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[CF-metadata] radiosonde ascent rate?

From: Nan Galbraith <ngalbraith>
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2016 17:18:50 -0400

Hmm, interesting! I remember looking closely at the platform standard
names, but not thinking
about platforms moving straight up or down.

Could you use platform_speed_wrt_ground along with platform_course or
||Instead of adding 'upward' to the std name, could you supply it as an
attribute for speed?

I thought there might be a standard attribute in ACDD for this info, but
there really isn't.
How do people supply descent rate for the millions of CTDs that are in CF?

Cheers - Nan

On 8/29/16 4:30 PM, Jim Biard wrote:
> Leslie,
> That sounds like a good name, assuming that you really need one. CF
> does not require a standard name for every variable. The primary
> intention of standard names is to make it easier to see that you are
> comparing apples to apples with data (or at least quinces to apples,
> as opposed to hat-racks to apples).
> If you think the benefits of having a standard name are great enough
> to go through the minimal bother, then make a "formal" request in an
> email to the list.
> Grace and peace,
> Jim
> On 8/29/16 3:10 PM, Leslie Hartten (NOAA Affiliate) wrote:
>> Dear List,
>> I am putting together a radiosonde dataset and trying hard to stick
>> with CF Standard Names. I have combed through the table
>> (http://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-standard-names/current/build/cf-standard-name-table.html)
>> and this list's archives, but found nothing that would obviously work
>> as a name for the ascent rate of a radiosonde. At present, I have
>> taken the name " platform_speed_wrt_ground" and prefaced it with
>> "upward_", since there is horizontal motion w/r/to the ground that is
>> not considered in this variable.
>> Does anyone have an already legal suggestion for radiosonde ascent
>> rate? Should I request a new variable,
>> "upward_platform_speed_wrt_ground"?
>> Many thanks for any assistance. I never even knew about CF
>> standard names until I started QC'ing data from our field program and
>> trying to create good data files!
>> Cheers,
>> Leslie

* Nan Galbraith        Information Systems Specialist *
* Upper Ocean Processes Group            Mail Stop 29 *
* Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution                *
* Woods Hole, MA 02543                 (508) 289-2444 *
Received on Tue Aug 30 2016 - 15:18:50 BST

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