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[CF-metadata] axis attribute

From: Simon Wood <simon.wood>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 14:38:20 +1300

Hi Jonathan,

Reading this has made me realize I may have a similar confusion with
regards to other map projections eg Lambert conformal. For these should
the 'axis=X' attribute be attached to the grid x coordinate variable
(x(x), ie the one we give the standard name 'projection_x_coordinate')
or the longitude auxiliary coordinate variable (lon(y,x))? Or should it
not be used at all in this situation?


Simon Wood

> Thanks for reminding of what I said five years ago! Despite that, I believe
> we produced an inconsistency, so I might change my mind. :-) Isn't it
> inconsistent to
> (a) recommend axis attribute for "generic spatial coords" (with no special
> interpretation, just to provide a hint to the user of data) but
> (b) forbid it with rotated lon and lat?
> I think we should change one of these. Either we should allow X and Y *only*
> with lon and lat, or we should allow them with *any* horizontal axes, but
> stress that if they are not longitude and latitude, they do not carry any
> information except that the data-writer thinks of them as the x and y axes of
> the plot.
>> Allowing axis="X" to denote either the rotated latitude or longitude axes
>> is a recipe for confusion and unlikely to be helpful to any application.
> The help it could be is to suggest it should be plotted as the horizontal axis.
> The confusion it could cause is that some software might be using axis="X" to
> find a longitude axes. Given (a) above, that is not safe, but it is possible
> that assumption has been made.
> I wonder whether any writers of data and applications have any views?
> Cheers
> Jonathan
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Simon Wood
Meteorology & Remote Sensing, NIWA, NZ	
simon.wood at niwa.co.nz
Received on Wed Nov 15 2006 - 18:38:20 GMT

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