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[CF-metadata] proposed new standard name for storm surge residual

From: Saulter, Andrew <andrew.saulter>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2018 16:13:18 +0000

Dear all,

First posting to this list, so please forgive me if I'm doing it wrong...

I'd like to request an addition to the standard name list to include storm surge residual and tide. These variables are generated for the purpose of coastal flood prediction and will be available in future, netCDF based, operational products from the Met Office.

Proposed standard name: sea_surface_height_above_mean_sea_level_due_to_storm_surge
Units: m
"Sea surface height" is a time-varying quantity. "Height_above_X" means the vertical distance above the named surface X. "Mean sea level" means the time mean of sea surface elevation at a given location over an arbitrary period sufficient to eliminate the tidal signals. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_process" means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. Storm surge effects, due to meteorological forcing of the ocean and interaction between the generated surge and tides, are a significant contributor to the observed sea surface height.

Proposed standard name: sea_surface_height_above_mean_sea_level_due_to_tide
Units: m
"Sea surface height" is a time-varying quantity. "Height_above_X" means the vertical distance above the named surface X. "Mean sea level" means the time mean of sea surface elevation at a given location over an arbitrary period sufficient to eliminate the tidal signals. The specification of a physical process by the phrase "due_to_process" means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. Tides are a significant contributor to the observed sea surface height; here "tide" denotes a generic variable describing the time varying tidal signal, for example as generated based on a summation of harmonically analysed components, or resulting from the application of such components as boundary conditions to a numerical tidal model.

Many thanks

Andy Saulter
Surge, Waves and Metocean Projects Manager
Met Office FitzRoy Road Exeter Devon EX1 3PB
Tel: +44 (0)1392 884703 Fax: +44 (0)1392 885681
andrew.saulter at metoffice.gov.uk http://www.metoffice.gov.uk

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