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[CF-metadata] Sea water velocity

From: Nan Galbraith <ngalbraith>
Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2009 17:30:11 -0400

Is there any reason the standard name for Stephane's flag value can't
be "sea_water_speed status_flag" ?

The spec implies, but, if I read it correctly, it doesn't explicitly
state that the standard names must match, and the ancillary_variables
attribute provides a clear link between the variables.

There are only 4 standard name modifiers; I was hoping to use
"sea_water_speed error" for the error velocity reported by an
ADCP, and assign it as an ancillary variable to the component
velocities. I thought I'd ask about adding "error" as a modifier,
or possibly sea_water_speed_error as a new standard name.

Not sure which of these would be more acceptable - or more
useful - in the long run.

Thanks -

> Dear Stephane
>> float ewct(time, latitude, longitude) ;
>> ewct:standard_name = "eastward_sea_water_velocity";
>> ewct:ancillary_variables = "ct_flag";
>> float nsct(time, latitude, longitude) ;
>> nsct:standard_name = "northward_sea_water_velocity";
>> nsct:ancillary_variables = "ct_flag";
>> byte ct_flag(time, latitude, longitude) ;
>> ct_flag:standard_name = "eastward_sea_water_velocity status_flag";
>> That's it ? Both ewct and nsct variables have the same ancillary variable.
>> But it's not obvious when you look at ct_flag that it applies to two
>> variables !
> I know. I think it is correct, but obviously not ideal. However the standard
> doesn't have any other provision for this at the moment, so there is no
> other immediate solution, as far as I can see.
> We could extend the convention, but that will take a bit more thought and
> debate, I expect. Proposals for modifying the convention are discussed on
> the CF trac site.
> Best wishes
> Jonathan
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* Nan Galbraith                        (508) 289-2444 *
* Upper Ocean Processes Group            Mail Stop 29 *
* Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution                *
* Woods Hole, MA 02543                                *
Received on Thu Oct 08 2009 - 15:30:11 BST

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