seems a little artificially constrained -- make the change for a
> day, then change it back, and presto, now the alias is recording a
> previous version of a standard name.
> But I guess that doesn't address your main point, which is that
> aliases aren't intended to serve as synonyms/navigational aids. Not
> knowing the history, I wonder: Is that conclusion open to discussion?
> Seems like a useful capability.
> john
> On Nov 26, 2008, at 6:30 AM, Pamment, JA (Alison) wrote:
>> Unfortunately, it would not be possible to do this because aliases
>> in CF
>> are used only as a way of recording previous versions of existing
>> standard names, for example, when a name is changed for reasons of
>> clarity or to correct a spelling mistake. It is not intended to be
>> used
>> as a means of creating synonyms between current names or as a
>> navigation
>> aid to the standard name table. If we changed the name to
>> mass_fraction_of_water_vapor_in_dry_air then humidity_mixing_ratio
>> would
>> become its alias, but we couldn't do it the other way round.
> --------------
> John Graybeal <mailto:graybeal at mbari.org> -- 831-775-1956
> Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
> Marine Metadata Interoperability Project: http://marinemetadata.org
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John Graybeal <mailto:graybeal at mbari.org> -- 831-775-1956
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Marine Metadata Interoperability Project: http://marinemetadata.org
Received on Wed Nov 26 2008 - 12:28:50 GMT

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