Dear all,
Last month, I wrote about the lack of variable name for a local
measurement of liquid water content.
Jonathan Gregory made some constructive remarks, and, since then,
nobody opposed.
So, I would like to have these names added in the the next version of
the official list. What is the proper procedure ? Is there some kind of
formal proposal to write (a RFC) ?
I recall hereafter what we came up to. Definition and size limits are my
own, I couldn't find any definitive and authoritative numerical values,
so I used "commonly accepted" ones. Do yous think that we should add
"about" ou "approximately" before the numbers in the definition ?
Mass concentration means mass per unit volume. Cloud_liquid_water
means droplet that are not large enough to fall under common
circonstances (up to 40 ?m diameter).
Mass concentration means mass per unit volume. Drizzle means droplets
with diameter between 40 and 700 ?m.
Mass concentration means mass per unit volume. Rain means drops of
diameter larger than 0.7 mm. This quantity corresponds to
mass_fraction_of_rain_in_air (which is expressed as ratio of the mass of
rain to the mass of air plus rain).
Mass concentration means mass per unit volume. All kinds of droplets
and drops are taken into account, whatever their sizes or falling speed.
M?l : bruno.piguet at | GAME : URA CNRS & METEO-FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0)5 61 07 96 59 | CNRM/GMEI/TRAMM
Fax : +33 (0)5 61 07 96 27 | 42 Av. G. Coriolis
Sec : +33 (0)5 61 07 96 63 | 31057 TOULOUSE cedex 1
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Received on Wed Nov 24 2010 - 02:45:29 GMT