On 2/11/2011 10:25 AM, Alexander Pletzer wrote:
> *Hi,*
> While reading
> http://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/conformance/requirements-and-recommendations/1.5/
> I found:
> 2.4 Dimensions
> *Requirements:*
> * The dimensions of a variable must all have different names.
> This appears too restrictive. In the case of the cubed-sphere, it is
> common to have
> float ta(n, n) ;
Hi Alex,
This would be a very bad practice in CF. All CF coordinate axes have
*orientations* (and often associated units). It is true that it can be
highly significant that two axes are the same length (i.e. the matrix is
square). But this information should be captured by using two distinct
dimension names, whose lenths are set equal, rather than by sharing the
same dimension name over two axes.
cheers - Steve
> --Alex
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