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[CF-metadata] CF feature type trajectory (Ch. 9; May 10, 2011) and axis attribute

From: Chris Paver <Christopher.Paver>
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2011 12:13:39 +0000

Dear List,
I have been reviewing the use of the axis attribute as defined in Chapter 5, and
comparing it to the trajectory example in the Chapter 9 document at A9.4. The
Ch. 5 rules states that only a coordinate variable can have an axis attribute,
whereas the auxiliary variables cannot. However, in Ch. 9, the single
trajectory dimension is time, but the variable z contains the axis attribute. Is
this a change to the rule as stated in Ch. 5, or a typo? I briefly looked over
the other feature types in Ch. 9, and they all look to have the vertical
variable listed with the axis attribute, so maybe it is a typo.

Chris Paver, Oceanographer
1315 East-West Hwy
Silver Spring MD 20910
Phone:  301-713-3272 ext. 118
Fax:  301-713-3302
Received on Thu Jul 07 2011 - 06:13:39 BST

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