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[CF-metadata] Seeking new CF standard names (waves andbiogeochem)

From: andrew walsh <awalsh>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 17:16:43 +1100

Hi Eric and CF metadata list and Ocean-Sites List,

Firstly sorry for any double postings.

Yes, I agree there are probably some more sea surface
wave data parameters that could be added to the CF standard names
list. I my case I had 13 different wave data parameters from MHL-NSW-Australia
that came off a Datawell model wave rider buoy plus wave direction from
equipped buoys. The data parameters came off zero crossing anaysis and spectral
of wave data recordings. Attached is a extract of the wave data analysis methods
provided by Mark Kulmar of MHL, thanks Mark!

4 of these wave data parameters were already on the CF list and 9 needed new
as proposed. Of those new names 4 would by covered by a common concept
name 'sea_surface_wave_height' plus a cell method as detailed below.

Just for record I will list what those proposed parameters are so its
very clear about any new parameter names that the community (OceanSites)
wanted to add to the CF list.

They were:

used already (4 std CF names)


proposed (6)

sea_surface_wave_height (*NOTE a new 'common concept')


The 'sea_surface_wave_height' when combined with a cell method of:
time: mean
time: maximum
time: root_mean_square (new proposed cell method)
time: mean_of_upper_decile (new proposed cell method)
will describe these 4 statistical wave height variables:



Andrew Walsh
Data Facilitator - Australian Ocean Data Network

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric D'Asaro" <dasaro at apl.washington.edu>
To: <cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu>
Cc: "Jim Thomson" <jthomson at apl.washington.edu>; "Meghan Cronin"
<Meghan.F.Cronin at noaa.gov>; "Ramsey Harcourt" <harcourt at apl.washington.edu>;
"Fox-Kemper Baylor" <bfk at colorado.edu>; "H. Paul Freitag"
<Paul.Freitag at noaa.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 16:24
Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] Seeking new CF standard names (waves andbiogeochem)

> Meghan et. al:
> I think we would be missing a great opportunity if we used only the wave
> variables proposed below. We have good dynamical reasons to think that waves
> are important in upper ocean dynamics and not just for purposes of directing
> shipping or filling up mandated data bases. I expect that in the future,
> ocean models will be coupled to wave models (as is already done for tropical
> cyclone models) and that historical wave data will be important in developing
> and verifying these models. In another project we are struggling with
> trying to reconstruct dynamically appropriate wave spectra from historical
> wave data that is archived in such a way as to make proper reconstruction
> very difficult. It would be a great waste if OceanSITES makes the same
> mistake.
> Variables should be added to the list that are sufficient to
> 1. Resconstruct the important features of the directional wave spectrum,
> including energy and momentum flux and their depth profiles
> 2. Provide indications of the wave steepness and breaking probabilities.
> Specific suggestions are perhaps better made by others (Baylor?, Jim?
> Ramsey?).
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: Fwd: Seeking new CF standard names (waves and biogeochem)
>>> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 10:37:36 -0400
>>> From: Nan Galbraith <ngalbraith at whoi.edu>
>>> Reply-To: ngalbraith at whoi.edu
>>> To: ots-dmt <oceansites-dmt at jcommops.org>
>>> Hi all -
>>> For anyone in OceanSITES who measures waves, there's a recent
>>> discussion on the CF mailing list about new standard names. This
>>> would be a good time to weigh in, if you haven't already, since we'll
>>> want to use these terms in OceanSITES data files if and when we
>>> include wave parameters.
>>> You need to be a member of the CF list to post a reply. You can join
>>> at
>>> http://mailman.cgd.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/cf-metadata
>>> .
>>> There's also been some discussion on biogeochem terms that might
>>> be useful to some here.
>>> Regards -
>>> Nan
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] Seeking new CF standard names (9) for sea
>>> surface wave parameters
>>> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 11:09:29 +1100
>>> From: andrew walsh
>>> <awalsh at metoc.gov.au>
>>> Hi Jonathon and CF metadata list,
>>> Summarising our discussions thus far we propose:
>>> 2 new Cell methods:
>>> root_mean_square
>>> mean_of_upper_decile
>>> and these new standard names:
>>> sea_surface_wave_height (common concept)
>>> sea_surface_wave_mean_crest_period
>>> sea_surface_wave_significant_wave_period
>>> sea_surface_wave_period_at_second_largest_peak_of_variance_spectral_density
>>> sea_surface_wave_variance_spectral_density_zeroth_frequency_moment
>>> sea_surface_wave_root_mean_square_amplitude_from_variance_spectral_density
>>> The sea_surface_wave_height is a common concept (standard name) which may
>>> be
>>> qualified by a cell_method attribute to realise the actual variable. The
>>> sea_surface_wave_height
>>> when combined with a cell method of:
>>> time: mean
>>> time: maximum
>>> time: root_mean_square
>>> time: mean_of_upper_decile
>>> will describe the statistical wave height variables:
>>> sea_surface_mean_wave_height
>>> sea_surface_maximum_wave_height
>>> sea_surface_root_mean_square_wave_height
>>> sea_surface_wave_mean_of_highest_one_tenth_waves
>>> respectively.
>>> I have attached a spreadsheet which contains the names, descriptions and
>>> units
>>> of the variables proposed.
>>> Looking forward to getting final approval to add these to the CF name
>>> lists.
>>> Andrew Walsh
>>> Data Facilitator AODN
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Jonathan Gregory"
>>> <j.m.gregory at reading.ac.uk>
>>> To: "andrew walsh"
>>> <awalsh at metoc.gov.au>
>>> Cc:
>>> <cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu>; "Mark Kulmar"<Mark.Kulmar at mhl.nsw.gov.au>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 20:21
>>> Subject: [CF-metadata] Seeking new CF standard names (9) for sea surface
>>> wave
>>> parameters
>>>> Dear Andrew
>>>>> Yes, but depends on the community (list) accepting the idea of having a
>>>> Good. I think we are agreed then to propose these new cell methods:
>>>> root_mean_square
>>>> mean_of_upper_decile
>>>> and these new standard names:
>>>> sea_surface_wave_height
>>>> sea_surface_wave_mean_crest_period
>>>> sea_surface_wave_significant_wave_period
>>>> sea_surface_wave_period_at_second_largest_peak_of_variance_spectral_density
>>>> sea_surface_wave_variance_spectral_density_zeroth_frequency_moment
>>>> sea_surface_wave_root_mean_square_amplitude_from_variance_spectral_density
>>>> I agree that the last will avoid confusion with the RMS of wave height.
>>>> I agree also that this depends on users being comfortable with the
>>>> concepts
>>>> being split into two attributes, in accordance with the usual CF practice,
>>>> but deciding on how to join them up as common_concepts will help. Comments
>>>> from others would help. It is good that Roy supports this compromise.
>>>> Best wishes
>>>> Jonathan
>>> Cliquez sur l'url suivante
>>> https://www.mailcontrol.com/sr/tjkP04wPWEHTndxI!oX7UpBlscM9Pl1fAM1p1zO6h070olZRfJ6KoHxitOmXf8!eLCPtl9EVgldLRkMuvIdUTQ==
>>> si ce message est ind?sirable (pourriel).
>>> <Proposed_wave_parm_names_for_CFlist.xls><Attached Message Part.txt>
> _______________________________________________
> CF-metadata mailing list
> CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
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