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[CF-metadata] new names for AeroCom

From: Jonathan Gregory <j.m.gregory>
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 21:49:39 +0000

I have just suggested:

> potential_temperature_difference_between_700hPa_and_1000hPa: I would suggest
> difference_in_air_potential_temperature, with difference_in_X being a new
> transformation, and a coordinate variable of air_pressure whose bounds
> indicate 700 and 1000 hPa.

I realise that is not sufficient because it doesn't indicate which coordinate
the "difference" is across. Hence I propose instead
which is like the existing pattern derivative_of_X_wrt_Y, so
This is extensive in Y, and a counterpart to the derivative, which is
intensive in Y. It is also like change_over_time_in_X, which we have previously
used, but "change" doesn't sound right to me for Y other than time.

Received on Wed Nov 26 2008 - 14:49:39 GMT

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