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[CF-metadata] weighted time mean vs. conditional time mean.

From: martin.juckes at stfc.ac.uk <martin.juckes>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 22:39:39 +0000


We have two similar but distinct temporal averaging use cases in the CMIP6 data request and I'd be grateful to some advise about CF encoding.

(1) Grid cells have a temporally varying sea-ice fraction, and a mean is wanted over the sea-ice area.

Is this a correct cell_methods formulation:
"time: mean where sea_ice area: mean where sea_ice"?

(2) Grid cells which sometimes have convective cloud, and a mean is wanted over the times when there is a cloud in the cell. The variable to be averaged is, in this case, the minimum over the cell of the convective cloud base.

Is this the correct cell_methods:
"time: mean where convective_cloud area: minimum"?

In the first case the first case "mean where sea_ice" refers to the portion of grid cells have sea_ice, in the 2nd "mean where convective_cloud" would refer to whole cells ... is this OK?

Received on Tue Mar 15 2016 - 16:39:39 GMT

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