Hi all,
I am opening a seperate thread at this deals merely with the problems
encountered in translating projection parameters to/from OGC WKT and
I would appreciate any guidance in resolving these issues.
In summary:
1) LCC (Lambert conformal): should include a scale_factor parameter in
the 1 standard parallel case
2) CEA (Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area): how to convert the
'scale_factor_at_projection_origin' alternative to standard parallel
3) PS (Polar stereographic):This projection's parameters in CF-1 are
significantly different from OGC/PROJ.4 , CF-1 standard parameters
'Either standard_parallel or scale_factor_at_projection_origin' is
incompatible with OGC WKT, which requires both
More detailed information (reproduced here) can be found at
1) LCC 1SP (Lambert conformal)
The OGC WKT 'Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP' maps clearly to LCC in CF-1
with 2 std parallels.
The CF-1 spec claims that a 1SP version can be used, but it doesn't
include a 'scale_factor' as does the OGC WKT
For import: Given discussion and example on #3324, and also support
from NARCCAP project: it seems the CF-1 LCC 1SP projection is a
'degenerate' LCC-2SP with both SP's at the same location. Thus seems
we can read with both 'std_parallel' (1 value) and
'latitude_of_projection_origin' mapping to latitude_of_origin (WKT)
and setting scale_factor=1? This is the code's current behaviour
(though perhaps could do more error-checking).
For export: given the LCC-1SP can specifically include a scale_factor
to control the projection (see
it seems this can't be directly exported to NetCDF without throwing
away the scale factor.
Perhaps the reasonable thing for now is to export the scale_factor to
NetCDF, so it can at least be read back in. Otherwise, we'd have to
try to translate the LCC-1SP to a LCC-2SP on the fly.
2) CEA (Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area):
The CF-1 conventions claim this can be encoded with a
'scale_factor_at_projection_origin' alternative to standard parallel -
how would this conversion be done from/to OGC WKT (which requires
central_meridian and standard_parallel_1)?
3) PS (Polar stereographic)
This projection's parameters in CF-1 are significantly different from
In particular the CF-1 equivalent for 'latitude of natural origin'
seems to be 'standard_parallel'.
CF-1 defines either standard_parallel or
scale_factor_at_projection_origin, which is incompatible with OGC WKT
(and OGR) that requires both. Note: we have verified the current
approach we take to mapping is the same used by at least one other
NetCDF CF-1 user in the UCAR NARCCAP project.
Current implementation (as of Dec. 13) uses the following rules:
- WKT scale_factor maps to CF scale_factor_at_projection_origin
- WKT central_meridian maps to CF straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole
- WKT latitude_of_origin maps to WKT standard_parallel
- WKT to CF: if WKT latitude_of_origin is positive then CF
latitude_of_projection_origin is +90, else it is -90 (North vs. South
- CF to WKT: unsupported if standard_parallel is not defined, as
OGRSpatialReference::SetPS() requires both CF
Received on Tue Dec 13 2011 - 14:21:01 GMT