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[CF-metadata] Some issues with example H.2 / timeseries

From: Heiko Klein <Heiko.Klein>
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2018 17:29:05 +0200


I've just been working with timeseries and looked at example H.2 in the
conventions document:

The example isn't valid because
 a) the name_strlen dimension is used but not declared
 b) humidity has time/UNLIMITED as second dimension, while UNLIMITED
dimensions must be first. Either it must be humidity(o,i) or time should
not be UNLIMIED.

(and c) the Conventions attribute is missing). I attach a working
example with humidity(o,i).

Trac seems to be down, so I post it here. I hope somebody can fix the

Best wishes,


Dr. Heiko Klein                   Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Tel. + 47 22 96 32 58             P.O. Box 43 Blindern
http://www.met.no                 0313 Oslo NORWAY
-------------- next part --------------
netcdf timeseries {
     station = 3 ;  // measurement locations
     name_strlen = 16 ; // max. length of station-name
     time = UNLIMITED ;
     int station(station) ;
     float humidity(time, station) ;
       humidity:standard_name = "specific humidity" ;
       humidity:coordinates = "lat lon alt station_name" ;
       humidity:_FillValue = -999.9f;
     double time(time) ;
       time:standard_name = "time";
       time:long_name = "time of measurement" ;
       time:units = "days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ;
     float lon(station) ;
       lon:standard_name = "longitude";
       lon:long_name = "station longitude";
       lon:units = "degrees_east";
     float lat(station) ;
       lat:standard_name = "latitude";
       lat:long_name = "station latitude" ;
       lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
     float alt(station) ;
       alt:long_name = "vertical distance above the surface" ;
       alt:standard_name = "height" ;
       alt:units = "m";
       alt:positive = "up";
       alt:axis = "Z";
     char station_name(station, name_strlen) ;
       station_name:long_name = "station name" ;
       station_name:cf_role = "timeseries_id";
// global attributes:
       :featureType = "timeSeries";
       :Conventions = "CF-1.6";
 station = 1, 2, 3;
 lon = 10., 11., 12.;
 lat = 60., 61., 62.;
 alt = 0., 0., 0.;
 time = 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.;
Received on Fri Jun 08 2018 - 09:29:05 BST

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