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[CF-metadata] NMAT

From: Hill, Julian <julian.hill>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 16:47:52 +0000


I've had a quick hunt on the CFStdNameTable and couldn't find anything
for Nighttime Marine Air Temperature (NMAT) so I'd like to request two
new standard names.

air_temperature_where_sea_assuming_night (Units = K)
air_temperature_anomaly_where_sea_assuming_night (Units = K)

Does that sound okay to people? Or are there other suggestions?

Kind regards

Dr Julian Hill Marine Data Research Scientist
Met Office     Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
FitzRoy Road   Exeter EX1 3PB United Kingdom
Tel:   +44 (0)1392 884278     Fax:   +44(0)1392 885681
"Making our forecasts essential to everyone, every day."
Received on Thu Nov 30 2006 - 09:47:52 GMT

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