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[CF-metadata] Same parameter, different meaning (pressure)

From: Karl Taylor <taylor13>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 10:44:45 -0700

Dear all,

Just a question ... Is the designation of *sea_water*
pressure_at_sea_floor necessary to distinguish it from some other
pressure at sea_floor?


Jonathan Gregory wrote:
> Dear Steve, Nan et al.
> I think it would be fine to have a CF standard name of
> sea_water_pressure_at_sea_floor
> which is certainly an oceanographically useful quantity. We haven't used the
> phrase at_sea_floor hitherto, but sea_floor appears in other standard names
> and there are many quantities which have at_LEVEL phrases.
> The pressure measured at a depth specified by a vertical coordinate would
> naturally be called just sea_water_pressure, I think. This is also an
> oceanographically meaningful quantity in its own right. The purpose for which
> you use it (deducing the tilt of the sensor) does not have to be indicated by
> the standard name.
> Best wishes
> Jonathan
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Received on Wed Aug 27 2008 - 11:44:45 BST

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