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[CF-metadata] CF-convention for three-dimensional lat/long coordinate variables?

From: john caron <caron>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 10:27:38 -0500

It appears that d0 is a time dimension? If so, CF would require a time
coordinate for it. In any case, its necessary to distinguish between "CF
compliant" and "able to be georeferenced by generic programs using CF
metadata". The latter is more stringent, and at the moment i dont think
your dataset has enough info.

H. Joe Lee wrote:
> Thanks, Karl! Maybe, I think it's good to mention this possibility
> in the CF document: coordinate variables can be arbitrary n-Dimension
> arrays where n > 1.
> Regarding the 3rd dimension, the 3-D lat/lon coordinate variables
> have dimension names like below.
> 447 (Number of HourBoxes) x 3 (1.0 deg. Colat Zones: 178 - 180) x
> 360 (1.0 deg. longitude regions)
> --
> +1(217)265-7710
> http://hdfeos.org
> On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Karl Taylor <taylor13 at llnl.gov> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This file looks CF-compliant to me. I don't think it has to be 2-d. Like
>> John Caron, I am mildly curious what the 3-dimensions represent.
>> regards,
>> Karl
>> On 05-Mar-10 12:30 PM, H. Joe Lee wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a satellite data that stores lat / lon information in 3-D
>>> array and I'm wondering how such data can meet the CF convention.
>>> Following the
>>> http://*cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/documents/cf-conventions/1.4/ch05s02.html
>>> page example convention, here's the description of my data:
>>> -------------------------
>>> dimensions:
>>> d0 = 447 ;
>>> d1 = 3 ;
>>> d2 = 360;
>>> lev = 18 ;
>>> variables:
>>> float V(lev,d0,d1,d2) ;
>>> T:long_name = "Precipitable Water" ;
>>> T:units = "cm" ;
>>> T:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>>> float lev(lev) ;
>>> lev:long_name = "pressure level" ;
>>> lev:units = "hPa" ;
>>> float lon(d0,d1,d2) ;
>>> lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>>> lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>>> float lat(d0,d1,d2) ;
>>> lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>>> lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>>> -----------------------------------------------
>>> My question is, should lat / lon coordinate variables be always 2-D
>>> array in CF-convention for two dimensional coordinate system?
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> +1(217)265-7710
>>> http://*hdfeos.org
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Received on Wed Mar 10 2010 - 08:27:38 GMT

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