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[CF-metadata] Ocean S-coordinate respecification

From: Rich Signell <rsignell>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 16:56:19 -0400

CF folk:

To my chagrin, I just recently realized two things that should be
fixed with the CF 1.0 convention with regard to the handling of
dimentionless vertical coordinates in ocean models.

1. I discovered that "ocean s-coordinate" transformation I supplied is
restrictive. Here is what exists in the CF 1.0 standard:

standard_name = "ocean_s_coordinate"


z(n,k,j,i) = eta(n,j,i)*(1+s(k)) + depth_c*s(k) +

 C(k) = (1-b)*sinh(a*s(k))/sinh(a) +
b*[tanh(a*(s(k)+0.5))/(2*tanh(0.5*a)) - 0.5]

formula_terms = "s: var1 eta: var2 depth: var3 a: var4 b:
var5 depth_c: var6"

But C(k) can be any monotonic function from 0 to 1, not just this
function with
specific sinh and tanh functions. The C(k) should be input, not a, b
and the function.

I would therefore like to replace the existing CF1.0 definition with this:

standard_name = "ocean_s_coordinate"


z(n,k,j,i) = eta(n,j,i)*(1+s(k)) + depth_c*s(k) +

formula_terms = "s: var1 eta: var2 depth: var3 C: var4
depth_c: var5"

How best to go about this? I would bet that the IDV is the only
that has used the "ocean s-coordinate", so one option would be to just
switch it
immediately and tell the IDV folk, no? (treat it like a bug, even though
is really isn't a bug).

Alternatively, we could come up with a new name like "ocean
s2-coordinate", but
this seems silly since "ocean s-coordinate" would be a subset of the new

2) I realized that "ocean sigma-coordinate" is just a subset of "ocean
(If C(k) is specified to be the same as s(k)). Should we therefore
eliminate ocean s-coordinate?


Richard P. Signell           rsignell at usgs.gov
U.S. Geological Survey       Phone: (508) 457-2229
384 Woods Hole Road          Fax:   (508) 457-2310
Woods Hole, MA  02543-1598  
Received on Mon Oct 25 2004 - 14:56:19 BST

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