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[CF-metadata] axis attribute

From: Karl Taylor <taylor13>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 10:02:28 -0800

Dear all,

I'll reiterate what I said earlier (but I think somehow the email didn't
get distributed). I'm in favor of eliminating the apparently
contradictory statements. Of the two choices, perhaps least confusion
would result from adopting Jonathan's suggestion: restrict X and Y to
genuine longitude and latitude coordinates.


Jonathan Gregory wrote:
> Dear Simon
>> Reading this has made me realize I may have a similar confusion with
>> regards to other map projections eg Lambert conformal. For these should
>> the 'axis=X' attribute be attached to the grid x coordinate variable
>> (x(x), ie the one we give the standard name 'projection_x_coordinate')
>> or the longitude auxiliary coordinate variable (lon(y,x))? Or should it
>> not be used at all in this situation?
> My reading of what the standard currently says is that you can use the axis
> attribute if you want to, in order to suggest which axis is the plot x-axis,
> but you don't have to, and it doesn't carry any specific meaning.
> It does seem peculiar to me to allow it for the Lambert conformal but not for
> the rotated pole, doesn't it! Also, it is really not much information. An
> application could just assume the right-hand axis (in CDL notation) is the
> one intended to be the x-axis.
> I can't remember what advantage we saw in allowing X and Y to be used for
> generic horizontal coordinates. At present I'd propose that we allow X and Y
> only for genuine longitude and latitude. Any comments, anyone?
> Cheers
> Jonathan
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Received on Fri Nov 17 2006 - 11:02:28 GMT

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