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[CF-metadata] Same parameter, different meaning (pressure)

From: Roy Lowry <rkl>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 19:04:24 +0100

Hello Jonathan/Karl

My one worry with Jonathan's suggestion is that we sometimes get 'tide gauges' bolted onto structures like oil rigs nearer the surface than the seafloor but they are still measuring variation in sea level. This is the 'datum issue' that we've hit before in CF, but never fully resolved. However, I'm open to being convinced that expression of data relative to seabed should always be possible in these cases and maybe enforcing it for 'Standard Name' labelled parameetrs might be a good thing. Thoughts welcome.

To answer Karl we either have pressure due to the water column or presure due to water column plus atmosphere: the parameter that is measured before any corrections are done.

Cheers, Roy.

>>> Jonathan Gregory <j.m.gregory at reading.ac.uk> 08/27/08 6:22 PM >>>
Dear Steve, Nan et al.

I think it would be fine to have a CF standard name of
which is certainly an oceanographically useful quantity. We haven't used the
phrase at_sea_floor hitherto, but sea_floor appears in other standard names
and there are many quantities which have at_LEVEL phrases.

The pressure measured at a depth specified by a vertical coordinate would
naturally be called just sea_water_pressure, I think. This is also an
oceanographically meaningful quantity in its own right. The purpose for which
you use it (deducing the tilt of the sensor) does not have to be indicated by
the standard name.

Best wishes

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