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[CF-metadata] Usage of integral_of_Y_wrt_X

From: Heiko Klein <Heiko.Klein>
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2008 13:16:46 +0200


I've seen that some radiation fluxes got a accompanying integral, e.g.:
integral_of_surface_downward_latent_heat_flux_wrt_time as integral to

But some fluxes don't come with a integral, i.e.

Is it a common understanding, that a integral_of_Y_wrt_X can be
generated to any flux, or should I request one for each parameter I need
via the trac?

Best regards,

Heiko Klein

Dr. Heiko Klein                              Tel. + 47 22 96 32 58
Development Section / IT Department          Fax. + 47 22 69 63 55
Norwegian Meteorological Institute           http://www.met.no
P.O. Box 43 Blindern  0313 Oslo NORWAY
Received on Tue Aug 05 2008 - 05:16:46 BST

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