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[CF-metadata] CF-convention for three-dimensional lat/long coordinate variables?

From: H. Joe Lee <hyoklee>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 08:37:18 -0600

  Thanks, Karl! Maybe, I think it's good to mention this possibility
in the CF document: coordinate variables can be arbitrary n-Dimension
arrays where n > 1.

  Regarding the 3rd dimension, the 3-D lat/lon coordinate variables
have dimension names like below.

  447 (Number of HourBoxes) x 3 (1.0 deg. Colat Zones: 178 - 180) x
360 (1.0 deg. longitude regions)

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Karl Taylor <taylor13 at llnl.gov> wrote:
> Hi,
> This file looks CF-compliant to me.  I don't think it has to be 2-d.  Like
> John Caron, I am mildly curious what the 3-dimensions represent.
> regards,
> Karl
> On 05-Mar-10 12:30 PM, H. Joe Lee wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   I have a satellite data that stores lat / lon information in 3-D
>> array and I'm wondering how such data can meet the CF convention.
>>   Following the
>> http://*cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/documents/cf-conventions/1.4/ch05s02.html
>> page example convention, here's the description of my data:
>> -------------------------
>> dimensions:
>>   d0 = 447 ;
>>   d1 = 3 ;
>>   d2 = 360;
>>   lev = 18 ;
>> variables:
>>   float V(lev,d0,d1,d2) ;
>>     T:long_name = "Precipitable Water" ;
>>     T:units = "cm" ;
>>     T:coordinates = "lon lat" ;
>>   float lev(lev) ;
>>     lev:long_name = "pressure level" ;
>>     lev:units = "hPa" ;
>>   float lon(d0,d1,d2) ;
>>     lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
>>     lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
>>   float lat(d0,d1,d2) ;
>>     lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
>>     lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
>> -----------------------------------------------
>> My question is, should lat / lon coordinate variables be always 2-D
>> array in CF-convention for two dimensional coordinate system?
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> +1(217)265-7710
>> http://*hdfeos.org
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Received on Mon Mar 08 2010 - 07:37:18 GMT

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