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[CF-metadata] MSG Cloud physical properties codification

From: Maarten Plieger <plieger>
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 16:38:20 +0000

Dear Jonathan,

Thank you for your suggestions on these names, we think that they will
suit our needs very well.

There is still one issue remaining:
>> - thermodynamic_particle_phase_at_cloud_top (status_flag): "The
>> thermodynamic phase of particles at the top of the cloud" ;
> What are the allowed values of this quantity?
These are: liquid, ice and mixed. (flag_meanings = "liquid ice mixed" ;)
>> Is there a better way do distuingish between
>> thermodynamic_particle_phase_at_cloud_top and
>> thermodynamic_particle_phase_at_cloud_top_infrared?
> There are other instances where we have used a phrase defined_by to make
> a distinction between closely related geophysical concepts. Is this such a
> case, where "cloud top" is defined in particular ways? What are these ways?
The first is indeed derived from visibile radiances while the second is
derived from infrared radiances only.
Should we apply the standard name
(thermodynamic_particle_phase_at_cloud_top or something similar) and
define somehow whether it is derived from visible or infrared?

defined_by visible
defined_by infrared?
If this is the way to go, how should we apply these?

Best regards,

Jonathan Gregory schreef:
> Dear Maarten
> Thank you for working towards CF compliance.
>> - instrument_zenith_angle (degree): "Instrument zenith angle is the the
>> angle between the line of sight to the instrument and the local vertical" ;
> There was a recent thread on this email list about names similar to this and
> maybe this has already come up - I don't remember. Possibly it would be better
> to make it
> platform_zenith_angle
> because there are various other platform_ standard names. Would that be OK?
>> - solar_instrument_relative_azimuth_angle (degree): "The difference
>> between the solar azimuth angle and the instrument azimuth angle" ;
> Personally I would find that a bit hard to understand. Also, I wonder if a
> sign convention should be specified. To address that, what would your opinion
> be of
> angle_of_rotation_from_solar_azimuth_to_platform_azimuth
> based on existing names of the form angle_of_rotation_from_A_to_B.
>> - thermodynamic_particle_phase_at_cloud_top (status_flag): "The
>> thermodynamic phase of particles at the top of the cloud" ;
> What are the allowed values of this quantity?
>> Is there a better way do distuingish between
>> thermodynamic_particle_phase_at_cloud_top and
>> thermodynamic_particle_phase_at_cloud_top_infrared?
> There are other instances where we have used a phrase defined_by to make
> a distinction between closely related geophysical concepts. Is this such a
> case, where "cloud top" is defined in particular ways? What are these ways?
>> - geometrical_thickness_of_liquid_water_cloud (m): "Cloud Geometrical
>> Thickness (cloud top height minus cloud base)" ;
> Could we omit "geometrical"? In standard names, "thickness" means just this
> i.e. the vertical extent of a layer.
>> - effective_radius_of_cloud_condensed_water_particle_at_cloud_top (m):
>> "Particle effective radius for both liquid and ice water particles" ;
> That one seems to correspond well to the pattern of some existing names.
> Best wishes
> Jonathan
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Maarten Plieger
KNMI, R&D Information and Observation Technology, De Bilt
(t) +31 30 2206330
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