Hi All,
Section 4.1 says:
"/Coordinate types other than latitude, longitude, vertical, and
time _*are allowed*_. To identify generic spatial coordinates we
recommend that the |axis| attribute be attached to these coordinates
and given one of the values |X|, |Y| or |Z|./"
This is in contradiction to section 5.6:
"/When the coordinate variables for a horizontal grid are not
longitude and latitude,*_it is required that the true latitude and
longitude coordinates be supplied_* via the coordinates attribute/."
Section 5.6 was added after many years of CF usage in which non-lat-long
coordinate systems were regarded as _valid_ CF files. There are
"climate and forecast" applications in which numerical experiments are
performed in purely theoretical coordinate systems -- say, ocean models
on cyclic coordinates over an idealized ocean basin. (Much less common
today than 20 years ago.)
This contradiction needs to be resolved. My opinion is that it is
section 5.6 that should be revised to say that "grid_mapping" is a tool
that is available **if a mapping is needed** -- rather than as a
required attribute whenever the coordinates are not conventional lat-long.
- Steve
On 7/7/2011 4:54 PM, John Caron wrote:
> On 6/30/2011 1:26 PM, Randy Horne wrote:
>> Paragraph 5.6 Coordinate Reference Systems, Grid
>> Mappings, and Projections, first sentence:
>> When the coordinate variables for a horizontal grid are not longitude
>> and latitude, it is required that the true latitude and longitude
>> coordinates be supplied via the coordinates attribute.
>> Are there any exceptions to this "rule" ?
>> The reason for asking is based on a scenario where the coordinate
>> system and constituent locations for the data points associated with
>> the gridded data set can be determined solely based on the grid mapping.
>> The reason for wanting to do this is to minimize the size of the
>> netCDF file, and the hardware resources required to process, store,
>> and distribute the file.
> Hi Randy:
> There has been no formal exception granted from this rule. The java
> netcdf library does not require lat/lon as long as a valid grid
> mapping is supplied. In that case, the lat/lon arrays are 2D, and can
> be a significant size. When writing "CF compliant" netcdf files (eg
> from netcdf subset service), the user is allowed to decide to include
> lat/lon or not. Technically if not included, the files are not fully
> CF compliant.
> CF has mostly thought about how to make archival model data as
> self-contained as possible, thus the insistence on lat/lon arrays. I
> think there are other valid uses of netcdf-CF files, eg as an exchange
> format, and that the lat/lon arrays should be optional. There is
> currently no mechanism, eg a "profile" of CF to allow that.
> John
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