Re: attributes for min/max data values for visualization
(Chris Webster)
This is a very important point that Chris has made regarding the need for
min/max data in visualization. For my work with visualization of FVCOM
unstructured data, I have only encountered this as an issue while working
with multi-domain data sets. Since I have multiple files, one for each
domain plus a master file, I only store min/max data in the master file.
I have found that the min/max data are only useful in this context, where
certain data may not be useful based on its range and can therefore be
neglected without reading from disk. My highly >>non<< standard file
structure for multi-domain data is to break apart a single file into
seperate files which are identical to the original and complete for
visualization of that subdomain plus its ghost zones. The master file then
contains the data reguarding which cells are ghost cells and the min and max
(spatial and data extents) for each sub-domain. This information can be
checked first when the user requests a particular plot from the
visualization program.
Before we get into details like naming schemes for min max values, what are
the contexts in which this optional min/max data are useful? This will be an
important determining factor in how it is stored.
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Received on Thu Jan 04 2007 - 09:32:02 GMT