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[CF-metadata] Proposed standard names for biological model outputs

From: Roy Lowry <rkl>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2007 13:05:05 +0000


Nice job. I love the definitions.

However, I agree with Jonathan that although numerically equivanent in the world of moles 'expressed_as_silicon is more consistent and less confusing than 'expressed_as_silica'.

Cheers, Roy.

>>> Jonathan Gregory <j.m.gregory at reading.ac.uk> 01/04/07 8:11 AM >>>
Dear Michael

These look very good to me, and thanks for your clear definitions. I have one
question, about silica (=SiO2). Do you mean silicon?

In the discussions about Christiane's aerosol names we appear to have agreed
that we need only say X_expressed_as_Y when X and Y are different; that is
the rule you have used, so yours and hers are consistent.

Best wishes

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