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[CF-metadata] netCDF time axis comforming to CF-1.0 convention

From: Rosalyn Hatcher <r.s.hatcher>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 13:27:03 +0100

I've taken a look and this and it's a bug in the CF Checker.

The checker correctly interpreted from units and/or positive attributes
that variable time is a T axis,
however failed to correctly identify that "t" and "T" are the same!!!

The use of lowercase values for the axis attribute are allowed according
to the CF Conformance and Recommendations document.

I will fix this in the next version of the checker script.


Seth McGinnis wrote:
> Glancing at my local copy of the cf-checker code, I believe it is
> case-sensitive, yes.
> As it ought to be: the spec lists valid values for axis as capital letters and
> uses the <code> markup that indicates an exact term.
> --Seth
> On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 12:55:04 -0600
> John Caron <caron at unidata.ucar.edu> wrote:
>> the units appear ok. is the CF checker case sensitive on the "t" ?
>> On 7/23/2010 12:27 PM, Karl Taylor wrote:
>>> Stephane,
>>> axis="T" is correct. I'm guessing, the units on your time coordinate aren't
>> recognized by udunits.
>>> Karl
>>> On 7/23/10 11:02 AM, Stephane Poirier wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I am trying to have our netCDF files comply to CF-1.0 convention.
>>>> CF-Convention compliance checker for NetCDF format
>> (http://*titania.badc.rl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/cf-checker.pl) returns the following
>> error when checking my netCDF file's "time" variable: ERROR (4): axis
>> attribute inconsistent with coordinate type as deduced from units and/or
>> positive.
>>>> File
>> http://*www.*oifii.org/do-org/dod/2010july23_time-axis-attribute-inconsistent-with-coordinate-type-as-deduced-from-units-and-or-positive.jpg
>> shows how UCAR's NetCDF 4.2 Tool UI see's my netCDF file
>> (http://*www.*oifii.org/imt/dai/crcm/MRCC.4.2.0_amno_adj_alsi_ps_196012_r(cf-1-4).nc
>> <http://*www.*oifii.org/imt/dai/crcm/MRCC.4.2.0_amno_adj_alsi_ps_196012_r%28cf-1-4%29.nc>).
>>>> Do I get this error because the "axis" attribute of my "time" variable is
>> set to "t" instead of "time"?
>>>> Stephane
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Stephane Poirier, M.Sc. Optical Physics
>>>> Remote Sensing Application Software Developer
>>>> Geography Department, Burnside Hall
>>>> McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
>>>> http://*geog.mcgill.ca
>>>> Stephane.Poirier2 at mcgill.ca <mailto:Stephane.Poirier2 at mcgill.ca>
>>>> Cell. (514) 994-3532
>>>> Fax: (514) 509-8833
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Stephane Poirier, M.Sc. Optical Physics
>>>> Remote Sensing Application Software Developer
>>>> 3532 rue Sainte-Famille, Apt. 4
>>>> Montreal, QC, H2X 2L1, Canada
>>>> http://*www.*oifii.org
>>>> stephane.poirier at oifii.org <mailto:stephane.poirier at oifii.org>
>>>> Tel.: (514) 509-8833
>>>> Fax: (514) 509-8833
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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Rosalyn Hatcher
NCAS Computational Modelling Services
Dept. of Meteorology, University of Reading, 
Earley Gate, Reading. RG6 6BB
Email: r.s.hatcher at reading.ac.uk     Tel: +44 (0) 118 378 6016
Received on Mon Jul 26 2010 - 06:27:03 BST

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