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[CF-metadata] CF Metadata - CF Convention 1.5

From: Comiskey, Glenn <g.comiskey>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 15:11:11 -0000

Having recently taken up an appointment that involves me working with
meteorological/ocenographic datasets I have been reading the CF
Conventions documentation. I've noted that the documention, when
refering to the units variable attribute, references UNIDATA's udunits
package and the data file udunits.dat. This data file appears to relate
specifically to v1.12.11 of the udunits package, while I note that the
current release is v2.1.23. Does the CF Convention only recognise unit
values listed in v1.12.11 or is it meant to encompass v2.1.23 as well.
Note: I have not determined if there are any differences in the units
database between v.1.12.11 and v2.1.23.
Kind regards,
Glenn Comiskey
Data System Administrator
Fugro Global Environment & Ocean Sciences
Fugro House, Hithercroft Road
Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 9RB, UK
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Tel: +44 (0) 1491 820500 (Switchboard) / Tel: +44 (0) 1491 820559
(Direct) / Fax: +44 (0) 1491 820599
E-mail: g.comiskey at geos.com <mailto:g.comiskey at g.comiskey_at_geos.com> /
Website: www.geos.com <http://www.geos.com/>
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