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[CF-metadata] Copyright/licence status of CF names?

From: Karl Taylor <taylor13>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 17:47:52 -0700

Dear all,

I'm almost certain that none of the CF convention material falls in the
"protected" category. Does anyone disagree?

Even if a document were copyrighted, I don't think the individual words
in the document would be restricted to being used by others.

But I'm not a lawyer.


On 4/11/13 2:57 AM, Asmi, Ari J wrote:
> Dear CF list members,
> Perhaps my question is a trivial one:
> What is the copyright status or licensing system of the CF names?
> This might sound a weird question for a community project, but I actually now encountered a problem related to this issue:
> We are building a national database on atmospheric measurements, and I suggested to our service provider to use NETCDF CF names on the properties that have such names already. Now, the service provider found on the
> http://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/ page a link to
> https://www.llnl.gov/disclaimer.html
> With "All documents available from this server may be protected under the U.S. and Foreign Copyright Laws. Permission to reproduce may be required. "
> Understandably, they were concerned can they use the names on a public database without some clear right to use such.
> As a scientist, I find this rather silly, but I do kind of understand their point as well.
> Does NETCDF CF have a copyright? If so, to who? The mailing list members?
> More importantly: should the webpage include a text on the subject? Does it already?
> Free to use on any purpose?
> Best regards,
> Ari Asmi

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