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[CF-metadata] Adding palettes to the data

From: Martin Raspaud <martin.raspaud>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 11:45:42 +0100

Hash: SHA1

On 23/10/12 19:59, Mike Grant wrote:
> On 28/09/12 12:40, Martin Raspaud wrote:
>> Within this context, we would like to associate a palette of
>> (rgb)
> ..
>> However, I can't find information on how to do this in netcdf and
>> more particularly within CF.
> This is really a presentation issue and, as such, I don't think
> it's been addressed within CF, which is more about describing the
> data. Similarly, the netcdf format is about containing and
> describing data, rather than pictures, which would be considered as
> a rendering of the data by a separate program. So I don't think
> you'll find anything dealing with it in CF or netcdf docs at
> present.
> Mark's question regarding the encoding of your data is very
> relevant - are your data values already crunched down to a 0-255
> range suitable for palettising (in which case make sure you include
> the descaling parameters! [1]) or are they real data of some kind?
> The only other things I'd add to Mark's suggestions are that you
> might want to use the "ancillary_variables" attribute [2] to link
> to the "recommended" palette, and to consider the CF cell
> boundaries [3] as one way of encoding ranges (this might not make
> sense!)

Mark, Mike

Thank for your answers.

To clarify a little, the cloudtype values are within [0, 20], so we
define an rgb color for every value.

I understand from your comments that there is no standard way defined
for palettes, so I will do as suggested and use a (r, g, b) array of
size 20 and put it as an ancillary_variable to the dataset.

Best regards,

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