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[CF-metadata] northward / eastward land ice velocity

From: Andreas Groh <andreas.groh>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:27:45 +0100

Dear all,

Standard names exist for both x- and y-components of sea ice velocity
(sea_ice_x_velocity and sea_ice_y_velocity) and the north- and
east-components (northward_sea_ice_velocity and
eastward_sea_ice_velocity). For the land ice velocity standard names are
only defined for the x- and y-components (land_ice_x_velocity and
Would be possible to add equivalent standard names for the north- and
east-components (northward_land_ice_velocity and

Thanks and best regards,


Dr.-Ing. Andreas Groh
Institut f?r Planetare Geod?sie
Geod?tische Erdsystemforschung
Technische Universit?t Dresden
D-01062 Dresden, Germany
phone : +49-351-463.33416
fax   : +49-351-463.37063
email : andreas.groh at tu-dresden.de
web   : tu-dresden.de/geo/ipg/gef
Received on Thu Feb 25 2016 - 00:27:45 GMT

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