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[CF-metadata] CMIP5 carbon cycle standard names

From: Pierre Friedlingstein <P.Friedlingstein>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 14:00:50 +0100

I see your point.
As far as I know the anthropogenic emissions data will be surface
fluxes. Data are based on country level consumption of fossil fuel,
they don't have the info on where in the air it is released...

    On 22/09/2010 13:04, alison.pamment at stfc.ac.uk wrote:
> Hi Pierre,
> My thinking here was that 'anthropegenic emissions' (which presumably
> include fossil fuel emissions) and 'fossil fuel' emissions themselves do
> not necessarily always occur at the earth's surface. For example,
> emissions from tall chimneys and aircraft may occur at many levels in
> the atmosphere. It was not clear to me that these particular quantities
> in the CMIP5 tables are intended only to account for surface emissions.
> If that is the case, then we certainly need to make it clear and I agree
> with your suggestion to label them as surface fluxes. So instead of
> introducing
> tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbo
> n_due_to_anthropogenic_emission; kg m-2 s-1
> tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbo
> n_due_to_emission_from_fossil_fuel_combustion; kg m-2 s-1
> I will add
> surface_upward_mass_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_an
> thropogenic_emission; kg m-2 s-1
> surface_upward_mass_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_em
> ission_from_fossil_fuel_combustion; kg m-2 s-1.
> OK?
> Best wishes,
> Alison
> ------
> Alison Pamment Tel: +44 1235 778065
> NCAS/British Atmospheric Data Centre Fax: +44 1235 446314
> Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Email: alison.pamment at stfc.ac.uk
> Chilton, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Pierre Friedlingstein [mailto:P.Friedlingstein at exeter.ac.uk]
>> Sent: 21 September 2010 16:41
>> To: Pamment, Alison (STFC,RAL,SSTD)
>> Cc: j.m.gregory at reading.ac.uk; cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
>> Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] CMIP5 carbon cycle standard names
>> Hi Alison,
>> Just wondering, why are the first two variables below named as
>> "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of..."
>> while all others are named as "surface_upward_mass_flux_of_ ..."
>> Any reason ?
>> I know the "tendency..." is used for other chemical species... But
> here
>> for CO2 variables, I think intra-consistency should be favoured. No ?
>> Best
>> Pierre
>> On 21/09/2010 13:40, alison.pamment at stfc.ac.uk wrote:
>>> Dear Jonathan and Pierre,
>>> Thank you both for your comments on the CMIP5 carbon cycle names.
>>> Looking back through this thread I think we have resolved all the
>>> outstanding issues and so the following names are now accepted for
>>> inclusion in the standard name table:
>> tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_car
>>> bo n_due_to_anthropogenic_emission; kg m-2 s-1
>> tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_car
>>> bo n_due_to_emission_from_fossil_fuel_combustion; kg m-2 s-1
>>> surface_upward_mass_flux_of_carbon_due_to_natural_emission; kg m-
>> 2
>>> s-1
>>> atmosphere_mass_of_carbon_dioxide; kg
>>> carbon_content_of_products_of_land_use_change; kg m-2
>> surface_upward_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_emiss
>>> io n_from_fires_excluding_land_use_change; kg m-2 s-1
>> surface_upward_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_emiss
>>> io
>>> n_from_grazing; kg m-2 s-1
>> surface_upward_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_emiss
>>> io
>>> n_from_crop_harvesting; kg m-2 s-1
>> surface_net_upward_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_e
>>> mi ssion_from_anthropogenic_land_use_change; kg m-2 s-1
>> surface_net_downward_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon_due_to
>>> _p
> hotosynthesis_and_respiration_and_fires_including_land_use_change;
>>> kg
>>> m-2 s-1
>>> carbon_flux_into_soil_from_litter; kg m-2 s-1
>>> carbon_flux_into_soil_from_vegetation_excluding_litter; kg m-2 s-1
>>> leaf_carbon_content; kg m-2 wood_carbon_content; kg m-2
>>> root_carbon_content; kg m-2
>>> carbon_content_of_miscellaneous_living_matter; kg m-2 (N.B.
>>> 'miscellaneous' means carbon content of living matter apart from
>> those
>>> individually named in the preceding three items)
>>> wood_debris_carbon_content; kg m-2 surface_litter_carbon_content; kg
>>> m-2 subsurface_litter_carbon_content; kg m-2
>>> fast_soil_pool_carbon_content; kg m-2
>> medium_soil_pool_carbon_content;
>>> kg m-2 slow_soil_pool_carbon_content; kg m-2
>> surface_upward_carbon_flux_due_to_plant_respiration_for_biomass_growth
>>> ;
>>> kg m-2 s-1
>> surface_upward_carbon_flux_due_to_plant_respiration_for_biomass_mainte
>>> na
>>> nce; kg m-2 s-1
>>> net_primary_productivity_of_carbon_accumulated_in_leaves; kg m-2 s-1
>>> net_primary_productivity_of_carbon_accumulated_in_wood; kg m-2 s-1
>>> net_primary_productivity_of_carbon_accumulated_in_roots; kg m-2 s-1
>> surface_net_downward_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon_due_to
>>> _p
> hotosynthesis_and_respiration_and_fires_excluding_land_use_change;
>>> kg
>>> m-2 s-1.
>>> To cope with the various fractional vegetation coverage quantities
> we
>>> will use the existing standard name area_fraction and introduce new
>>> entries of primary_evergreen_trees, secondary_deciduous_trees,
>>> secondary_evergreen_trees, C3_plant_functional_types,
>>> C4_plant_functional_types into the area_type table.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Alison
>>> ------
>>> Alison Pamment Tel: +44 1235 778065
>>> NCAS/British Atmospheric Data Centre Fax: +44 1235 446314
>>> Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Email:
>> alison.pamment at stfc.ac.uk
>>> Chilton, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.

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