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[CF-metadata] any convention for variables abbreviation ?

From: Lowry, Roy K. <rkl>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 14:47:10 +0000

Hi Nan,

Slight misunderstanding I fear. The p021 vocabulary is a vocabulary that MAPS to the CF Standard Names, but it doesn't include the Standard Names themselves. What I think Nicolas is after is something slightly different, namely a standardised 6-byte representation for each Standard Name. We do maintain opaque codes for Standard Names in our server, but unfortunately these are 8 bytes long, not 6 so I didn't offer them.

Cheers, Roy.
From: CF-metadata [cf-metadata-bounces at cgd.ucar.edu] On Behalf Of Nan Galbraith [ngalbraith at whoi.edu]
Sent: 14 February 2013 13:58
To: cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] any convention for variables abbreviation ?

SeaDataNet has standardized short names - currently 429 names, and as
far as I know all the CF terms are included.

It's available at tinyurl.com/SDNp021 The long url for the p021 list is
or you can just google SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary

You can export the list from that page into an xml file, or search for
individual terms.

- Nan

On 2/13/13 7:28 PM, Steve Hankin wrote:
> Hi Nicolas,
> Various organizations enforce their own standards for abbreviated
> names in CF files -- OceanSites, Argo, WMO, .... CF, itself, does not.
> The reason that CF does not attempt to standardize the names of
> variables (which is how the abbreviations are used in the above
> cases), is to leave open the possibility that a single file may
> contain multiple variables representing the same quantity. For
> example, SST as measured by satellite and as measured in situ could
> potentially be in the same file. The long_name attribute can be used
> to differentiate how multiple representations of the same variable
> were derived.
> - Steve
> ===========================================
> On 2/13/2013 3:00 PM, Nicolas BALDECK - OpenMeteoData wrote:
>> Dear,
>> I'm designing a webservice for broadcasting some meteorological data.
>> I will use the CF naming convention for variables names, but I also
>> have to use small (< or = 6 letters) abbreviations.
>> Do you have advices about that ? Is there any abbreviation convention ?
>> Regards
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* Nan Galbraith                        (508) 289-2444 *
* Upper Ocean Processes Group            Mail Stop 29 *
* Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution                *
* Woods Hole, MA 02543                                *
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CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
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