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[CF-metadata] mailing list and trac tickets

From: Etienne Tourigny <etourigny.dev>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 10:54:30 -0200

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 5:30 AM, Schultz, Martin
<m.schultz at fz-juelich.de> wrote:
>> Jonathan,
>> What do you mean by "deliver trac tickets to everyone"?
>> There is some old documentation on how the CF trac system handles e-mail
>> notification:
>> ? http://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/discussion/about-the-cf-trac-ticket-system
>> In particular: "The mailing lists are arranged in such a way that you can choose
>> to subscribe to only the discussions of interest to you - or you can subscribe
>> to the parent list and receive an email for every single message post."
>> In my experience this is how the trac system has been working -- except that
>> I was never able to find the user setting for subscribing to the "parent list".
>> So like others said, I get trac e-mails only for tickets that I contribute to. ?I am
>> subscribed independently to the general discussion list, i.e. "CF-metadata".
>> If possible, please maintain this degree of specificity. ?I would much prefer to
>> not receive all trac e-mails just because I am subscribed to the discussion list
>> or to individual trac tickets. ?Thank you.
>> --Dave
> Agreed! But I have to admit that I wasn't aware of the distinction between "general" and "track ticket" discussions until recently. My personal view is that there are too many "specific" discussions on the general list (i.e. all discussions about specific standard_name entries, for example), but that there are is important "general" information that is missed, because these discussions are carried out exclusively in the track tickets system. It is not trivial to organize the information flow, and ultimately this will always depend on the discipline of everyone who contributes (and you don't want to scare people away by imposing too many or too strict rules). Ideally, every new subject should be brought up once in the general discussion list, but then it should be assigned a track ticket and people who are interested in this particular subject can then subscribe. Perhaps this subscription could be facilitated by a "first response" email which would simply state that the topic
> ?has been entered into the ticket system and "here is a link to subscribe to this discussion". (not sure if there is an easy technical solution for this)

trac tickets have a "cc" field which does just that - you are
subscribed to that ticket.

 In this way we would use the "push" media email list and the "pull"
media track ticket in a somewhat more transparent and efficient way --
and as a side effect the general email ?list may become a little more
lightweight, which could potentially engage a few more people to
listen in and perhaps even contribute. The consequence would of course
be that the "discussion" list would become more of a billboard and the
actual discussions would take place exclusively in the track ticket
system (where it may also be easier traceable).
> Martin
> PS: I know - I still have to open my own track issue...
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> Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
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Received on Fri Jan 27 2012 - 05:54:30 GMT

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