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[CF-metadata] Standard Name Inconsistency?

From: Jonathan Gregory <j.m.gregory>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 13:47:40 +0000

Dear Alison

> I think the key is that all these names refer to water collected at, or close to, the surface (including the vegetation canopy).

> In contrast to the amount names, I think the mass_content names mean mass per unit area integrated throughout the entire atmospheric column or through a specified atmospheric layer. The concept is therefore not quite the same as thinking of a substance collected at the surface.

I agree that's basically the distinction. We've used "amount" for a mass per
unit area on a surface e.g. rainfall_amount, sea_ice_amount, whereas
"mass content" is mass per unit area contained within a medium.

> I suggest that we don't alter all the amount names to use mass_content, but instead review them to make sure that both they and their definitions are clearly marked as surface/canopy quantities. Does that sound like a reasonable way forwards?

Yes, I think so. Thanks

Best wishes

Received on Wed Dec 18 2013 - 06:47:40 GMT

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