Hi Nan,
Within ACDD the guidance is to use:
Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0";
This is documented at the top of the Unidata page but not within the
listed HTML tables which I think makes it easy to overlook.
On 12/21/2011 1:53 PM, Nan Galbraith wrote:
> Hi all -
> I'm certain that this has been discussed, but I can't
> find it anywhere in the email archive, or on the trac site.
> Don't we allow a compound (comma separated) string
> in the global attribute 'Conventions'?
> Because there are new, complimentary conventions
> available - like the ACDD (discovery attributes) - it would
> be very handy to allow multiple
> conventions to be specified
> in a single attribute: "CF-1.6,
> ACDD, OceanSITESv2.1.2".
> Here's the text from the current version of the cf-conventions
> document:
> > 2.6.1. Identification of
> Conventions
> > > We recommend that netCDF files that follow these
> conventions
> > indicate this by setting the NUG defined global attribute
> Conventions
> > to the string value "CF-1.6". The string is interpreted as a
> > directory name relative to a directory that is a repository
> of
> > documents describing sets of discipline-specific conventions.
> I'm not sure about the use of the directory structure in the
> quoted section of the standard; is that actually used by a
> lot of software? Would a separate attribute providing the
> URL for the convention be more flexible/useful?
> Thanks -
> Nan
> --
> *******************************************************
> * Nan Galbraith (508) 289-2444 *
> * Upper Ocean Processes Group Mail Stop 29 *
> * Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution *
> * Woods Hole, MA 02543 *
> *******************************************************
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