I like the idea of a Google Doc to consolidate the issue list.
Whether it will prove unwieldy is hard to guess.
A 3-month period for listing use-cases seems reasonable.
It seems more CF-like to be use-case driven than to
presume the entire netCDF4 data model will be adopted.
This has the advantage of parsimony--only implement
what is necessary. From a technical point-of-view,
however, it is advantageous to know already what netCDF4
can and cannot easily do. In my view the intersection of
important use-cases and netCDF4 capabilities is the
"sweet spot" for CF-2.0.
Once the smoke clears I may summarize use-cases for
handling ensembles/replicants and for handling
large integer numbers. These could raise the issues
of having groups and 64-bit ints in CF-2.0.
But first let's settle the framework for discussions.
Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(
Received on Fri Sep 19 2014 - 10:19:49 BST