Dear all,
The names I would like to suggest are for ECHAM5 (EH for ECMWF model and
HAM for Hamburg),
CLM, ERA15 and ERA40 output:
For ECHAM5 I like to suggest:
water vapor mixing ratio of a parcel of moist air is the ratio of the
mass of water
vapor to the mass of dry air.
Mixing ratio of a parcel of liquid water in air is the ratio of the
mass of liquid water to the mass of dry air.
Mixing ratio of a parcel of ice in air is the ratio of the mass of ice
to the mass of dry air.
'surface_background_albedo' (This is the albedo assuming no snow but the
albedo of vegetation, glacier and shelf)
In the model three different areas exist:
'-where_sea/lake-ice (except shelf)'
I need
downward_heat_flux_in_sea_ice and lake_ice (except shelf)
My proposal is a new standard name:
downward_heat_flux_in_ice where sea-ice and lake-ice (except shelf)
I need
ice_thickness where sea/lake-ice (except shelf)
I think
sea_ice_thickness where sea/lake-ice (except shelf)
is not correct.
My proposal is a new standard name:
For IPCC-DDC Third Assessment Report data sets I like to suggest:
For ERA15 ERA40 I like to suggest:
integral_of_surface_downward_eastward_stress_wrt_time Newton second
integral_of_surface_downward_northward_stress_wrt_time Newton second
integral_of_surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air_wrt_time Watt
second metre**-2
integral_of_surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_wrt_time Watt
second metre**-2
Best regards
Heinke H?ck
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie Tel +49 40 41173-465
Abteilung Modelle und Daten Fax +49 40 41173-400
Bundesstr. 53
D-20146 Hamburg Germany
Email: heinke.hoeck at
Received on Wed Mar 12 2008 - 06:31:20 GMT