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[CF-metadata] Hoeck/Stockhause standard names

From: Pamment, JA <J.A.Pamment>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 14:16:22 +0100

(N.B. name of thread changed from "new standard names" to make it more
easily identifiable.)

Hi All,

I have been reminded that there are some standard name proposals
(actually three sets) dating back to December 2006 on which there has
been no discussion on the mailing list. I have emailed directly the
people making the original proposals and I am now sending detailed
comments on each thread to the mailing list.
> Hello,
> my collegue Heinke Hoeck asked me to send her email again via
> this mailing-list. In her first attempt she tried to contact Alison,
> directly. Probably, her email got lost. So here it comes.
> > Greetings,
> Martina Stockhause
> > ---
> > new standard names (Heinke Hoeck, Thu Nov 2 09:14:48 2006)
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > For -model-variables I propose or like to discuss
> > the following new standard names:
> >
> > standard_name
> > units
> > Modells
> > (Comments)
> >
> > Regarding fluxes, the convention used at ECMWF(ERA40) and ECHAM is
> > following: all
> > fluxes going downwards are positive, those going upwards are
> >
> > -----------------------------------------------------
> > ERA40/ECMWF Reanalysis see units. It is not Watt metre**-2
> > ================================
> >
> > surface_downward_latent_heat_flux_accumulated
> > Watt second metre**-2
> > ECMWF Reanalysis
> > ERA40
> >
> > surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux_accumulated
> > Watt second metre**-2
> > ECMWF Reanalysis
> > ERA40
> >
> > surface_net_downward_longwave_flux_accumulated
> > Watt second metre**-2
> > ECMWF Reanalysis
> > ERA40
> >
> > surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux_accumulated
> > Watt second metre**-2
> > ECMWF Reanalysis
> > ERA40
> >
> > toa_net_downward_shortwave_flux_accumulated
> > Watt second metre**-2
> > ECMWF Reanalysis
> > ERA40
> >
> > toa_outgoing_longtwave_flux_accumulated
> > Watt second metre**-2
> > ECMWF Reanalysis
> > ERA40

Looking at the units of these quantities we can write W s m-2 = J m-2
and we can think of these accumulated fluxes as being the energy that
has passed into or out of the atmosphere through a surface during some
period of time. This leads me to come up with the following
alternative names for the quantities you describe:
atent_heat_flux; J m-2
ensible_heat_flux; J m-2
rd_longwave_flux; J m-2
rd_shortwave_flux; J m-2
hortwave_flux; J m-2
ave_flux; J m-2

All of these would need to be specified with suitable time bounds to
indicate the period over which the energy flux is accumulated.

> >
> > snow_evaporation_amount
> > metre
> > ERA40

I am not entirely clear as to whether this is evaporation of snow
lying on the surface, or of falling snow. Please could you clarify?
In either case "amount" is used in standard names to mean "mass per
unit area" which would not be appropriate for units of metres. I
would suggest using "depth" rather than "amount". Also, if the snow
is being converted directly to water vapour we should call it
sublimation rather than evaporation.

> > ----------------------------------------------------
> > ==================
> >
> > surface_net_downward_longwave_flux_where_ice
> > Watt metre**-2
> > ECHAM5
> >
> > surface_net_downward_longwave_flux_where_land
> > Watt metre**-2
> > ECHAM5
> >
> > surface_net_downward_longwave_flux_where_open_sea
> > Watt metre**-2
> > ECHAM5
> >
> > surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux_where_ice
> > Watt metre**-2
> > ECHAM5
> >
> > surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux_where_land
> > Watt metre**-2
> > ECHAM5
> >
> > surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux_where_open_sea
> > Watt metre**-2
> > ECHAM5
> >
> > toa_net_downward_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky
> > Watt metre**-2
> > Is there place for the Indix on the
> > ECHAM4
> > REMO
> >

These names all look fine. I assume that "where ice" means both land
and sea ice - is this correct?

> > surface_total_downward_radiation
> > Watt metre**-2
> > ECHAM4
> > ECHAM5
> >
> >

In standard names the sum of shortwave_flux and longwave_flux is known
simply as "radiative flux", thus this quantity would be expressed as:
surface_net_downward_radiative_flux; W m-2
and would follow your definition. Is that OK?

> > toa_total_downward_radiation
> > Watt metre**-2
> > ECHAM4
> > ECHAM5
> > toa_net_downward_shortwave_flux+toa_net_downward_longwave_flux

Following the same rule as for the previous name this quantity would
toa_net_downward_radiative_flux; W m-2
which is, in fact, already in the standard name table.

> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > vegetation
> > ==========
> >
> > forest_area_fraction
> > fraction
> > ECHAM5
> > forest area fraction

We don't currently have any standard names that refer to "forest". Is
there a clear definition of the term, for example specifying which
types of vegetation are included and what density of vegetation is
required for an area to be classified as forest?

> >
> > high_vegetation_area_fraction
> > fraction
> > ERA40
> > High vegetation cover
> >
> > low_vegetation_area_fraction
> > fraction
> > ERA40
> >

Please could you define what is meant by "high" and "low" vegetation?

> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > grid
> > ====
> >
> > area_of_gridbox
> > metre**2
> >

A similar name (cell_area) has been requested previously as part of
the aerosols and chemistry thread. A separate "cell metrics" thread
arose to discuss the idea. Currently this type of information can be
provided in a CF compliant file by specifying the "cell_measures"
attribute for a data variable (see CF1.0 7.2). In the earlier
discussion there was some support for introducing standard names for
cell measures but no final decision was reached. One view
expressed (see
http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/pipermail/cf-metadata/2006/001103.html) was
that the decision should await the outcome of the separate discussion
on the specification of "unstructured grids" which will be a major
development in the CF standard. I think the point needs further
discussion within the community before we proceed with this type of

> > latitude_of_the_bounds
> > degree
> >
> > longitude_of_the_bounds
> > degree
> >

My comments on these names are similar to those I gave for
area_of_gridbox. Information on cell boundaries can be included in
a CF compliant file by specifying the "bounds" attribute for a data
variable (see CF1.0 7.1). Although standard names have not previously
been proposed for cell boundary information I feel that any discussion
would largely parallel that for cell measures. I would be interested
to know if people have further views on whether we should define
standard names for cell measures and cell bounds.

Best wishes,

> > --------------------------------------------------
> > ECA&D-Indeces http://eca.knmi.nl/ and HadEX Data
> > see attachment.
> > The indices are recommended by the CCl/CLIVAR/JCOMM expert team on
> > climate change detection and indices (ETCCDI).
> > http://www.clivar.org/organization/etccdi/etccdi.php.
> >
> > The attachment has two indices which are not ECA&D or CLIVAR. It's
> > chill and hum index.
> >
> > Please let me know if there is
> > anything further that I need to do.
> >
> > Thank you for your assistance!
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Heinke
> >
> >
> > Heinke Hoeck
> > Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie Tel +49 40 41173-465
> > Abteilung Modelle und Daten Fax +49 40 41173-400
> > Bundesstr. 53
> > D-20146 Hamburg Germany
> > Email: heinke.hoeck at zmaw.de <-- New !!!
> > http://www.mad.zmaw.de/
> >
> --
> ---------------------- MPI-M / IFM-GEOMAR -------------------------
> Dr. Martina Stockhause
> email: martina.stockhause at zmaw.de <--- NEW EMAIL ADDRESS !
> phone: +49 40 41173-124 or +49 431 600-4025
> address: Bundesstrasse 53, D-20146 Hamburg

Alison Pamment Tel: +44 1235 778065
NCAS/British Atmospheric Data Centre Fax: +44 1235 446314
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Email: J.A.Pamment at rl.ac.uk
Chilton, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.
Received on Tue Apr 24 2007 - 07:16:22 BST

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