I agree that in many cases the implications of mistakes in which
calendar and/or time system was used when creating or using a given file
are often negligible. This is one of those situations where it most
often doesn't really matter, but it sometimes can matter a lot. If you
are working with 1 km resolution data from a satellite that is moving at
~7 km/sec, then even a 1 second discrepancy is significant. If the time
span over your full set of files is long enough that a leap second event
is included, then even time differences taken between points within your
set of files can be wrong.
Because this is something that is often insignificant, I proposed a
combination clarified definitions, and additional attributes and/or
optional modifiers to calendar names that allow for greater precision
when it matters without sacrificing backward compatibility for large
numbers of datasets.
Grace and peace,
On 5/11/15 2:18 PM, Chris Barker wrote:
> All,
> I'm a bit confused as to why this is as big a deal at it seems be. I
> _think_ I understand the implication of different calendars, leap
> seconds, etc, but:
> CF encodes time as "some unit of time since an epoch". e.g. "seconds
> since 2015-05-08T00:00:00+00:00"
> This encoding makes the whole calendar thing a LOT easier than it
> could be, because the ONLY place the calendar matters is in the epoch
> specification.
> So for the most part, it's up to the client code to figure out what
> calendar to use, and how to use it (If there is a need to translate
> the rest of the time series to "human date-times". In fact, a while
> back there was a discussion of allowing ISO8601 strings, rather than
> this "time since" stuff for time axis -- darn good we didn't go with that!
> So: which calendar the epoch is specified in should be clearly
> defined, but:
> data creators know what they want -- and if they use a epoch near the
> time of concern, it gets much harder for the users to get it wrong.
> if users interpret it wrong, it only really matters when you are
> comparing the data in this file with data from some other source, and
> doing it differently for those two -- pretty unlikely, actually.
> leap seconds rarely matter in this context -- you process your data
> with or without them, but the worst possible result is the entire data
> set being off a couple seconds from another whole data set -- and if
> the content creators use a epoch near where the data actually are,
> then that wont even be off.
> In short -- yes, CF should be clear and precise, but we don't need to
> get all worked up about older CF data sets not having a clearly
> defined default calendar -- if it really matters (which it very rarely
> will), then presumably new datasets will be created with well defined
> calendars.
> Just my $0.02
> -Chris
> On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 7:35 AM, Jim Biard <jbiard at
> <mailto:jbiard at>> wrote:
> Jonathan,
> I still think there's
> On 5/10/15 3:29 AM, Jonathan Gregory wrote:
>> Dear all
>> A postscript to my last message. I am not myself convinced that the backward
>> incompatibility (for data-writing) that I suggested below is really worth the
>> pain it would cause! I think it might well be OK to retain the existing
>> calendar name of "gregorian" from CF1.7, but give it a more precise definition,
>> in order to eliminate the ambiguity about leap seconds. (Of course, there is
>> nothing we can do to remedy this with existing data.)
>> With all the arguments otherwise unaltered, that would make my proposal:
>> * We redefine "gregorian", and introduce a new calendar "gregorian_utc", for
>> the real-world calendar, without and with UTC leap seconds respectively.
>> * We abolish the "standard" calendar (since one thing this discussion has
>> shown is that there is not a single standard!) and we require the calendar
>> always to be specified (no default).
>> * We state that all the other calendars have fixed-length days with no leap
>> seconds.
>> My further suggestions, about dealing with the Julian/Gregorian transition
>> and negative years in better ways, are unaffected (except to retain the name
>> "gregorian"). Those are an optional extra, dealing with a different subject,
>> but it would be opportune to do both at once.
>> Cheers
>> Jonathan
>> ----- Forwarded message from Jonathan Gregory <j.m.gregory at <mailto:j.m.gregory at>-----
>> Dear Jim
>> Yes, I'm glad we appear to be approaching an agreement!
>>>> "In order to calculate a new date and time given a base date, base time and a
>>>> time increment one must know what calendar to use."
>>>> and I think that is the sense in which I am using "calendar".
>>> I agree that this is a CF-consistent usage of the word calendar, but
>>> it runs against natural usage, and I think it's worth keeping that
>>> in mind.
>> OK. Perhaps we can clarify what we mean in the CF convention.
>>> I agree that leap seconds haven't been carefully considered before.
>>> I disagree that nearly all existing time values have been encoded
>>> without leap seconds. I'd say that nearly all existing time values
>>> that were derived from true UTC timestamps are at risk of having
>>> leap second discontinuities encoded into the set of values.
>> All right. In that case I think we may have to take more serious steps to
>> avoid future problems. I'll come back to that.
>>> There are three issues here, so let's not conflate them. They are:
>>> 1. What to call the time system that is like UTC in overall form
>>> (Greenwich meridian, etc) but doesn't include leap seconds.
>>> 2. How to indicate which actual time system is being used for the time
>>> part of the reference time in the units attribute.
>>> 3. How to indicate whether or not the elapsed times in the time
>>> variable are certain to be free of leap second induced discontinuities.
>> This is a useful classification, thanks, but I don't think the situation is
>> quite as complicated as that.
>> I'm not sure (2) is something we need to be concerned about - but it may
>> be I've missed a point. In my understanding, there is no calendar implied by
>> the reference time, because it's given as a timestamp YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
>> [+-hh:mm], where the [] is the optional time-zone. A timestamp is calendar-
>> neutral; it can be interpreted in any calendar, except that some dates will be
>> illegal in some calendars, and some times might be illegal if leap seconds are
>> in effect. The reference date-time is used for encoding and decoding in the
>> calendar specified, with or without leap seconds, but itself implies nothing
>> about the time system. We could state it as a requirement of CF that the
>> reference date and time must be legal in the encoding which applies to the time
>> coordinate.
>> Regarding part of (1), we need a name for the time-zone which applies at the
>> Greenwich meridian without summer/daylight-saving time. We shouldn't use "UTC",
>> as the CF standard currently does (quoting from udunits(3)), because that's
>> confusing. Maybe it should just be stated explicitly as I have done!
> I agree that it's important to write an explicit definition of the
> timestamp that doesn't reference UTC. I don't see timestamps as
> being time system neutral any more than datestamps are calendar
> neutral. They may be interpretable by more than one system, but
> that's not the same thing in my mind as neutrality.
> You can read a Gregorian date as a Julian date, but you are going
> to be off by a number of days. You can read a UTC time as a
> traditional time, but you are going to be off by a number of
> seconds. The new calendars you propose would address the question
> of what systems (calendar and time) were used for all parts of the
> time reference in the units attribute. That is what they
> accomplish, they address point (2). They don't really address
> point (3) at all.
>> To address point (3), I continue to favour a subspecies of calendar name,
>> rather than a modifier or separate attribute, because this distinction only
>> applies to the real-world calendars. A decomposition of metadata is cumbersome
>> if it isn't generally relevant. Suppose X can take values X1 or X2; if it's X1
>> then Y can be Y1 or Y2, whereas Y is irrelevant if it's X2. In that situation I
>> would have a single attribute with possible values X1_Y1 X1_Y2 and X2. A single
>> attribute is easier for scanning a dataset, less work to write and read, and
>> more likely to be correct because it's less likely that Y will not be coded if
>> relevant or will be coded if irrelevant.
>> I suggest that the leap seconds are needed only in the Gregorian calendar i.e.
>> the real-world one. I think it's unlikely the proleptic Gregorian calendar will
>> be used with leap-seconds; you only need this calendar if you're going back
>> more than several centuries, in which case it's probably not a dataset which
>> has UTC precision in time, and it's most often used with models, which do not
>> have leap seconds. (However, a leap-second variety could be introduced if I am
>> wrong and it is needed.) Leap seconds are not needed in the noleap, all_leap,
>> 360_day and none calendars, which are all for model worlds. The julian calendar
>> is used astronomically and might be used in models, but the web page you
>> cited ( <>) points out that's
>> not a good idea to try to use it with leap seconds since it's based on units
>> of day (=86400 s).
> Point (3) relates to the question of which calculator
> (implementation of a calendar and/or time system as software for
> converting date and/or time stamps to elapsed times since an
> epoch) was used to create the elapsed time values found in a given
> time variable. This question is largely independent of the
> question of which systems are represented by the reference date
> and time in the units attribute. An example in terms of dates
> alone may help clarify the issue.
> I have a set of datestamps that are based on the Gregorian
> calendar. I calculate elapsed days from the reference date stored
> in my units attribute on my time variable and populate my time
> variable with the values. I use a calculator that is based on the
> rules of the Julian calendar to get my elapsed times.
> As long as the span of dates from the reference date to the last
> datestamp in my set don't cross any year where the two calendars
> differ on whether or not to add a leap day, the values stored in
> my time variable will be correct. But a 1-day discontinuity will
> be encoded into my elapsed day values each time I do cross a place
> where the Julian and Gregorian calendars differ.
> If I turn my elapsed dates back into datestamps using the same
> Julian date calculator, no one will notice. If I instead use a
> Gregorian date calculator to recover datestamps and one or more
> discontinuities were encoded, I will find that I don't get back
> the same set of datestamps I started with. If I try to take
> differences between time variable values and one or more
> discontinuities were encoded, I will find that the results will
> contain an error if the difference is taken across the location of
> a discontinuity.
> This may sound a bit silly when speaking of Gregorian vs Julian
> calendars, but this is exactly what has been happening on the time
> system level when people have received UTC timestamps and naively
> used the *nix time functions to create elapsed time values to
> store into time variables. More explicitly defining the time
> system used for the time part of the reference date and time in
> the units attribute via an expanded calendar definition does not
> tell you how the elapsed times stored in the time variable were
> calculated.
>> If this is the case, then I would propose that in the next version of CF:
>> * We introduce two new calendars, "gregorian_noleaps" and "gregorian_utc", for
>> the real-world calendar, without and with UTC leap seconds respectively. I
>> suggest "noleaps" instead of "traditional", which you put forward, because
>> "noleaps" is more self-explanatory, I think. I agree with you that "POSIX" is
>> not so good because it implies a reference time.
> I agree with Ben Hetland that if we were to go with new calendars
> to address point (2) we should use a name like
> gregorian_noleapseconds or gregorian_noleapsec. I disagree with
> Ben about the question of how difficult it is to parse a fixed
> "calender [time-system [encoding]]" sequence.
> I think that backward compatibility, among other things, argues in
> favor of adding trailing space-separated modifiers to existing
> calendar names. Even if we end up going with some version of your
> proposed new calendar names, it's important to understand that
> those new names and definitions don't solve the issue in point (3).
>> * We abolish the "gregorian" and "standard" calendars, and we require the
>> calendar always to be specified (no default). This would be quite a radical
>> step, but forcing the noleaps/utc property to be explicitly stated is only way
>> I can see to avoid in future the ambiguity about whether elapsed times have
>> been encoded with or without leap seconds. This does not invalidate existing
>> data that adheres to CF1.6 or earlier, but it would invalidate existing
>> data-writing software that does not write the calendar attribute, and it would
>> require data-reading software to recognise the new calendars (although if it
>> assumed the existing default for them that would not be too bad).
>> * We state that all the other calendars have fixed-length days with no leap
>> seconds.
>> What do you think? Is it worth the pain?
>> Although it's going to complicate this discussion, if we decided to abolish the
>> existing default, we could take this opportunity to deal with problems with the
>> mixed Julian/Gregorian calendar, as in,
>> opened by Dave Allured, but never concluded. To do that I would further propose
>> (copying some text from that ticket):
>> * The gregorian_noleaps and gregorian_utc calendars can be used only to encode
>> dates since 1582-10-15, and must not have reference dates earlier than that.
>> This means they cannot cross the Julian/Gregorian transition. This is desirable
>> because there are ambiguities introduced by assuming different dates for the
>> change in calendar. By this rule, the common choice of 1-1-1 as a reference
>> date would be disallowed in these calendars, for example.
>> * We introduce a new calendar "mixed_gregorian_julian", which is the calendar
>> of udunits, with no leap seconds. However we make it stricter than currently,
>> in these ways: (1) The reference date is not allowed to be any of the dates in
>> the transitional period 1582-10-5 to 1582-10-14 inclusive. (2) Neither the
>> reference date nor any date which is encoded with this calendar is allowed to
>> be a negative year. (3) Year 0 is interpreted as climatological time in this
>> calendar, following COARDS, but this is deprecated in favour of the CF
>> conventions of Sect 7.4.
>> * Because of problems caused by the discontinuity, it is recommended that the
>> mixed_gregorian_julian calendar be used only in datasets with real-world
>> historical dates which span the change of calendar from Julian to Gregorian. In
>> datasets with real-world historical dates that all precede the change of
>> calendar, the julian calendar should be used. In datasets with real-world
>> historical dates that all follow the change of calendar, and in simulated
>> datasets in which there is no change of calendar, the proleptic_gregorian
>> calendar should be used.
>> * We disallow dates to be encoded or reference dates to be used in year zero or
>> negative years for the julian calendar, because it's ambiguous whether this
>> calendar has a year 0.
>> * We state that year 0 is valid in the proleptic_gregorian, noleap, all_leap,
>> 360_day and none calendars.
>> If these further proposals complicate the previous discussion, we can defer
>> them until we've reached agreement on leap seconds!
>> Best wishes
>> Jonathan
>> ----- End forwarded message -----
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> Grace and peace,
> Jim
> --
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> --
> Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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> Emergency Response Division
> NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
> 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
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