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[CF-metadata] Towards recognizing and exploiting hierarchical groups (Charlie Zender - Steve Hankin - Richard Signell)

From: Charlie Zender <zender>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 22:26:53 -0700

Hi Russ,

Thanks for your input and link to an earlier presentation of yours.

Agree that the proposal only applies to group hierarchies, i.e., to
groups representable by the Common Data Model 2/extended/enhanced
which for practical purposes means groups exposed by the netCDF4 API.
Your way of putting it is better because it's more generic: we only
seek to define metadata inheritance for hierarchical groups, no matter
the external representation of the group.


Le 16/09/2013 12:06, Russ Rew a ?crit :
>> Dear all,
> I'm also glad to see this discussion surface. Since I first presented
> "Developing Conventions for netCDF-4" at the 2007 GO-ESSP meeting:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/presentations/Rew/nc4-conventions.pdf
> I've been hoping that netCDF-4 feature adoption would begin to gain
> traction in the community (see slides 19 and 20 of this 2010
> presentation for my "chicken-and-egg logjam" illustration):
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/presentations/Rew/agu_2010_nc4_Rew.pdf
> I like the Zender-Habermann-Leonard (ZHL?) proposal for Group
> Attributes, but would like to point out a potential problem for its use
> with HDF Groups: they aren't actually hierarchical. In HDF5, Group A
> can be a parent of Group B, which in turn can be a parent of Group A,
> forming a cycle instead of a hierarchy. The graph of the Group-subGroup
> relation in HDF5 can form an arbitrary directed cyclic graph, though
> this is not permitted in netCDF-4, in which only Group *hierarchies* can
> be created through the netCDF-4 API.
> Without a restriction to hierarchies, attribute inheritance is not
> useful, which is why we required group hierarchies for dimension
> inheritance in netCDF-4. So I think the proposal should include a
> restriction to only hierarchical Group structures, which also has the
> desirable property that each Group, except for the root, has a unique
> parent Group.
> --Russ
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Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(
Received on Mon Sep 16 2013 - 23:26:53 BST

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